Source code for flopy.mfusg.mfusgcln

# pylint: disable=E1101
Mfusgcln module.

Contains the MfUsgCln class. Note that the user can
access the MfUsgCln class as `flopy.mfusg.MfUsgCln`.

Compatible with USG-Transport Version 1.7.0. which can be downloade from

Additional information for this MODFLOW package can be found at the `Online
Panday, S., 2021; USG-Transport Version 1.7.0: The Block-Centered Transport
Process for MODFLOW-USG, GSI Environmental, March, 2021

Panday, Sorab, Langevin, C.D., Niswonger, R.G., Ibaraki, Motomu, and Hughes,
J.D., 2013, MODFLOW–USG version 1: An unstructured grid version of MODFLOW
for simulating groundwater flow and tightly coupled processes using a control
volume finite-difference formulation: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and
Methods, book 6, chap. A45, 66 p.
import numpy as np

from ..pakbase import Package
from ..utils import Util2d
from ..utils.utils_def import get_open_file_object
from .cln_dtypes import MfUsgClnDtypes
from .mfusg import MfUsg, fmt_string

[docs]class MfUsgCln(Package): """Connected Linear Network (CLN) Package class for MODFLOW-USG. Parameters ---------- model : model object The model object (of type :class:``) to which this package will be added. ncln : int is a flag or the number of CLN segments. If NCLN = 0, this flag indicates that the CLN domain connectivity is input in a general IA-JA manner as is used for the GWF Process.If NCLN > 0, linear CLN segments (for instance multi-aquifer wells) or simple CLN networks are simulated and NCLN is the total number of CLN segments in the domain. iclnnds : int is a flag or number of CLN-nodes simulated in the model. Multiple CLN-nodes constitute a segment.If ICLNNDS < 0, the CLN-nodes are ordered in a sequential manner from the first CLN node to the last CLN node. Therefore, only linear CLN segments are simulated since a CLN segment does not share any of its nodes with another CLN segment. If ICLNNDS > 0, CLN networks can be simulated and ICLNNDS is the total number of CLN-nodes simulated by the model (NCLNNDS). CLN nodes can be shared among CLN segments and therefore, the CLN-nodal connectivity for the network is also required as input. nndcln : list of int is the number of CLN-nodes that are associated with each CLN segment. Only read if NCLN > 0. If ICLNNDS < 0, sum of nndcln is the total number of CLN-nodes (NCLNNDS) clncon : list of list are the CLN-node numbers associated with each CLN segment. Only read if NCLN > 0 and ICLNNDS > 0. It is read NCLN times, once for each CLN segment. The number of entries for each sublist is the number of CLN cells (NNDCLN) associated with each CLN segment nja_cln : int is the total number of connections of the CLN domain. NJA_CLN is used to dimension the sparse matrix in a compressed row storage format. iac_cln : list of int is a matrix indicating the number of connections plus 1 for each CLN node to another CLN node. Note that the IAC_CLN array is only supplied for the CLN cells; the IAC_CLN array is internally expanded to include other domains if present in a simulation. sum(IAC)=NJAG ja_cln : list of list is a list of CLN cell number (n) followed by its connecting CLN cell numbers (m) for each of the m CLN cells connected to CLN cell n. This list is sequentially provided for the first to the last CLN cell. Note that the cell and its connections are only supplied for the CLN cells and their connections to the other CLN cells using the local CLN cell numbers. node_prop : matrix [IFNO IFTYP IFDIR FLENG FELEV FANGLE IFLIN ICCWADI X1 Y1 Z1 X2 Y2 Z2] is a table of the node properties. Total rows equal the total number of CLN-nodes (NCLNNDS). The first 6 fields is