Source code for flopy.mfusg.mfusg

"""Mfusg module."""
import os
from inspect import getfullargspec
from typing import Union

import flopy

from ..mbase import PackageLoadException
from ..modflow import Modflow
from ..utils import mfreadnam

[docs]class MfUsg(Modflow): """MODFLOW-USG Model Class. Parameters ---------- modelname : str or PathLike, default "modflowusgtest". Name of model. This string will be used to name the MODFLOW input that are created with write_model. namefile_ext : str, default "nam" Extension for the namefile. exe_name : str, default "mfusg" The name of the executable to use. structured : bool, default True Specify if model grid is structured (default) or unstructured. listunit : int, default 2 Unit number for the list file. model_ws : str, default "." Model workspace. Directory name to create model data sets. Default is the present working directory. external_path : str, optional Location for external files. verbose : bool, default False Print additional information to the screen. Attributes ---------- Methods ------- See Also -------- Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> import flopy >>> usg = flopy.mfusg.MfUsg() """ def __init__( self, modelname="modflowusgtest", structured=True, model_ws: Union[str, os.PathLike] = os.curdir, **kwargs, ): """Constructs the MfUsg object. Overrides the parent Modflow object.""" valid_args_defaults = { "namefile_ext": "nam", "exe_name": "mfusg", "listunit": 2, "external_path": None, "verbose": False, } for arg, default_value in valid_args_defaults.items(): setattr(self, arg, kwargs.pop(arg, default_value)) # remove "version" from kwarg if inadvertently provided try: kwargs.pop("version") except KeyError: pass super().__init__( modelname, self.namefile_ext, version="mfusg", exe_name=self.exe_name, structured=structured, listunit=self.listunit, model_ws=model_ws, external_path=self.external_path, verbose=self.verbose, **kwargs, ) # Create a dictionary to map package with package object. # This is used for loading models. self.mfnam_packages = { "zone": flopy.modflow.ModflowZon, "mult": flopy.modflow.ModflowMlt, "pval": flopy.modflow.ModflowPval, "bas6": flopy.modflow.ModflowBas, "dis": flopy.modflow.ModflowDis, "hfb6": flopy.modflow.ModflowHfb, "chd": flopy.modflow.ModflowChd, "fhb": flopy.modflow.ModflowFhb, "drn": flopy.modflow.ModflowDrn, "drt": flopy.modflow.ModflowDrt, "rch": flopy.modflow.ModflowRch, "evt": flopy.modflow.ModflowEvt, "ghb": flopy.modflow.ModflowGhb, "riv": flopy.modflow.ModflowRiv, "str": flopy.modflow.ModflowStr, "sfr": flopy.modflow.ModflowSfr2, "lak": flopy.modflow.ModflowLak, "gage": flopy.modflow.ModflowGage, "oc": flopy.modflow.ModflowOc, "sub": flopy.modflow.ModflowSub, "swt": flopy.modflow.ModflowSwt, "disu": flopy.mfusg.MfUsgDisU, "sms": flopy.mfusg.MfUsgSms, "wel": flopy.mfusg.MfUsgWel, "bcf6": flopy.mfusg.MfUsgBcf, "lpf": flopy.mfusg.MfUsgLpf, "cln": flopy.mfusg.MfUsgCln, "gnc": flopy.mfusg.MfUsgGnc, } def __repr__(self): """Returns a representation of the MfUsg object.""" nrow, ncol, nlay, nper = self.get_nrow_ncol_nlay_nper() if nrow is not None: # structured case msg = ( f"MODFLOW {nlay} layer(s) {nrow} row(s) {ncol} column(s) " f"{nper} stress period(s)" ) else: # unstructured case msg = ( "MODFLOW unstructured\n" f" nodes = {ncol.sum()}\n" f" layers = {nlay}\n" f" stress periods = {nper}\n" f" nodelay = {ncol}\n" ) return msg
[docs] @classmethod def load( cls, f: str, version="mfusg", exe_name: Union[str, os.PathLike] = "mfusg", verbose=False, model_ws: Union[str, os.PathLike] = os.curdir, load_only=None, forgive=False, check=True, ): """Load an existing MODFLOW-USG model. Parameters ---------- f : str Name of MODFLOW name file to load. version : str, default "mfusg" MODFLOW version. Must be "mfusg". exe_name : str, default "mfusg" MODFLOW executable name. verbose : bool, default False Show messages that can be useful for debugging. model_ws : str or PathLike, default "." Model workspace path. Default is the current directory. load_only : list, str or None List of case insensitive packages to load, e.g. ["bas6", "lpf"]. One package can also be specified, e.g. "rch". Default is None, which attempts to load all files. An empty list [] will not load any additional packages than is necessary. At a minimum, "dis" or "disu" is always loaded. forgive : bool, optional, default False Option to raise exceptions on package load failure, which can be useful for debugging. Default False. check : boolean, optional Check model input for common errors. Default True. Returns ------- flopy.mfusg.MfUsg Examples -------- >>> import flopy >>> ml = flopy.mfusg.MfUsg.load('model.nam') """ if version != "mfusg": version = "mfusg" # similar to modflow command: if file