Source code for flopy.utils.gridintersect

import contextlib
import warnings
from itertools import product

import numpy as np

from .geometry import transform
from .geospatial_utils import GeoSpatialUtil
from .parse_version import Version
from .utl_import import import_optional_dependency

NUMPY_GE_121 = Version(np.__version__) >= Version("1.21")

shapely = import_optional_dependency("shapely", errors="silent")
if shapely is not None:
    SHAPELY_GE_20 = Version(shapely.__version__) >= Version("2.0a1")
    # shapely > 1.8 required
    if Version(shapely.__version__) < Version("1.8"):
        warnings.warn("GridIntersect requires shapely>=1.8.")
        shapely = None
    SHAPELY_GE_20 = False

shapely_warning = None
if shapely is not None:
        from shapely.errors import ShapelyDeprecationWarning as shapely_warning
    except ImportError:

if shapely_warning is not None and not SHAPELY_GE_20:

    def ignore_shapely_warnings_for_object_array():
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
                "Iteration|The array interface|__len__",
            if NUMPY_GE_121:
                # warning from numpy for existing Shapely releases (this is
                # fixed with Shapely 1.8)
                    "An exception was ignored while fetching",

    def ignore_shapely2_strtree_warning():
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
                    "STRtree will be changed in 2.0.0 and "
                    "will not be compatible with versions < 2."


[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def ignore_shapely_warnings_for_object_array(): yield
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def ignore_shapely2_strtree_warning(): yield
[docs]def parse_shapely_ix_result(collection, ix_result, shptyps=None): """Recursive function for parsing shapely intersection results. Returns a list of shapely shapes matching shptyps. Parameters ---------- collection : list state variable for storing result, generally an empty list ix_result : shapely.geometry type any shapely intersection result shptyps : str, list of str, or None, optional if None (default), return all types of shapes. if str, return shapes of that type, if list of str, return all types in list Returns ------- list list containing shapely geometries of type shptyps """ # convert shptyps to list if needed if isinstance(shptyps, str): shptyps = [shptyps] elif shptyps is None: shptyps = [None] # if empty if ix_result.is_empty: return collection # base case: geom_type is partial or exact match to shptyp elif ix_result.geom_type in shptyps: collection.append(ix_result) return collection # recursion for collections elif hasattr(ix_result, "geoms"): for ishp in ix_result.geoms: parse_shapely_ix_result(collection, ishp, shptyps=shptyps) # if collecting all types elif shptyps[0] is None: return collection.append(ix_result) return collection
[docs]class GridIntersect: """Class for intersecting shapely geometries (Point, Linestring, Polygon, or their Multi variants) with MODFLOW grids. Contains optimized search routines for structured grids. Notes ----- - The STR-tree query is based on the bounding box of the shape or collection, if the bounding box of the shape covers nearly the entire grid, the query won't be able to limit the search space much, resulting in slower performance. Therefore, it can sometimes be faster to intersect each individual shape in a collection than it is to intersect with the whole collection at once. - Building the STR-tree can take a while for large grids. Once built the intersect routines (for individual shapes) should be pretty fast. - The optimized routines for structured grids can outperform the shapely routines for point and linestring intersections because of the reduced overhead of building and parsing the STR-tree. However, for polygons the STR-tree implementation is often faster than the optimized structured routines, especially for larger grids. """ def __init__(self, mfgrid, method=None, rtree=True): """Intersect shapes (Point, Linestring, Polygon) with a modflow