Creating a Complex MODFLOW 6 Model with Flopy
The purpose of this notebook is to demonstrate the Flopy capabilities for building a more complex MODFLOW 6 model from scratch. This notebook will demonstrate the capabilities by replicating the advgw_tidal model that is distributed with MODFLOW 6.
Setup the Notebook Environment
import sys
import os
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# run installed version of flopy or add local path
import flopy
fpth = os.path.abspath(os.path.join("..", ".."))
import flopy
print("numpy version: {}".format(np.__version__))
print("matplotlib version: {}".format(mpl.__version__))
print("flopy version: {}".format(flopy.__version__))
3.10.10 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Mar 24 2023, 20:08:06) [GCC 11.3.0]
numpy version: 1.24.3
matplotlib version: 3.7.1
flopy version: 3.3.7
# For this example, we will set up a temporary workspace.
# Model input files and output files will reside here.
temp_dir = TemporaryDirectory()
model_name = "advgw_tidal"
workspace = os.path.join(, model_name)
data_pth = os.path.join(
"..", "..", "examples", "data", "mf6", "create_tests", "test005_advgw_tidal"
assert os.path.isdir(data_pth)
# create simulation
sim = flopy.mf6.MFSimulation(
sim_name=model_name, version="mf6", exe_name="mf6", sim_ws=workspace
# create tdis package
tdis_rc = [(1.0, 1, 1.0), (10.0, 120, 1.0), (10.0, 120, 1.0), (10.0, 120, 1.0)]
tdis = flopy.mf6.ModflowTdis(
sim, pname="tdis", time_units="DAYS", nper=4, perioddata=tdis_rc
# create gwf model
gwf = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwf(
sim, modelname=model_name, model_nam_file="{}.nam".format(model_name)
gwf.name_file.save_flows = True
# create iterative model solution and register the gwf model with it
ims = flopy.mf6.ModflowIms(
sim.register_ims_package(ims, [])
# discretization package
nlay = 3
nrow = 15
ncol = 10
botlay2 = {"factor": 1.0, "data": [-100 for x in range(150)]}
dis = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfdis(
botm=[5.0, -10.0, botlay2],
# initial conditions
ic = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfic(
gwf, pname="ic", strt=50.0, filename="{}.ic".format(model_name)
# node property flow
npf = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfnpf(
icelltype=[1, 0, 0],
k=[5.0, 0.1, 4.0],
k33=[0.5, 0.005, 0.1],
# output control
oc = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfoc(
headprintrecord=[("COLUMNS", 10, "WIDTH", 15, "DIGITS", 6, "GENERAL")],
saverecord=[("HEAD", "ALL"), ("BUDGET", "ALL")],
printrecord=[("HEAD", "FIRST"), ("HEAD", "LAST"), ("BUDGET", "LAST")],
# storage package
sy =, layered=True)
for layer in range(0, 3):
sy[layer]["data"] = 0.2
ss =
gwf, layered=True, default_value=0.000001
sto = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfsto(
steady_state={0: True},
transient={1: True},
# well package
# test empty with aux vars, bound names, and time series
period_two = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfwel.stress_period_data.empty(
aux_vars=["var1", "var2", "var3"],
period_two[0][0] = ((0, 11, 2), -50.0, -1, -2, -3, None)
period_two[0][1] = ((2, 4, 7), "well_1_rate", 1, 2, 3, "well_1")
period_two[0][2] = ((2, 3, 2), "well_2_rate", 4, 5, 6, "well_2")
period_three = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfwel.stress_period_data.empty(
aux_vars=["var1", "var2", "var3"],
period_three[0][0] = ((2, 3, 2), "well_2_rate", 1, 2, 3, "well_2")
