Source code for flopy.modflow.mfpks

mfpks module.  Contains the ModflowPks class. Note that the user can access
the ModflowPks class as `flopy.modflow.ModflowPks`.

from ..pakbase import Package

[docs]class ModflowPks(Package): """ MODFLOW Pks Package Class. Parameters ---------- model : model object The model object (of type :class:``) to which this package will be added. mxiter : int maximum number of outer iterations. (default is 100) innerit : int maximum number of inner iterations. (default is 30) hclose : float is the head change criterion for convergence. (default is 1.e-3). rclose : float is the residual criterion for convergence. (default is 1.e-1) relax : float is the relaxation parameter used with npcond = 1. (default is 1.0) . . . iprpks : int solver print out interval. (default is 0). mutpks : int If mutpcg = 0, tables of maximum head change and residual will be printed each iteration. If mutpcg = 1, only the total number of iterations will be printed. If mutpcg = 2, no information will be printed. If mutpcg = 3, information will only be printed if convergence fails. (default is 3). damp : float is the steady-state damping factor. (default is 1.) dampt : float is the transient damping factor. (default is 1.) extension : list string Filename extension (default is 'pks') unitnumber : int File unit number (default is 27). filenames : str or list of str Filenames to use for the package. If filenames=None the package name will be created using the model name and package extension. If a single string is passed the package will be set to the string. Default is None. Attributes ---------- Methods ------- See Also -------- Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> import flopy >>> m = flopy.modflow.Modflow() >>> pks = flopy.modflow.ModflowPks(m) """ def __init__( self, model, mxiter=100, innerit=50, isolver=1, npc=2, iscl=0, iord=0, ncoresm=1, ncoresv=1, damp=1.0, dampt=1.0, relax=0.97, ifill=0, droptol=0.0, hclose=1e-3, rclose=1e-1, l2norm=None, iprpks=0, mutpks=3, mpi=False, partopt=0, novlapimpsol=1, stenimpsol=2, verbose=0, partdata=None, extension="pks", unitnumber=None, filenames=None, ): # set default unit number of one is not specified if unitnumber is None: unitnumber = ModflowPks._defaultunit() # call base package constructor super().__init__( model, extension=extension, name=self._ftype(), unit_number=unitnumber, filenames=self._prepare_filenames(filenames), ) # check if a valid model version has been specified if model.version == "mf2k" or model.version == "mfnwt": err = "Error: cannot use {} package with model version {}".format(, model.version ) raise Exception(err) self._generate_heading() self.mxiter = mxiter self.innerit = innerit self.isolver = isolver self.npc = npc self.iscl = iscl self.iord = iord self.ncoresm = ncoresm self.ncoresv = ncoresv self.damp = damp self.dampt = dampt self.relax = relax self.ifill = ifill self.droptol = droptol self.hclose = hclose self.rclose = rclose self.l2norm = l2norm self.iprpks = iprpks self.mutpks = mutpks # MPI self.mpi = mpi self.partopt = partopt self.novlapimpsol = novlapimpsol self.stenimpsol = stenimpsol self.verbose = verbose self.partdata = partdata self.parent.add_package(self)
[docs] def write_file(self): """ Write the package file. Returns ------- None """ # Open file for writing f = open(self.fn_path, "w") f.write(f"{self.heading}\n") f.write(f"MXITER {self.mxiter}\n") f.write(f"INNERIT {self.innerit}\n") f.write(f"ISOLVER {self.isolver}\n") f.write(f"NPC {self.npc}\n") f.write(f"ISCL {self.iscl}\n") f.write(f"IORD {self.iord}\n") if self.ncoresm > 1: f.write(f"NCORESM {self.ncoresm}\n") if self.ncoresv > 1: f.write(f"NCORESV {self.ncoresv}\n") f.write(f"DAMP {self.damp}\n") f.write(f"DAMPT {self.dampt}\n") if self.npc > 0: f.write(f"RELAX {self.relax}\n") if self.npc == 3: f.write(f"IFILL {self.ifill}\n") f.write(f"DROPTOL {self.droptol}\n") f.write(f"HCLOSEPKS {self.hclose}\n") f.write(f"RCLOSEPKS {self.rclose}\n") if self.l2norm != None: if self.l2norm.lower() == "l2norm" or self.l2norm == "1": f.write("L2NORM\n") elif self.l2norm.lower() == "rl2norm" or self.l2norm == "2": f.write("RELATIVE-L2NORM\n") f.write(f"IPRPKS {self.iprpks}\n") f.write(f"MUTPKS {self.mutpks}\n") # MPI if self.mpi: f.write(f"PARTOPT {self.partopt}\n") f.write(f"NOVLAPIMPSOL {self.novlapimpsol}\n") f.write(f"STENIMPSOL {self.stenimpsol}\n") f.write(f"VERBOSE {self.verbose}\n") if self.partopt == 1 | 2: pass # to be implemented f.write("END\n") f.close()
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, f, model, ext_unit_dict=None): """ Load an existing package. Parameters ---------- f : filename or file handle File to load. model : model object The model object (of type :class:``) to which this package will be added. ext_unit_dict : dictionary, optional If the arrays in the file are specified using EXTERNAL, or older style array control records, then `f` should be a file handle. In this case ext_unit_dict is required, which can be constructed using the function :class:`flopy.utils.mfreadnam.parsenamefile`. Returns ------- pks : ModflowPks object Examples -------- >>> import flopy >>> m = flopy.modflow.Modflow() >>> pks = flopy.modflow.ModflowPks.load('test.pks', m) """ if model.verbose: print("loading pks package file...") openfile = not hasattr(f, "read") if openfile: filename = f f = open(filename, "r") # dataset 0 -- header print( " Warning: " "load method not completed. default pks object created." ) if openfile: f.close() # set package unit number unitnumber = None filenames = [None] if ext_unit_dict is not None: unitnumber, filenames[0] = model.get_ext_dict_attr( ext_unit_dict, filetype=ModflowPks._ftype() ) return cls(model, unitnumber=unitnumber, filenames=filenames)
@staticmethod def _ftype(): return "PKS" @staticmethod def _defaultunit(): return 27