required for running model. Rest of fields have default value of 0. nclngwc : int is the number of CLN to porous-medium grid-block connections present in the model. A CLN node need not be connected to any groundwater node. Conversely, a CLN node may be connected to multiple groundwater nodes, or multiple CLN nodes may be connected to the same porous medium mode. cln_gwc : matrix unstructured: [IFNOD IGWNOD IFCON FSKIN FLENGW FANISO ICGWADI] structured: [IFNOD IGWLAY IGWROW IGWFCOL IFCON FSKIN FLENGW FANISO ICGWADI] is a table define connections between CLN nodes and groundwater cells. Total rows of the table equals nclngwc. nconduityp : int is the number of circular conduit-geometry types. cln_circ : [ICONDUITYP FRAD CONDUITK TCOND TTHK TCFLUID TCONV] is a table define the circular conduit properties. Total rows of the table equals nconduityp. Last 4 fields only needed for heat transport simulation. ibound : 1-D array is the boundary array for CLN-nodes. Length equal NCLNNDS strt : 1-D array is initial head at the beginning of the simulation in CLN nodes. Length equal NCLNNDS transient : bool if there is transient IBOUND for each stress period printiaja : bool whether to print IA_CLN and JA_CLN to listing file nrectyp : int is the number of rectangular conduit-geometry types. cln_rect : rectangular fracture properties [IRECTYP FLENGTH FHEIGHT CONDUITK TCOND TTHK TCFLUID TCONV] is read for each rectangular conduit. Total rows of the table equals nrectyp. Last 4 fields only needed for heat transport simulation. bhe : bool is a flag indicating that bhe details are also included in a heat transport model. Specifically, the thermal conductance and bhe tube thickness are included in transfer of heat between groundwater and CLN cells along with the heat conductivity of the bhe fluid and the convective heat transfer coefficient. grav : float is the gravitational acceleration constant in model simulation units. The value of the constant follows the keyword GRAVITY. Note that the constant value is 9.81 m/s2 in SI units; 32.2 ft/s2 in fps units. visk : float is the kinematic viscosity of water in model simulation units [L2/T]. The value of kinematic viscosity follows the keyword VISCOSITY. Note that the constant value is 1.787 x 10-6 m2/s in SI units; 1.924 x 10-5 ft2/s in fps units. extension : list of strings (default is ['cln','clncb','clnhd','clndd','clnib','clncn','clnmb']). unitnumber : list of int File unit number for the package and the output files. (default is [71, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ). filenames : list of str Filenames to use for the package and the output files. If filenames = None the package name will be created using the model name and package extensions. Attributes ---------- Methods ------- See Also -------- Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> import flopy >>> ml = flopy.mfusg.MfUsg() >>> node_prop = [[1,1,0,10.0,-110.0,1.57,0,0],[2,1,0,10.0,-130.0,1.57,0,0]] >>> cln_gwc = [[1,1,50,50,0,0,10.0,1.0,0],[2,2,50,50,0,0,10.0,1.0,0]] >>> cln = flopy.mfusg.MfUsgCln(ml, ncln=1, iclnnds=-1, nndcln=2, nclngwc = 2, node_prop =node_prop, cln_gwc =cln_gwc)""" def __init__( self, model, ncln=None, # number of CLNs iclnnds=None, # number of nodes nndcln=None, # number of nodes in each CLN segments clncon=None, # node IDs in each CLN segments nja_cln=None, # total number of node-node connections (NJAG) iac_cln=None, # number of connections for each node (sum(IAC)=NJAG ja_cln=None, # node connections node_prop=None, # node properties nclngwc=None, # number of CLN-GW connections cln_gwc=None, # CLN-GW connections nconduityp=1, # number of circular conduit types cln_circ=None, # circular