period_three[0][1] = ((2, 4, 7), "well_1_rate", 4, 5, 6, "well_1")
period_four = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfwel.stress_period_data.empty(
aux_vars=["var1", "var2", "var3"],
period_four[0][0] = ((2, 4, 7), "well_1_rate", 1, 2, 3, "well_1")
period_four[0][1] = ((2, 3, 2), "well_2_rate", 4, 5, 6, "well_2")
period_four[0][2] = ((0, 11, 2), -10.0, 7, 8, 9, None)
period_four[0][3] = ((0, 2, 4), -20.0, 17, 18, 19, None)
period_four[0][4] = ((0, 13, 5), -40.0, 27, 28, 29, None)
stress_period_data = {}
stress_period_data[1] = period_two[0]
stress_period_data[2] = period_three[0]
stress_period_data[3] = period_four[0]
wel = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfwel(
auxiliary=[("var1", "var2", "var3")],
# well ts package
ts_data = [
(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
(1.0, -200.0, 0.0, -100.0),
(11.0, -1800.0, -500.0, -200.0),
(21.0, -200.0, -400.0, -300.0),
(31.0, 0.0, -600.0, -400.0),
time_series_namerecord=[("well_1_rate", "well_2_rate", "well_3_rate")],
interpolation_methodrecord=[("stepwise", "stepwise", "stepwise")],
# Evapotranspiration
evt_period = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfevt.stress_period_data.empty(gwf, 150, nseg=3)
for col in range(0, 10):
for row in range(0, 15):
evt_period[0][col * 15 + row] = (
(0, row, col),
evt = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfevt(
# General-Head Boundaries
ghb_period = {}
ghb_period_array = []
for layer, cond in zip(range(1, 3), [15.0, 1500.0]):
for row in range(0, 15):
ghb_period_array.append(((layer, row, 9), "tides", cond, "Estuary-L2"))
ghb_period[0] = ghb_period_array
ghb = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfghb(
ts_recarray = []
fd = open(os.path.join(data_pth, "tides.txt"), "r")
for line in fd:
line_list = line.strip().split(",")
ts_recarray.append((float(line_list[0]), float(line_list[1])))
obs_recarray = {
"ghb_obs.csv": [
("ghb-2-6-10", "GHB", (1, 5, 9)),
("ghb-3-6-10", "GHB", (2, 5, 9)),
"ghb_flows.csv": [
("Estuary2", "GHB", "Estuary-L2"),
("Estuary3", "GHB", "Estuary-L3"),
obs_recarray = {
"head_obs.csv": [("h1_13_8", "HEAD", (2, 12, 7))],
"intercell_flow_obs1.csv": [
("ICF1_1.0", "FLOW-JA-FACE", (0, 4, 5), (0, 5, 5))
"head-hydrographs.csv": [
("h3-13-9", "HEAD", (2, 12, 8)),
("h3-12-8", "HEAD", (2, 11, 7)),
("h1-4-3", "HEAD", (0, 3, 2)),
("h1-12-3", "HEAD", (0, 11, 2)),
("h1-13-9", "HEAD", (0, 12, 8)),
obs_package = flopy.mf6.ModflowUtlobs(
# River
riv_period = {}
riv_period_array = [
((0, 2, 0), "river_stage_1", 1001.0, 35.9, None),
((0, 3, 1), "river_stage_1", 1002.0, 35.8, None),
((0, 4, 2), "river_stage_1", 1003.0, 35.7, None),
((0, 4, 3), "river_stage_1", 1004.0, 35.6, None),
((0, 5, 4), "river_stage_1", 1005.0, 35.5, None),
((0, 5, 5), "river_stage_1", 1006.0, 35.4, "riv1_c6"),
((0, 5, 6), "river_stage_1", 1007.0, 35.3, "riv1_c7"),
((0, 4, 7), "river_stage_1", 1008.0, 35.2, None),
((0, 4, 8), "river_stage_1", 1009.0, 35.1, None),
((0, 4, 9), "river_stage_1", 1010.0, 35.0, None),
((0, 9, 0), "river_stage_2", 1001.0, 36.9, "riv2_upper"),
((0, 8, 1), "river_stage_2", 1002.0, 36.8, "riv2_upper"),
((0, 7, 2), "river_stage_2", 1003.0, 36.7, "riv2_upper"),
((0, 6, 3), "river_stage_2", 1004.0, 36.6, None),
((0, 6, 4), "river_stage_2", 1005.0, 36.5, None),
((0, 5, 5), "river_stage_2", 1006.0, 36.4, "riv2_c6"),
((0, 5, 6), "river_stage_2", 1007.0, 36.3, "riv2_c7"),