grid. Parameters ---------- mfgrid : flopy modflowgrid MODFLOW grid as implemented in flopy method : str, optional default is None, which determines intersection method based on the grid type. Options are either 'vertex' which uses shapely interesection operations or 'structured' which uses optimized methods that only work for structured grids rtree : bool, optional whether to build an STR-Tree, default is True. If False no STR-tree is built, but intersects will loop through all model gridcells (which is generally slower). Only read when `method='vertex'`. """ self.mfgrid = mfgrid if method is None: # determine method from grid_type self.method = self.mfgrid.grid_type else: # set method self.method = method self.rtree = rtree # really only necessary for method=='vertex' as structured methods # do not require a full list of shapely geometries, but useful to be # able to obtain the grid shapes nonetheless self._set_method_get_gridshapes() if self.method == "vertex": # build arrays of geoms and cellids self.geoms, self.cellids = self._get_gridshapes() # build STR-tree if specified if self.rtree: strtree = import_optional_dependency( "shapely.strtree", error_message="STRTree requires shapely", ) with ignore_shapely2_strtree_warning(): self.strtree = strtree.STRtree(self.geoms) elif self.method == "structured" and mfgrid.grid_type == "structured": # geoms and cellids do not need to be assigned for structured # methods self.geoms = None self.cellids = None else: raise ValueError( f"Method '{self.method}' not recognized or not supported " f"for grid_type '{self.mfgrid.grid_type}'!" )
[docs] def intersect( self, shp, shapetype=None, sort_by_cellid=True, keepzerolengths=False, return_all_intersections=False, contains_centroid=False, min_area_fraction=None, shapely2=True, ): """Method to intersect a shape with a model grid. Parameters ---------- shp : shapely.geometry, geojson object, shapefile.Shape, or flopy geometry object shapetype : str, optional type of shape (i.e. "point", "linestring", "polygon" or their multi-variants), used by GeoSpatialUtil if shp is passed as a list of vertices, default is None sort_by_cellid : bool sort results by cellid, ensures cell with lowest cellid is returned for boundary cases when using vertex methods, default is True keepzerolengths : bool boolean method to keep zero length intersections for linestring intersection, only used if shape type is "linestring" return_all_intersections : bool, optional if True, return multiple intersection results for points or linestrings on grid cell boundaries (e.g. returns 2 intersection results if a point lies on the boundary between two grid cells). The default is False. Only used if shape type is "point" or "linestring". contains_centroid : bool, optional if True, only store intersection result if cell centroid is contained within intersection shape, only used if shape type is "polygon" min_area_fraction : float, optional float defining minimum intersection area threshold, if intersection area is smaller than min_frac_area * cell_area, do not store intersection result, only used if shape type is "polygon" shapely2 : bool, optional temporary flag to determine whether to use methods optimized for shapely 2.0. Useful for comparison performance between the old (shapely 1.8) and new (shapely 2.0) implementations. Returns ------- numpy.recarray a record array containing information about the intersection """ gu = GeoSpatialUtil(shp, shapetype=shapetype) shp = gu.shapely if gu.shapetype in ("Point", "MultiPoint"): if ( self.method == "structured" and self.mfgrid.grid_type == "structured" ): rec = self._intersect_point_structured( shp, return_all_intersections=return_all_intersections ) else: if SHAPELY_GE_20 and shapely2: rec = self._intersect_point_shapely2( shp, sort_by_cellid=sort_by_cellid, return_all_intersections=return_all_intersections, ) else: rec = self._intersect_point_shapely( shp, sort_by_cellid=sort_by_cellid, return_all_intersections=return_all_intersections, ) elif gu.shapetype in ("LineString", "MultiLineString"): if ( self.method == "structured" and self.mfgrid.grid_type == "structured" ): rec = self._intersect_linestring_structured( shp, keepzerolengths, return_all_intersections=return_all_intersections, ) else: if SHAPELY_GE_20 and shapely2: rec = self._intersect_linestring_shapely2( shp, keepzerolengths, sort_by_cellid=sort_by_cellid, return_all_intersections=return_all_intersections, ) else: rec = self._intersect_linestring_shapely( shp, keepzerolengths, sort_by_cellid=sort_by_cellid, return_all_intersections=return_all_intersections, ) elif gu.shapetype in ("Polygon", "MultiPolygon"): if ( self.method == "structured" and self.mfgrid.grid_type == "structured" ): rec = self._intersect_polygon_structured( shp, contains_centroid=contains_centroid, min_area_fraction=min_area_fraction, ) else: if SHAPELY_GE_20 and shapely2: rec = self._intersect_polygon_shapely2( shp, sort_by_cellid=sort_by_cellid, contains_centroid=contains_centroid, min_area_fraction=min_area_fraction, ) else: rec = self._intersect_polygon_shapely( shp, sort_by_cellid=sort_by_cellid, contains_centroid=contains_centroid, min_area_fraction=min_area_fraction, ) else: raise TypeError(f"Shapetype {gu.shapetype} is not supported") return rec
def _set_method_get_gridshapes(self): """internal method, set self._get_gridshapes to the appropriate method for obtaining grid cell geometries.""" # Set method for obtaining grid shapes if self.mfgrid.grid_type == "structured": self._get_gridshapes = self._rect_grid_to_geoms_cellids elif self.mfgrid.grid_type == "vertex": self._get_gridshapes = self._vtx_grid_to_geoms_cellids elif self.mfgrid.grid_type == "unstructured": raise NotImplementedError() def _rect_grid_to_geoms_cellids(self): """internal method, return shapely polygons and cellids for structured grid cells. Returns ------- geoms : array_like array of shapely Polygons cellids : array_like array of cellids """ shapely = import_optional_dependency("shapely") nrow = self.mfgrid.nrow ncol = self.mfgrid.ncol ncells = nrow * ncol cellids = np.arange(ncells) xvertices = self.mfgrid.xvertices yvertices = self.mfgrid.yvertices # arrays of coordinates for rectangle cells I, J = np.ogrid[0:nrow, 0:ncol] xverts = np.stack( [ xvertices[I, J], xvertices[I, J + 1], xvertices[I + 1, J + 1], xvertices[I + 1, J], ] ).transpose((1, 2, 0)) yverts = np.stack( [ yvertices[I, J], yvertices[I, J + 1], yvertices[I + 1, J + 1], yvertices[I + 1, J], ] ).transpose((1, 2, 0)) if SHAPELY_GE_20: # use array-based methods for speed geoms = shapely.polygons( shapely.linearrings( xverts.flatten(), y=yverts.flatten(), indices=np.repeat(cellids, 4), ) ) else: from shapely.geometry import Polygon geoms = [] for i, j in product(range(nrow), range(ncol)): geoms.append(Polygon(zip(xverts[i, j], yverts[i, j]))) geoms = np.array(geoms) return geoms, cellids def _usg_grid_to_geoms_cellids(self): """internal method, return shapely polygons and cellids for unstructured grids. Returns ------- geoms : array_like array of shapely Polygons cellids : array_like array of cellids """ raise NotImplementedError() def _vtx_grid_to_geoms_cellids(self): """internal method, return shapely polygons and cellids for vertex grids. Returns ------- geoms : array_like array of shapely Polygons cellids : array_like array of cellids """ shapely_geo = import_optional_dependency("shapely.geometry") # for cell2d rec-arrays geoms = [] cellids = [] if isinstance(self.mfgrid._cell2d, np.recarray): for icell in self.mfgrid._cell2d.icell2d: points = [] icverts = [ f"icvert_{i}" for i in range(self.mfgrid._cell2d["ncvert"][icell]) ] for iv in self.mfgrid._cell2d[icverts][icell]: points.append( ( self.mfgrid._vertices.xv[iv], self.mfgrid._vertices.yv[iv], ) ) # close the polygon, if necessary if points[0] != points[-1]: points.append(points[0]) geoms.append(shapely_geo.Polygon(points)) cellids.append(icell) # for cell2d lists elif isinstance(self.mfgrid._cell2d, list): for icell in range(len(self.mfgrid._cell2d)): points = [] for iv in self.mfgrid._cell2d[icell][4:]: points.append( ( self.mfgrid._vertices[iv][1], self.mfgrid._vertices[iv][2], ) ) # close