conduit properties ibound=1, # boundary condition types strt=1.0, # initial head in CLN cells transient=False, # OPTIONS: transient IBOUND for each stress period printiaja=False, # OPTIONS: print IA_CLN and JA_CLN to listing file nrectyp=0, # OPTIONS2: number of rectangular fracture types cln_rect=None, # rectangular fracture properties bhe=False, # OPTIONS2: borehole heat exchanger (BHE) grav=None, # OPTIONS2: gravitational acceleration constant visk=None, # OPTIONS2: kinematic viscosity of water extension=( "cln", "clncb", "clnhd", "clndd", "clnib", "clncn", "clnmb", ), unitnumber=None, filenames=None, ): """Package constructor.""" msg = ( "Model object must be of type flopy.mfusg.MfUsg\n" f"but received type: {type(model)}." ) assert isinstance(model, MfUsg), msg # set default unit number of one is not specified if unitnumber is None: self.unitnumber = self._defaultunit() elif isinstance(unitnumber, list): if len(unitnumber) < 7: for idx in range(len(unitnumber), 7): unitnumber.append(0) # set filenames filenames = self._prepare_filenames(filenames, num=7) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number super().__init__( model, extension=list(extension), name=self._ftype(), unit_number=unitnumber, filenames=filenames, ) self._generate_heading() # Options self.transient = transient self.printiaja = printiaja for idx, attr in enumerate(extension[1:]): setattr(self, f"i{attr}", int(unitnumber[idx + 1])) if getattr(self, f"i{attr}") > 0: model.add_output_file( getattr(self, f"i{attr}"), fname=filenames[idx + 1], extension=attr, binflag=True, package=self._ftype(), ) # Define CLN networks and connections self.ncln = ncln self.iclnnds = iclnnds self.nndcln = nndcln self.clncon = clncon self.iac_cln = iac_cln self.nja_cln = nja_cln self.ja_cln = ja_cln self._define_cln_networks(model) # Define CLN node properties if node_prop is None: raise Exception("mfcln: Node properties must be provided") if len(node_prop) != self.nclnnds: raise Exception( "mfcln: Length of Node properties must equal number of nodes" ) self.node_prop = self._make_recarray( node_prop, dtype=MfUsgClnDtypes.get_clnnode_dtype() ) # Define CLN groundwater connections if nclngwc is None: raise Exception("mfcln: Number of CLN-GW connections not defined") self.nclngwc = nclngwc if cln_gwc is None: raise Exception("mfcln: CLN-GW connections not provided") if len(cln_gwc) != nclngwc: raise Exception( "mfcln: Number of CLN-GW connections not equal to nclngwc" ) structured = self.parent.structured self.cln_gwc = self._make_recarray( cln_gwc, dtype=MfUsgClnDtypes.get_gwconn_dtype(structured) ) # Define CLN geometry types self.nconduityp = nconduityp self.cln_circ = cln_circ self.nrectyp = nrectyp self.cln_rect = cln_rect self.bhe = bhe self.grav = grav self.visk = visk self._define_cln_geometries() # Define CLN ibound and initial heads properties self.ibound = Util2d( model, (self.nclnnds,), np.int32, ibound, name="ibound", locat=self.unit_number[0], ) self.strt = Util2d( model, (self.nclnnds,), np.float32, strt, name="strt", locat=self.unit_number[0], ) self.parent.add_package(self) @staticmethod def _get_default_extension(): """Gets default package file extensions.""" return [ "cln", "clncb", "clnhd", "clndd", "clnib", "clncn", "clnmb", ] def _define_cln_networks(self, model): """Initialises CLN networks.""" if self.ncln is None: raise Exception("mfcln: CLN network not defined") if self.ncln < 0: raise Exception( "mfcln: negative number of CLN segments in CLN package" ) if self.ncln > 0: # Linear CLN segments if self.nndcln is None: raise Exception( "mfcln: number of nodes for each CLN segment must be " "provided" ) self.nndcln = Util2d( model, (self.ncln,), np.int32, self.nndcln, name="nndcln", locat=self.unit_number[0], ) # consecutive node number. No connection between segments if self.iclnnds < 0: self.nclnnds = self.nndcln.array.sum() self.nodeno = np.array(range(self.nclnnds), dtype=int) + 1 # Node number provided for each segment to simulate CLN networks elif self.iclnnds > 0: self.nclnnds = self.iclnnds self.nodeno = ( np.asarray(set(self.clncon), dtype=object) + 1 ) # can be jagged else: raise Exception("mfcln: Node number = 0") elif self.ncln == 0: # CLN network defined by IA-JA connection matrix if self.iclnnds <= 0: raise Exception("mfcln: Negative or zero number of nodes") self.nclnnds = self.iclnnds self.nodeno = np.array(range(self.nclnnds), dtype=int) + 1 if self.iac_cln is None: raise Exception("mfcln: iac_cln must be provided") self.iac_cln = Util2d( model, (self.nclnnds,), np.int32, self.iac_cln, name="iac_cln", locat=self.unit_number[0], ) msg = "mfcln: The sum of iac_cln must equal nja_cln." assert self.iac_cln.array.sum() == self.nja_cln, msg if self.ja_cln is None: raise Exception("mfcln: ja_cln must be provided") if abs(self.ja_cln[0]) != 1: raise Exception( "mfcln: first ja_cln entry (node 1) is not 1 or -1." ) self.ja_cln = Util2d( model, (self.nja_cln,), np.int32, self.ja_cln, name="ja_cln", locat=self.unit_number[0], ) def _define_cln_geometries(self): """Initialises CLN geometry types.""" # Circular conduit geometry types if self.nconduityp <= 0 or self.cln_circ is None: raise Exception( "mfcln: Circular conduit properties must be provided" ) if len(self.cln_circ) != self.nconduityp: raise Exception( "mfcln: Number of circular properties not equal nconduityp" ) self.cln_circ = self._make_recarray( self.cln_circ, dtype=MfUsgClnDtypes.get_clncirc_dtype(self.bhe) ) # Rectangular conduit geometry types if self.nrectyp > 0: if len(self.cln_rect) != self.nconduityp: raise Exception( "mfcln: Number of rectangular properties not equal nrectyp" ) self.cln_rect = self._make_recarray( self.cln_rect, dtype=MfUsgClnDtypes.get_clnrect_dtype(self.bhe) ) @property def cln_nodes(self): """Returns the total number of CLN nodes.""" return self.nclnnds
[docs] def write_file(self, f=None, check=False): """ Write the package file. Parameters ---------- f : filename or file handle File to write to. Returns ------- None """ if f is None: f = self.fn_path f_cln = get_open_file_object(f, "w") if check: print("Warning: mfcln package check not yet implemented.") f_cln.write(f"{self.heading}\n") # write items 0 and 1 self._write_items_0_1(f_cln) if self.ncln > 0: f_cln.write(self.nndcln.get_file_entry()) if self.iclnnds > 0: for icln in range(self.ncln): f_cln.write(self.clncon[icln]) elif self.ncln == 0: f_cln.write(f" {self.nja_cln:9d}\n") f_cln.write(self.iac_cln.get_file_entry()) f_cln.write(self.ja_cln.get_file_entry()) np.savetxt( f_cln, self.node_prop, fmt=fmt_string(self.node_prop), delimiter="" ) np.savetxt( f_cln, self.cln_gwc, fmt=fmt_string(self.cln_gwc), delimiter="" ) if self.nconduityp > 0: np.savetxt( f_cln, self.cln_circ, fmt=fmt_string(self.cln_circ), delimiter="", ) if self.nrectyp > 0: np.savetxt( f_cln, self.cln_rect, fmt=fmt_string(self.cln_rect), delimiter="", ) f_cln.write(self.ibound.get_file_entry()) f_cln.write(self.strt.get_file_entry()) f_cln.close()
def _write_items_0_1(self, f_cln): """Writes cln items 0 and 1.""" if self.transient or self.printiaja: f_cln.write("OPTIONS ") if self.transient: f_cln.write("TRANSIENT ") if self.printiaja: f_cln.write("PRINTIAJA ") f_cln.write("\n") f_cln.write( f" {self.ncln:9d} {self.iclnnds:9d} {self.iclncb:9d}" f" {self.iclnhd:9d} {self.iclndd:9d} {self.iclnib:9d}" f" {self.nclngwc:9d} {self.nconduityp:9d}" ) if self.nrectyp > 0: f_cln.write(f"RECTANGULAR {self.nrectyp:d}") if self.bhe: f_cln.write("BHEDETAIL ") if self.iclncn != 0: f_cln.write(f"SAVECLNCON {self.iclncn:d}") if self.iclnmb != 0: f_cln.write(f"SAVECLNMAS {self.iclnmb:d}") if self.grav is not None: f_cln.write(f"GRAVITY {self.grav:f}") if self.visk is not None: f_cln.write(f"VISCOSITY {self.visk:f}") f_cln.write("\n")