does not exist , try file.nam namefile_path = os.path.join(model_ws, f) if not os.path.isfile(namefile_path) and os.path.isfile( f"{namefile_path}.nam" ): namefile_path += ".nam" if not os.path.isfile(namefile_path): raise OSError(f"cannot find name file: {namefile_path}") # Determine model name from 'f', without any extension or path modelname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))[0] if verbose: print(f"\nCreating new model with name: {modelname}\n{50 * '-'}\n") attribs = mfreadnam.attribs_from_namfile_header( os.path.join(model_ws, f) ) model = cls( modelname, exe_name=exe_name, verbose=verbose, model_ws=model_ws, **attribs, ) # read name file ext_unit_dict = mfreadnam.parsenamefile( namefile_path, model.mfnam_packages, verbose=verbose ) if model.verbose: print( f"\n{50 * '-'}\nExternal unit dictionary:\n" f"{ext_unit_dict}\n{50 * '-'}\n" ) # create a dict where key is the package name, value is unitnumber ext_pkg_d = {v.filetype: k for (k, v) in ext_unit_dict.items()} # reset version based on packages in the name file if "DISU" in ext_pkg_d: model.structured = False # reset unit number for list file if "LIST" in ext_pkg_d: unitnumber = ext_pkg_d["LIST"] filepth = os.path.basename(ext_unit_dict[unitnumber].filename) model.lst.unit_number = [unitnumber] model.lst.file_name = [filepth] # look for the free format flag in bas6 bas_key = ext_pkg_d.get("BAS6") if bas_key is not None: bas = ext_unit_dict[bas_key] start = bas.filehandle.tell() line = bas.filehandle.readline() while line.startswith("#"): line = bas.filehandle.readline() if "FREE" in line.upper(): model.free_format_input = True if verbose: print(f"ModflowBas6 free format:{model.free_format_input}\n") # set mfpar / pval cls._set_mfpar_pval(model, ext_unit_dict, ext_pkg_d) files_successfully_loaded, files_not_loaded = cls._load_packages( model, ext_unit_dict, ext_pkg_d, load_only, forgive ) # set up binary output / external file units cls._set_output_external(model, ext_unit_dict) # send messages re: success/failure of loading cls._send_load_messages( model, files_successfully_loaded, files_not_loaded ) if check: model.check(f=f"{}.chk", verbose=model.verbose, level=0) # return model object return model
@classmethod def _load_packages( cls, model, ext_unit_dict, ext_pkg_d, load_only, forgive ): """ Method to load packages into the MODFLOW-USG Model Class. For internal class use - should not be called by the user. Parameters ---------- model : MfUsg model object ext_unit_dict : dict For each file listed in the name file, a :class:`flopy.utils.mfreadnam.NamData` instance. Keyed by unit number. ext_pkg_d : dict key is package name, value is unitnumber load_only : list, str or None List of case insensitive packages to load, e.g. ["bas6", "lpf"]. One package can also be specified, e.g. "rch". Default is None, which attempts to load all files. An empty list [] will not load any additional packages than is necessary. At a minimum, "dis" or "disu" is always loaded. forgive : bool Option to raise exceptions on package load failure. Returns ---------- files_successfully_loaded : list of loaded files files_not_loaded : list of files that were not loaded """ files_successfully_loaded = [] files_not_loaded = [] # load dis dis_key = ext_pkg_d.get("DIS") or ext_pkg_d.get("DISU") if dis_key is None: raise KeyError("discretization entry not found in nam file") disnamdata = ext_unit_dict[dis_key] dis = disnamdata.package.load( disnamdata.filehandle, model, ext_unit_dict=ext_unit_dict, check=False, ) files_successfully_loaded.append(disnamdata.filename) if model.verbose: print(f" {[0]:4s} package load...success") assert model.pop_key_list.pop() == dis_key ext_unit_dict.pop(dis_key).filehandle.close() dis.start_datetime = model.start_datetime load_only = cls._prepare_load_only(load_only, ext_pkg_d) # try loading packages in ext_unit_dict for key, item in ext_unit_dict.items(): if item.package is not None: ( files_successfully_loaded, files_not_loaded, ) = cls._load_ext_unit_dict_paks( model, ext_unit_dict, load_only, item, forgive, files_successfully_loaded, files_not_loaded, ) elif "data" not in item.filetype.lower(): files_not_loaded.append(item.filename) if model.verbose: print(f" {item.filetype:4s} package load...skipped") elif "data" in item.filetype.lower(): cls._prepare_external_files(model, key, item) else: raise KeyError(f"unhandled case: {key}, {item}") return files_successfully_loaded, files_not_loaded @staticmethod def _prepare_load_only(load_only, ext_pkg_d): """Prepare load_only list.""" if load_only is None: # load all packages/files load_only = ext_pkg_d.keys() else: # check items in list if not isinstance(load_only, list): load_only = [load_only] not_found = [] for idx, filetype