the polygon, if necessary if points[0] != points[-1]: points.append(points[0]) geoms.append(shapely_geo.Polygon(points)) cellids.append(icell) return np.array(geoms), np.array(cellids) def _rect_grid_to_shape_list(self): """internal method, list of shapely polygons for structured grid cells. .. deprecated:: 3.3.6 use _rect_grid_to_geoms_cellids() instead. Returns ------- list list of shapely Polygons """ warnings.warn( "`_rect_grid_to_shape_list()` is deprecated, please" "use `_rect_grid_to_geoms_cellids()` instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) return self._rect_grid_to_geoms_cellids()[0].tolist() def _vtx_grid_to_shape_list(self): """internal method, list of shapely polygons for vertex grids. .. deprecated:: 3.3.6 use _vtx_grid_to_geoms_cellids() instead. Returns ------- list list of shapely Polygons """ warnings.warn( "`_vtx_grid_to_shape_list()` is deprecated, please" "use `_vtx_grid_to_geoms_cellids()` instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) return self._vtx_grid_to_geoms_cellids()[0].tolist()
[docs] def query_grid(self, shp): """Perform spatial query on grid with shapely geometry. If no spatial query is possible returns all grid cells. Parameters ---------- shp : shapely.geometry shapely geometry Returns ------- array_like array containing cellids of grid cells in query result """ if self.rtree: if SHAPELY_GE_20: result = self.strtree.query(shp) else: result = np.array(self.strtree.query_items(shp)) else: # no spatial query result = self.cellids return result
[docs] def filter_query_result(self, cellids, shp): """Filter array of geometries to obtain grid cells that intersect with shape. Used to (further) reduce query result to cells that intersect with shape. Parameters ---------- cellids : iterable iterable of cellids, query result shp : shapely.geometry shapely geometry that is prepared and used to filter query result Returns ------- array_like filter or generator containing polygons that intersect with shape """ # get only gridcells that intersect if SHAPELY_GE_20: if not shapely.is_prepared(shp): shapely.prepare(shp) qcellids = cellids[shapely.intersects(self.geoms[cellids], shp)] else: # prepare shape for efficient batch intersection check prepared = import_optional_dependency("shapely.prepared") prepshp = prepared.prep(shp) qfiltered = filter( lambda tup: prepshp.intersects(tup[0]), zip(self.geoms[cellids], cellids), ) try: _, qcellids = zip(*qfiltered) qcellids = np.array(qcellids) except ValueError: # catch empty filter result (i.e. when rtree=False) qcellids = np.empty(0, dtype=int) return qcellids
[docs] @staticmethod def sort_gridshapes(geoms, cellids): """Sort geometries (from i.e. query result) by cell id. .. deprecated:: 3.3.6 sorting is now performed on cellids. Parameters ---------- geoms : iterable list or iterable of geometries Returns ------- list sorted list of gridcells """ warnings.warn( "`sort_gridshapes()` is deprecated, sort cellids" " and use that to select geometries, i.e. " "`GridIntersect.geoms[sorted_cellids]`.", DeprecationWarning, ) return [ igeom for _, igeom in sorted( zip(cellids, geoms), key=lambda pair: pair[0] ) ]
def _intersect_point_shapely( self, shp, sort_by_cellid=True, return_all_intersections=False ): """intersect grid with Point or MultiPoint. Parameters ---------- shp : Point or MultiPoint shapely Point or MultiPoint to intersect with grid. Note, it is generally faster to loop over a MultiPoint and intersect per point than to intersect a MultiPoint directly. sort_by_cellid : bool, optional flag whether to sort cells by id, used to ensure node with lowest id is returned, by default True return_all_intersections : bool, optional if True, return multiple intersection results for points on grid cell boundaries (e.g. returns 2 intersection results if a point lies on the boundary between two grid cells). The default is False, which will return a single intersection result for boundary cases. Returns ------- numpy.recarray a record array containing information about the intersection """ shapely_geo = import_optional_dependency("shapely.geometry") # query grid qcellids = self.query_grid(shp) # returns cellids if len(qcellids) > 0: qfiltered = self.filter_query_result(qcellids, shp) else: # query result is empty qfiltered = qcellids # sort cells to ensure lowest cell ids are returned if sort_by_cellid: qfiltered.sort() isectshp = [] cellids = [] vertices = [] parsed_points = [] # for keeping track of points # loop over cells returned by filtered spatial query for cid in qfiltered: r = self.geoms[cid] # do intersection intersect = shp.intersection(r) # parse result per Point collection = parse_shapely_ix_result( [], intersect, shptyps=["Point"] ) # loop over intersection result and store information cell_verts = [] cell_shps = [] for c in collection: verts = c.__geo_interface__["coordinates"] # avoid returning multiple cells for points on boundaries # if return_all_intersections is False if not return_all_intersections: if verts in parsed_points: continue parsed_points.append(verts) cell_shps.append(c) # collect points cell_verts.append(verts) # if any new ix found if len(cell_shps) > 0: # combine new points in MultiPoint isectshp.append( shapely_geo.MultiPoint(cell_shps) if len(cell_shps) > 1 else cell_shps[0] ) vertices.append(tuple(cell_verts)) # if structured calculated (i, j) cell address if self.mfgrid.grid_type == "structured": cid = self.mfgrid.get_lrc([cid])[0][1:] cellids.append(cid) rec = np.recarray( len(isectshp), names=["cellids", "vertices", "ixshapes"], formats=["O", "O", "O"], ) with ignore_shapely_warnings_for_object_array(): rec.ixshapes = isectshp rec.vertices = vertices rec.cellids = cellids return rec def _intersect_linestring_shapely( self, shp, keepzerolengths=False, sort_by_cellid=True, return_all_intersections=False, ): """intersect with LineString or MultiLineString. Parameters ---------- shp : shapely.geometry.LineString or MultiLineString LineString to intersect with the grid keepzerolengths : bool, optional keep linestrings with length zero, default is False sort_by_cellid : bool, optional flag whether to sort cells by id, used to ensure node with lowest id is returned, by default True return_all_intersections : bool, optional if True, return multiple intersection results for linestrings on grid cell boundaries (e.g. returns 2 intersection results if a linestring lies on the boundary between two grid cells). The default is False, which will return a single intersection result for boundary cases. Returns ------- numpy.recarray a record array containing information about the intersection """ # query grid qcellids = self.query_grid(shp) if len(qcellids) > 0: # filter result further if possible (only strtree and filter methods) qfiltered = self.filter_query_result(qcellids, shp) else: # query result is empty qfiltered = qcellids # sort cells to ensure lowest cell ids are returned if sort_by_cellid: qfiltered.sort() # initialize empty lists for storing results isectshp = [] cellids = [] vertices = [] vertices_check = [] lengths = [] # loop over cells returned by filtered spatial query for cid in qfiltered: r = self.geoms[cid] # do intersection intersect = shp.intersection(r) # parse result collection = parse_shapely_ix_result( [], intersect, shptyps=["LineString", "MultiLineString"] ) # loop over intersection result and store information for c in collection: verts = c.__geo_interface__["coordinates"] # test if linestring was already processed (if on boundary), # ignore if return_all_intersections is True if not return_all_intersections: if verts in vertices_check: continue # if keep zero don't check length if not keepzerolengths: if c.length == 0.0: continue isectshp.append(c) lengths.append(c.length) vertices.append(verts) # unpack mutlilinestring for checking if linestring already parsed if c.geom_type.startswith("Multi"): vertices_check += [iv for iv in verts] else: vertices_check.append(verts) # if structured calculate (i, j) cell address if self.mfgrid.grid_type == "structured": cid = self.mfgrid.get_lrc([cid])[0][1:] cellids.append(cid) rec = np.recarray( len(isectshp), names=["cellids", "vertices", "lengths", "ixshapes"], formats=["O", "O", "f8", "O"], ) with ignore_shapely_warnings_for_object_array(): rec.ixshapes = isectshp rec.vertices = vertices rec.lengths = lengths rec.cellids = cellids return rec def _intersect_polygon_shapely( self, shp, sort_by_cellid=True, contains_centroid=False, min_area_fraction=None, ): """intersect with Polygon or MultiPolygon. Parameters ---------- shp : shapely.geometry.Polygon or MultiPolygon shape to intersect with the grid sort_by_cellid : bool, optional flag whether to sort cells by id, used to ensure node with lowest id is returned, by default True contains_centroid : bool, optional if True, only store intersection result if cell centroid is contained within intersection shape min_area_fraction : float, optional float defining minimum intersection area threshold, if intersection area is smaller than min_frac_area * cell_area, do not store intersection result Returns ------- numpy.recarray a record array containing information about the intersection """ shapely_geo = import_optional_dependency("shapely.geometry") # query grid qcellids = self.query_grid(shp) if len(qcellids) > 0: # filter result further if possible (only strtree and filter methods) qfiltered = self.filter_query_result(qcellids, shp) else: # query result is empty qfiltered = qcellids # sort cells to ensure lowest cell ids are returned if sort_by_cellid: qfiltered.sort() isectshp = [] cellids = [] vertices = [] areas = [] # loop over cells returned by filtered spatial query for cid in qfiltered: r = self.geoms[cid] # do intersection intersect = shp.intersection(r) # parse result collection = parse_shapely_ix_result( [], intersect, shptyps=["Polygon", "MultiPolygon"] ) if len(collection) > 1: collection = [shapely_geo.MultiPolygon(collection)] # loop over intersection result and store information for c in collection: # don't store intersections with 0 area if c.area == 0.0: continue # option: only store result if cell centroid is contained # within intersection result if contains_centroid: if not c.intersects(r.centroid): continue # option: min_area_fraction, only store if intersected area # is larger than fraction * cell_area if min_area_fraction: if c.area < (min_area_fraction * r.area): continue verts = c.__geo_interface__["coordinates"] isectshp.append(c) areas.append(c.area) vertices.append(verts) # if structured calculate (i, j) cell address if self.mfgrid.grid_type == "structured": cid = self.mfgrid.get_lrc([cid])[0][1:] cellids.append(cid) rec = np.recarray( len(isectshp), names=["cellids", "vertices", "areas", "ixshapes"], formats=["O", "O", "f8", "O"], ) with ignore_shapely_warnings_for_object_array(): rec.ixshapes = isectshp rec.vertices = vertices rec.areas = areas rec.cellids = cellids return rec def _intersect_point_shapely2( self, shp, sort_by_cellid=True, return_all_intersections=False, ): if self.rtree: qcellids = self.strtree.query(shp, predicate="intersects") else: qcellids = self.filter_query_result(self.cellids, shp) if sort_by_cellid: qcellids = np.sort(qcellids) ixresult = shapely.intersection(shp, self.geoms[qcellids]) # discard empty intersection results mask_empty = shapely.is_empty(ixresult) # keep only Point and MultiPoint mask_type = np.isin(shapely.get_type_id(ixresult), [0, 4]) ixresult = ixresult[~mask_empty & mask_type] qcellids = qcellids[~mask_empty & mask_type] if not return_all_intersections: keep_cid = [] keep_pts = [] parsed = [] for ishp, cid in zip(ixresult, qcellids): points = [] for pnt in shapely.get_parts(ishp): if tuple(pnt.coords)[0] not in parsed: points.append(pnt) parsed.append(tuple(pnt.coords)[0]) if len(points) > 1: keep_pts.append(shapely.MultiPoint(points)) keep_cid.append(cid) elif len(points) == 1: keep_pts.append(points[0]) keep_cid.append(cid) else: keep_pts = ixresult keep_cid = qcellids names = ["cellids", "ixshapes"] # self.mfgrid.grid_type == "structured": # cid_dtype = "i" # else: # cid_dtype = "O" formats = ["O", "O"] rec = np.recarray(len(keep_pts), names=names, formats=formats) # if