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, f, model, pak_type="cln", ext_unit_dict=None, **kwargs): """ Load an existing package. Parameters ---------- f : filename or file handle File to load. model : model object The model object (of type :class:``) to which this package will be added. ext_unit_dict : dictionary, optional If the arrays in the file are specified using EXTERNAL, or older style array control records, then `f` should be a file handle. In this case ext_unit_dict is required, which can be constructed using the function :class:`flopy.utils.mfreadnam.parsenamefile`. Returns ------- cln : MfUsgCln object Examples -------- >>> import flopy >>> m = flopy.modflow.Modflow() >>> cln = flopy.mfusg.MfUsgCln.load('test.cln', m) """ msg = ( "Model object must be of type flopy.mfusg.MfUsg\n" f"but received type: {type(model)}." ) assert isinstance(model, MfUsg), msg if model.verbose: print("loading CLN package file...\n") if not hasattr(f, "read"): filename = f f = open(filename, "r") # Items 0 and 1 ( transient, printiaja, ncln, iclnnds, iclncb, iclnhd, iclndd, iclnib, nclngwc, nconduityp, nrectyp, cln_rect, bhe, iclncn, iclnmb, grav, visk, ) = cls._load_items_0_1(f, model) # Items 3, or 4/5/6 ( nndcln, clncon, nja_cln, iac_cln, ja_cln, nclnnds, ) = cls._load_items_3to6(f, model, ncln, iclnnds, ext_unit_dict) if model.verbose: print(" Reading node_prop...") node_prop = cls._read_prop(f, nclnnds) if model.verbose: print(" Reading cln_gwc...") cln_gwc = cls._read_prop(f, nclngwc) if model.verbose: print(" Reading cln_circ...") cln_circ = cls._read_prop(f, nconduityp) cln_rect = None if nrectyp > 0: if model.verbose: print(" Reading cln_rect...") cln_rect = cls._read_prop(f, nrectyp) if model.verbose: print(" Reading ibound...") ibound = Util2d.load( f, model, (nclnnds,), np.int32, "ibound", ext_unit_dict ) if model.verbose: print(" Reading strt...") strt = Util2d.load( f, model, (nclnnds,), np.float32, "strt", ext_unit_dict ) if hasattr(f, "read"): f.close() # set package unit number # reset unit numbers unitnumber = MfUsgCln._defaultunit() filenames = [None] * 7 if ext_unit_dict is not None: unitnumber[0], filenames[0] = model.get_ext_dict_attr( ext_unit_dict, filetype=cls._ftype() ) file_unit_items = [iclncb, iclnhd, iclndd, iclnib, iclncn, iclnmb] funcs = [abs] + [int] * 3 + [abs] * 2 for idx, (item, func) in enumerate(zip(file_unit_items, funcs)): if item > 0: ( unitnumber[idx + 1], filenames[idx + 1], ) = model.get_ext_dict_attr(ext_unit_dict, unit=func(item)) model.add_pop_key_list(func(item)) # create dis object instance cln = cls( model, ncln=ncln, iclnnds=iclnnds, nndcln=nndcln, clncon=clncon, nja_cln=nja_cln, iac_cln=iac_cln, ja_cln=ja_cln, node_prop=node_prop, nclngwc=nclngwc, cln_gwc=cln_gwc, nconduityp=nconduityp, cln_circ=cln_circ, ibound=ibound, strt=strt, transient=transient, printiaja=printiaja, nrectyp=nrectyp, cln_rect=cln_rect, grav=grav, visk=visk, bhe=bhe, unitnumber=unitnumber, filenames=filenames, ) # return dis object instance return cln