((0, 6, 7), "river_stage_2", 1008.0, 36.2, None),
((0, 6, 8), "river_stage_2", 1009.0, 36.1),
((0, 6, 9), "river_stage_2", 1010.0, 36.0),
riv_period[0] = riv_period_array
riv = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfriv(
ts_recarray = [
(0.0, 40.0, 41.0),
(1.0, 41.0, 41.5),
(2.0, 43.0, 42.0),
(3.0, 45.0, 42.8),
(4.0, 44.0, 43.0),
(6.0, 43.0, 43.1),
(9.0, 42.0, 42.4),
(11.0, 41.0, 41.5),
(31.0, 40.0, 41.0),
time_series_namerecord=[("river_stage_1", "river_stage_2")],
interpolation_methodrecord=[("linear", "stepwise")],
obs_recarray = {
"riv_obs.csv": [
("rv1-3-1", "RIV", (0, 2, 0)),
("rv1-4-2", "RIV", (0, 3, 1)),
("rv1-5-3", "RIV", (0, 4, 2)),
("rv1-5-4", "RIV", (0, 4, 3)),
("rv1-6-5", "RIV", (0, 5, 4)),
("rv1-c6", "RIV", "riv1_c6"),
("rv1-c7", "RIV", "riv1_c7"),
("rv2-upper", "RIV", "riv2_upper"),
("rv-2-7-4", "RIV", (0, 6, 3)),
("rv2-8-5", "RIV", (0, 6, 4)),
"riv_flowsA.csv": [
("riv1-3-1", "RIV", (0, 2, 0)),
("riv1-4-2", "RIV", (0, 3, 1)),
("riv1-5-3", "RIV", (0, 4, 2)),
"riv_flowsB.csv": [
("riv2-10-1", "RIV", (0, 9, 0)),
("riv-2-9-2", "RIV", (0, 8, 1)),
("riv2-8-3", "RIV", (0, 7, 2)),
# First recharge package
rch1_period = {}
rch1_period_array = []
col_range = {0: 3, 1: 4, 2: 5}
for row in range(0, 15):
if row in col_range:
col_max = col_range[row]
col_max = 6
for col in range(0, col_max):
if (
(row == 3 and col == 5)
or (row == 2 and col == 4)
or (row == 1 and col == 3)
or (row == 0 and col == 2)
mult = 0.5
mult = 1.0
if row == 0 and col == 0:
bnd = "rch-1-1"
elif row == 0 and col == 1:
bnd = "rch-1-2"
elif row == 1 and col == 2:
bnd = "rch-2-3"
bnd = None
rch1_period_array.append(((0, row, col), "rch_1", mult, bnd))
rch1_period[0] = rch1_period_array
rch1 = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfrch(
ts_data = [
(0.0, 0.0015),
(1.0, 0.0010),
(11.0, 0.0015),
(21.0, 0.0025),
(31.0, 0.0015),
# Second recharge package
rch2_period = {}
rch2_period_array = [
((0, 0, 2), "rch_2", 0.5),
((0, 0, 3), "rch_2", 1.0),
((0, 0, 4), "rch_2", 1.0),
((0, 0, 5), "rch_2", 1.0),
((0, 0, 6), "rch_2", 1.0),
((0, 0, 7), "rch_2", 1.0),
((0, 0, 8), "rch_2", 1.0),
((0, 0, 9), "rch_2", 0.5),
((0, 1, 3), "rch_2", 0.5),
((0, 1, 4), "rch_2", 1.0),
((0, 1, 5), "rch_2", 1.0),
((0, 1, 6), "rch_2", 1.0),
((0, 1, 7), "rch_2", 1.0),
((0, 1, 8), "rch_2", 0.5),
((0, 2, 4), "rch_2", 0.5),
((0, 2, 5), "rch_2", 1.0),
((0, 2, 6), "rch_2", 1.0),
((0, 2, 7), "rch_2", 0.5),
((0, 3, 5), "rch_2", 0.5),
((0, 3, 6), "rch_2", 0.5),
rch2_period[0] = rch2_period_array
rch2 = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfrch(
ts_data = [
(0.0, 0.0016),
(1.0, 0.0018),
(11.0, 0.0019),
(21.0, 0.0016),
(31.0, 0.0018),
# Third recharge package
rch3_period = {}
rch3_period_array = []
col_range = {0: 9, 1: 8, 2: 7}
for row in range(0, 15):
if row in col_range:
col_min = col_range[row]
col_min = 6
for col in range(col_min, 10):
if (
(row == 0 and col == 9)
or (row == 1 and col == 8)
or (row == 2 and col == 7)
or (row == 3 and col == 6)
mult = 0.5
mult = 1.0
rch3_period_array.append(((0, row, col), "rch_3", mult))
rch3_period[0] = rch3_period_array
rch3 = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfrch(
ts_data = [
(0.0, 0.0017),
(1.0, 0.0020),
(11.0, 0.0017),
(21.0, 0.0018),
(31.0, 0.0020),
Create the MODFLOW 6 Input Files and Run the Model
Once all the flopy objects are created, it is very easy to create all of the input files and run the model.