in enumerate(load_only): load_only[idx] = filetype = filetype.upper() if filetype not in ext_pkg_d: not_found.append(filetype) if not_found: raise KeyError( "the following load_only entries were not found " "in the ext_unit_dict: " + str(not_found) ) return load_only @classmethod def _load_ext_unit_dict_paks( cls, model, ext_unit_dict, load_only, item, forgive, files_successfully_loaded, files_not_loaded, ): """Load packages from ext_unit_dict.""" if item.filetype in load_only: if forgive: try: cls._ext_unit_d_load(model, ext_unit_dict, item) files_successfully_loaded.append(item.filename) if model.verbose: print( f" {item.filetype:4s} package \ load...success" ) except PackageLoadException as err: model.load_fail = True if model.verbose: raise PackageLoadException( error=f" {item.filetype:4s} package \ load...failed" ) from err files_not_loaded.append(item.filename) else: cls._ext_unit_d_load(model, ext_unit_dict, item) files_successfully_loaded.append(item.filename) if model.verbose: print(f" {item.filetype:4s} package load...success") else: if model.verbose: print(f" {item.filetype:4s} package load...skipped") files_not_loaded.append(item.filename) return files_successfully_loaded, files_not_loaded @staticmethod def _prepare_external_files(model, key, item): """Prepare external files for ext_unit_dict item.""" if model.verbose: print(f" {item.filetype} package load...skipped") print(f" {os.path.basename(item.filename)}") if key not in model.pop_key_list: # do not add unit number (key) if it already exists if key not in model.external_units: model.external_fnames.append(item.filename) model.external_units.append(key) model.external_binflag.append( "binary" in item.filetype.lower() ) model.external_output.append(False) @staticmethod def _ext_unit_d_load(model, ext_unit_dict, ext_unit_d_item): """ Method to load a package from an ext_unit_dict item into model Parameters ---------- model : MfUsg model object for which package in ext_unit_d_item will be loaded ext_unit_dict : dict For each file listed in the name file, a :class:`flopy.utils.mfreadnam.NamData` instance. Keyed by unit number. ext_unit_d_item : :class:`flopy.utils.mfreadnam.NamData` instance. Must be an item of ext_unit_dict. """ package_load_args = getfullargspec(ext_unit_d_item.package.load)[0] if "check" in package_load_args: ext_unit_d_item.package.load( ext_unit_d_item.filehandle, model, ext_unit_dict=ext_unit_dict, check=False, ) else: ext_unit_d_item.package.load( ext_unit_d_item.filehandle, model, ext_unit_dict=ext_unit_dict, ) @staticmethod def _set_mfpar_pval(model, ext_unit_dict, ext_pkg_d): """Set mfpar/pval items.""" # zone, mult, pval if "PVAL" in ext_pkg_d: model.mfpar.set_pval(model, ext_unit_dict) assert model.pop_key_list.pop() == ext_pkg_d.get("PVAL") if "ZONE" in ext_pkg_d: model.mfpar.set_zone(model, ext_unit_dict) assert model.pop_key_list.pop() == ext_pkg_d.get("ZONE") if "MULT" in ext_pkg_d: model.mfpar.set_mult(model, ext_unit_dict) assert model.pop_key_list.pop() == ext_pkg_d.get("MULT") @staticmethod def _set_output_external(model, ext_unit_dict): """Set up binary output / external file units.""" # pop binary output keys and any external file units that are now # internal for key in model.pop_key_list: try: model.remove_external(unit=key) item = ext_unit_dict.pop(key) if hasattr(item.filehandle, "close"): item.filehandle.close() except KeyError: if model.verbose: print( f"\nWARNING:\n External file unit {key} does not " "exist in ext_unit_dict." ) @staticmethod def _send_load_messages( model, files_successfully_loaded, files_not_loaded ): """Send messages re: success/failure of loading.""" # write message indicating packages that were successfully loaded if model.verbose: print("") print( f" The following {len(files_successfully_loaded)} packages " "were successfully loaded." ) for fname in files_successfully_loaded: print(f" {os.path.basename(fname)}") if len(files_not_loaded) > 0: print( f" The following {len(files_not_loaded)} packages " "were not loaded." ) for fname in files_not_loaded: print(f" {os.path.basename(fname)}")
[docs]def fmt_string(array): """ Returns a C-style fmt string for numpy savetxt that corresponds to the dtype. Parameters ---------- array : numpy array """ fmts = [] for field in array.dtype.descr: vtype = field[1][1].lower() if vtype in ("i", "b"): fmts.append("%10d") elif vtype == "f": fmts.append("%14.6g") elif vtype == "o": fmts.append("%10s") elif vtype == "s": msg = ( "mfusg.fmt_string error: 'str' type found in dtype." "This gives unpredictable results when" "recarray to file - change to 'object' type" ) raise TypeError(msg) else: raise TypeError( "mfusg.fmt_string error: unknown vtype in" f"field: {field}" ) return "".join(fmts)