@staticmethod def _load_items_0_1(f_obj, model): """Loads items 0 and 1 from filehandle f.""" # Options transient = False printiaja = False line = f_obj.readline().upper() while line.find("#") >= 0: line = f_obj.readline().upper() if line.startswith("OPTIONS"): line_text = line.strip().split() transient = bool("TRANSIENT" in line_text) printiaja = bool("PRINTIAJA" in line_text) line = f_obj.readline().upper() line_text = line.strip().split() line_text[:8] = [int(item) for item in line_text[:8]] ( ncln, iclnnds, iclncb, iclnhd, iclndd, iclnib, nclngwc, nconduityp, ) = line_text[:8] # Options keywords nrectyp = 0 cln_rect = None if "RECTANGULAR" in line_text: idx = line_text.index("RECTANGULAR") nrectyp = int(line_text[idx + 1]) bhe = bool("BHEDETAIL" in line_text) iclncn = 0 if "SAVECLNCON" in line_text: idx = line_text.index("SAVECLNCON") iclncn = int(line_text[idx + 1]) iclnmb = 0 if "SAVECLNMAS" in line_text: idx = line_text.index("SAVECLNMAS") iclnmb = int(line_text[idx + 1]) grav = None if "GRAVITY" in line_text: idx = line_text.index("GRAVITY") grav = float(line_text[idx + 1]) visk = None if "VISCOSITY" in line_text: idx = line_text.index("VISCOSITY") visk = float(line_text[idx + 1]) if model.verbose: print( f" ncln {ncln}\n iclnnds {iclnnds}\n", f" iclncb {iclncb}\n iclnhd {iclnhd}\n", f" iclndd {iclndd}\n iclnib {iclnib}\n", f" nclngwc {nclngwc}\n TRANSIENT {transient}\n", f" PRINTIAJA {printiaja}\n RECTANGULAR {nrectyp}\n", f" BHEDETAIL {bhe}\n SAVECLNCON {iclncn}\n", f" SAVECLNMAS {iclnmb}\n GRAVITY {grav}\n", f" VISCOSITY {visk}", ) return ( transient, printiaja, ncln, iclnnds, iclncb, iclnhd, iclndd, iclnib, nclngwc, nconduityp, nrectyp, cln_rect, bhe, iclncn, iclnmb, grav, visk, ) @staticmethod def _load_items_3to6(f_obj, model, ncln, iclnnds, ext_unit_dict): """Loads cln items 3, or 4,5,6 from filehandle f.""" nndcln = None clncon = None nja_cln = None iac_cln = None ja_cln = None if ncln > 0: if model.verbose: print(" Reading nndcln...") nndcln = Util2d.load( f_obj, model, (ncln,), np.int32, "nndcln", ext_unit_dict ) nclnnds = nndcln.array.sum() if iclnnds > 0: if model.verbose: print(" Reading clncon...") nclnnds = iclnnds clncon = [] for icln in range(ncln): line = f_obj.readline() line_text = line.strip().split() iclncon = [] for idx in range(nndcln[icln]): iclncon.append(line_text[idx]) clncon.append(iclncon) elif ncln == 0: if model.verbose: print(" Reading nja_cln...") line = f_obj.readline() line_text = line.strip().split() nja_cln = int(line_text[0]) if model.verbose: print(" Reading iac_cln...") nclnnds = abs(iclnnds) iac_cln = Util2d.load( f_obj, model, (nclnnds,), np.int32, "iac_cln", ext_unit_dict ) if model.verbose: print(" Reading ja_cln...") ja_cln = Util2d.load( f_obj, model, (nja_cln,), np.int32, "ja_cln", ext_unit_dict ) else: raise Exception("mfcln: negative number of CLN segments") return nndcln, clncon, nja_cln, iac_cln, ja_cln, nclnnds @staticmethod def _ftype(): return "CLN" @staticmethod def _defaultunit(): return [71, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] @staticmethod def _is_float(string): """ Test whether the string is a float number. """ try: float(string) except ValueError: return False else: return True @staticmethod def _make_recarray(array, dtype): """ Returns a empty recarray based on dtype. """ nprop = len(dtype.names) ptemp = [] for item in array: if len(item) < nprop: item = item + (nprop - len(item)) * [0.0] else: item = item[:nprop] ptemp.append(tuple(item)) return np.array(ptemp, dtype) @classmethod def _read_prop(cls, f_obj, nrec): """ Read the property tables (node_prop, cln_gwc, cln_circ, cln_rect). Parameters ---------- f_obj : package file handle nrec : number of rows in the table Returns ------- A list of lists with length of nrec """ ptemp = [] for _ in range(nrec): line = f_obj.readline() line_text = line.strip().split() prop = [float(item) for item in line_text if cls._is_float(item)] ptemp.append(prop) return ptemp