# write simulation to new location
writing simulation...
writing simulation name file...
writing simulation tdis package...
writing solution package ims...
writing model advgw_tidal...
writing model name file...
writing package dis...
writing package ic...
writing package npf...
writing package oc...
writing package sto...
writing package wel...
writing package ts_0...
writing package evt...
writing package ghb...
writing package ts_1...
writing package obs_0...
writing package head_obs...
writing package riv...
writing package ts_2...
writing package obs_1...
writing package rch_1...
writing package ts_3...
writing package rch_2...
writing package ts_4...
writing package rch_3...
writing package ts_5...
# Print a list of the files that were created
# in workspace
['advgw_tidal.obs', 'advgw_tidal.tdis', 'advgw_tidal_1.rch', 'tides.ts', 'advgw_tidal.riv', 'mfsim.nam', 'advgw_tidal.ic', 'advgw_tidal.dis', 'advgw_tidal.evt', 'advgw_tidal.ims', 'recharge_rates_2.ts', 'advgw_tidal.riv.obs', 'advgw_tidal.ghb.obs', 'advgw_tidal.nam', 'advgw_tidal.oc', 'advgw_tidal.npf', 'recharge_rates_3.ts', 'recharge_rates_1.ts', 'advgw_tidal.wel', 'river_stages.ts', 'advgw_tidal_3.rch', 'advgw_tidal.sto', 'advgw_tidal.ghb', 'well-rates.ts', 'advgw_tidal_2.rch']
Run the Simulation
We can also run the simulation from the notebook, but only if the MODFLOW 6 executable is available. The executable can be made available by putting the executable in a folder that is listed in the system path variable. Another option is to just put a copy of the executable in the simulation folder, though this should generally be avoided. A final option is to provide a full path to the executable when the simulation is constructed. This would be done by specifying exe_name with the full path.
# Run the simulation
success, buff = sim.run_simulation(silent=True, report=True)
if success:
for line in buff:
raise ValueError("Failed to run.")
VERSION 6.4.1 Release 12/09/2022
MODFLOW 6 compiled Apr 12 2023 19:02:29 with Intel(R) Fortran Intel(R) 64
Compiler Classic for applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version 2021.7.0
Build 20220726_000000
This software has been approved for release by the U.S. Geological
Survey (USGS). Although the software has been subjected to rigorous
review, the USGS reserves the right to update the software as needed
pursuant to further analysis and review. No warranty, expressed or
implied, is made by the USGS or the U.S. Government as to the
functionality of the software and related material nor shall the
fact of release constitute any such warranty. Furthermore, the
software is released on condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S.
Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from its
authorized or unauthorized use. Also refer to the USGS Water
Resources Software User Rights Notice for complete use, copyright,
and distribution information.
Run start date and time (yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss): 2023/05/04 16:00:56
Writing simulation list file: mfsim.lst
Using Simulation name file: mfsim.nam
Solving: Stress period: 1 Time step: 1
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 1
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 2
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 3
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 4
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 5
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 6
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 7
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 8
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 9
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 10
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 11
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 12
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 13
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 14
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 15
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 16
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 17
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 18
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 19
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 20
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 21
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 22
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 23
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 24
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 25
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 26
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 27
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 28
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 29
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 30
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 31
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 32
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 33
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 34
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 35
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 36
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 37
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 38
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 39
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 40
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 41
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 42
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 43
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 44
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 45
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 46
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 47
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 48
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 49
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 50
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 51
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 52
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 53
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 54
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 55
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 56
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 57
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 58
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 59
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 60
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 61
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 62
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 63
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 64
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 65
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 66
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 67
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 68
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 69
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 70
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 71
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 72
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 73
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 74
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 75
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 76
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 77
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 78
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 79
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 80
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 81
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 82
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 83
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 84
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 85
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 86
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 87
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 88
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 89
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 90
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 91
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 92
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 93
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 94
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 95
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 96
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 97
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 98
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 99
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 100
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 101
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 102
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 103
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 104
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 105
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 106
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 107
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 108
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 109
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 110
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 111
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 112
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 113
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 114
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 115
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 116
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 117
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 118
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 119
Solving: Stress period: 2 Time step: 120
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 1
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 2
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 3
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 4
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 5
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 6
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 7
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 8
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 9
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 10
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 11
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 12
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 13
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 14
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 15
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 16
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 17
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 18
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 19
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 20
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 21
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 22
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 23
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 24
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 25
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 26
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 27
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 28
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 29
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 30
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 31
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 32
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 33
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 34
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 35
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 36
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 37
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 38
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 39
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 40
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 41
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 42
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 43
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 44
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 45
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 46
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 47
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 48
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 49
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 50
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 51
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 52
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 53
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 54
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 55
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 56
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 57
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 58
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 59
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 60
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 61
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 62
Solving: Stress period: 3 Time step: 63
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Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 1
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Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 24
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 25
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 26
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Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 34
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Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 36
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 37
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 38
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 39
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 40
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 41
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 42
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 43
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Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 58
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Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 78
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 79
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Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 81
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 82
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 83
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 84
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 85
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 86
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Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 88
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Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 93
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 94
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Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 96
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 97
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 98
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Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 100
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 101
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 102
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Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 104
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 105
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 106
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Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 108
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 109
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 110
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 111
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 112
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 113
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 114
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 115
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 116
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 117
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 118
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 119
Solving: Stress period: 4 Time step: 120
Run end date and time (yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss): 2023/05/04 16:00:58
Elapsed run time: 1.123 Seconds
Normal termination of simulation.
Post-Process Head Results
First, we get the simulated head data using the .output.head()
method and the get_data
function, by specifying, in this case, the step number and period number for which we want to retrieve data. A three-dimensional array is returned of size nlay, nrow, ncol
. FloPy plotting methods are used to make contours of the head in a specific layer (in this case, layer 1). FloPy plotting methods are also used to plot the model grid and the location of GHB cells in the model domain.
# Retrieve the head data using the .output() method
h = gwf.output.head().get_data(kstpkper=(0, 0))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect="equal")
# Next we create an instance of the ModelMap class
modelmap = flopy.plot.PlotMapView(model=gwf, ax=ax)
ghb_quadmesh = modelmap.plot_bc(name="ghb", plotAll=True)
riv_quadmesh = modelmap.plot_bc(name="riv", plotAll=True)
linecollection = modelmap.plot_grid()
contours = modelmap.contour_array(h[0])

Post-Process Flows
MODFLOW 6 writes a binary grid file, which contains information about the model grid. MODFLOW 6 also writes a binary budget file, which contains flow information. Both of these files can be read using FloPy methods. The MfGrdFile
class in FloPy can be used to read the binary grid file, which contains the cell connectivity (ia
and ja
). The output.budget()
method in FloPy can be used to read the binary budget file written by MODFLOW 6.
fname = os.path.join(workspace, "{}.dis.grb".format(model_name))
bgf = flopy.mf6.utils.MfGrdFile(fname)
ia, ja = bgf.ia, bgf.ja
flowja = gwf.output.budget().get_data(text="FLOW-JA-FACE")[0].squeeze()
# By having the ia and ja arrays and the flow-ja-face we can look at
# the flows for any cell and process them in the follow manner. Note
# layer, row, column locations are zero-based.
k = 2
i = 11
j = 2
cell_nodes = gwf.modelgrid.get_node([(k, i, j)])
for celln in cell_nodes:
print("Printing flows for cell {}".format(celln))
for ipos in range(ia[celln] + 1, ia[celln + 1]):
cellm = ja[ipos]
"Cell {} flow with cell {} is {}".format(
celln, cellm, flowja[ipos]
Printing flows for cell 412
Cell 412 flow with cell 262 is 251.46262091207623
Cell 412 flow with cell 402 is 0.7176346498656017
Cell 412 flow with cell 411 is 439.8629968543804
Cell 412 flow with cell 413 is -693.4212447574185
Cell 412 flow with cell 422 is 1.3779378787739915
Post-Process Head Observations
MODFLOW 6 observations can be read using the output.obs()
method in FloPy.
csv = gwf.head_obs.output.obs(f="head-hydrographs.csv").get_data()
for name in csv.dtype.names[1:]:
plt.plot(csv["totim"], csv[name], label=name)

# ignore PermissionError on Windows