structured calculate (i, j) cell address if self.mfgrid.grid_type == "structured": rec.cellids = list( zip(*self.mfgrid.get_lrc([self.cellids[keep_cid]])[0][1:]) ) else: rec.cellids = self.cellids[keep_cid] rec.ixshapes = keep_pts return rec def _intersect_linestring_shapely2( self, shp, keepzerolengths=False, sort_by_cellid=True, return_all_intersections=False, ): if keepzerolengths: warnings.warn( "`keepzerolengths` is deprecated. For obtaining all cellids that " "intersect with a LineString, use `intersects()`.", DeprecationWarning, ) if self.rtree: qcellids = self.strtree.query(shp, predicate="intersects") else: qcellids = self.filter_query_result(self.cellids, shp) if sort_by_cellid: qcellids = np.sort(qcellids) ixresult = shapely.intersection(shp, self.geoms[qcellids]) # discard empty intersection results mask_empty = shapely.is_empty(ixresult) # keep only Linestring and MultiLineString geomtype_ids = shapely.get_type_id(ixresult) mask_type = np.isin(geomtype_ids, [1, 5, 7]) ixresult = ixresult[~mask_empty & mask_type] qcellids = qcellids[~mask_empty & mask_type] # parse geometry collections (i.e. when part of linestring touches a cell edge, # resulting in a point intersection result) if 7 in geomtype_ids: def parse_linestrings_in_geom_collection(gc): parts = shapely.get_parts(gc) parts = parts[np.isin(shapely.get_type_id(parts), [1, 5])] if len(parts) > 1: p = shapely.multilinestring(parts) elif len(parts) == 0: p = shapely.LineString() else: p = parts[0] return p mask_gc = geomtype_ids[~mask_empty & mask_type] == 7 ixresult[mask_gc] = np.apply_along_axis( parse_linestrings_in_geom_collection, axis=0, arr=ixresult[mask_gc], ) if not return_all_intersections: # intersection with grid cell boundaries ixbounds = shapely.intersection( shp, shapely.get_exterior_ring(self.geoms[qcellids]) ) mask_bnds_empty = shapely.is_empty(ixbounds) mask_bnds_type = np.isin(shapely.get_type_id(ixbounds), [1, 5]) # get ids of boundary intersections idxs = np.nonzero(~mask_bnds_empty & mask_bnds_type)[0] # loop through results, starting with highest cellid for i in idxs[::-1]: # calculate intersection with results w potential boundary # intersections isect = ixresult[i].intersection(ixresult[idxs]) # masks to obtain overlapping intersection result mask_self = idxs == i # select not self mask_bnds_empty = shapely.is_empty( isect ) # select boundary ix result mask_overlap = np.isin(shapely.get_type_id(isect), [1, 5]) # calculate difference between self and overlapping result diff = shapely.difference( ixresult[i], isect[mask_overlap & ~mask_self & ~mask_bnds_empty], ) # update intersection result if necessary if len(diff) > 0: ixresult[idxs[i]] = diff[0] # mask out empty results mask_keep = ~shapely.is_empty(ixresult) ixresult = ixresult[mask_keep] qcellids = qcellids[mask_keep] names = ["cellids", "ixshapes", "lengths"] formats = ["O", "O", "f8"] rec = np.recarray(len(ixresult), names=names, formats=formats) # if structured grid calculate (i, j) cell address if self.mfgrid.grid_type == "structured": rec.cellids = list( zip(*self.mfgrid.get_lrc([self.cellids[qcellids]])[0][1:]) ) else: rec.cellids = self.cellids[qcellids] rec.ixshapes = ixresult rec.lengths = shapely.length(ixresult) return rec def _intersect_polygon_shapely2( self, shp, sort_by_cellid=True, contains_centroid=False, min_area_fraction=None, ): if self.rtree: qcellids = self.strtree.query(shp, predicate="intersects") else: qcellids = self.filter_query_result(self.cellids, shp) if sort_by_cellid: qcellids = np.sort(qcellids) ixresult = shapely.intersection(shp, self.geoms[qcellids]) # discard empty intersection results mask_empty = shapely.is_empty(ixresult) # keep only Polygons and MultiPolygons geomtype_ids = shapely.get_type_id(ixresult) mask_type = np.isin(geomtype_ids, [3, 6, 7]) ixresult = ixresult[~mask_empty & mask_type] qcellids = qcellids[~mask_empty & mask_type] # parse geometry collections (i.e. when part of polygon lies on cell edge, # resulting in a linestring intersection result) if 7 in geomtype_ids: def parse_polygons_in_geom_collection(gc): parts = shapely.get_parts(gc) parts = parts[np.isin(shapely.get_type_id(parts), [3, 6])] if len(parts) > 1: p = shapely.multipolygons(parts) elif len(parts) == 0: p = shapely.Polygon() else: p = parts[0] return p mask_gc = geomtype_ids[~mask_empty & mask_type] == 7 ixresult[mask_gc] = np.apply_along_axis( parse_polygons_in_geom_collection, axis=0, arr=ixresult[mask_gc], ) # check centroids if contains_centroid: centroids = shapely.centroid(self.geoms[qcellids]) mask_centroid = shapely.contains( ixresult, centroids ) | shapely.touches(ixresult, centroids) ixresult = ixresult[mask_centroid] qcellids = qcellids[mask_centroid] # check intersection area if min_area_fraction: ix_areas = shapely.area(ixresult) cell_areas = shapely.area(self.geoms[qcellids]) mask_area_frac = (ix_areas / cell_areas) >= min_area_fraction ixresult = ixresult[mask_area_frac] qcellids = qcellids[mask_area_frac] # fill rec array names = ["cellids", "ixshapes", "areas"] formats = ["O", "O", "f8"] rec = np.recarray(len(ixresult), names=names, formats=formats) # if structured calculate (i, j) cell address if self.mfgrid.grid_type == "structured": rec.cellids = list( zip(*self.mfgrid.get_lrc([self.cellids[qcellids]])[0][1:]) ) else: rec.cellids = self.cellids[qcellids] rec.ixshapes = ixresult rec.areas = shapely.area(ixresult) return rec
[docs] def intersects(self, shp, shapetype=None): """Return cellids for grid cells that intersect with shape. Parameters ---------- shp : shapely.geometry, geojson geometry, shapefile.shape, or flopy geometry object shape to intersect with the grid shapetype : str, optional type of shape (i.e. "point", "linestring", "polygon" or their multi-variants), used by GeoSpatialUtil if shp is passed as a list of vertices, default is None Returns ------- numpy.recarray a record array containing cell IDs of the gridcells the shape intersects with """ shp = GeoSpatialUtil(shp, shapetype=shapetype).shapely if SHAPELY_GE_20: qfiltered = self.strtree.query(shp, predicate="intersects") else: # query grid qcellids = self.query_grid(shp) if len(qcellids) > 0: # filter result further if possible (only strtree and filter methods) qfiltered = self.filter_query_result(qcellids, shp) else: # query result is empty qfiltered = qcellids # build rec-array rec = np.recarray(len(qfiltered), names=["cellids"], formats=["O"]) if self.mfgrid.grid_type == "structured": rec.cellids = list(zip(*self.mfgrid.get_lrc([qfiltered])[0][1:])) else: rec.cellids = qfiltered return rec
def _intersect_point_structured(self, shp, return_all_intersections=False): """intersection method for intersecting points with structured grids. Parameters ---------- shp : shapely.geometry.Point or MultiPoint point shape to intersect with grid return_all_intersections : bool, optional if True, return multiple intersection results for points on grid cell boundaries (e.g. returns 2 intersection results if a point lies on the boundary between two grid cells). The default is False, which will return a single intersection result for boundary cases. Returns ------- numpy.recarray a record array containing information about the intersection """ shapely_geo = import_optional_dependency("shapely.geometry") nodelist = [] Xe, Ye = self.mfgrid.xyedges if isinstance(shp, shapely_geo.Point): shp = [shp] elif isinstance(shp, shapely_geo.MultiPoint): shp = list(shp.geoms) else: raise ValueError("expected Point or MultiPoint") ixshapes = [] for p in shp: # if grid is rotated or offset transform point to local coords if ( self.mfgrid.angrot != 0.0 or self.mfgrid.xoffset != 0.0 or self.mfgrid.yoffset != 0.0 ): rx, ry = transform( p.x, p.y, self.mfgrid.xoffset, self.mfgrid.yoffset, self.mfgrid.angrot_radians, inverse=True, ) else: rx = p.x ry = p.y # two dimensional point jpos = ModflowGridIndices.find_position_in_array(Xe, rx) ipos = ModflowGridIndices.find_position_in_array(Ye, ry) if jpos is not None and ipos is not None: # use only first idx if return_all_intersections is False if not return_all_intersections: if isinstance(jpos, list): jpos = jpos[0] if isinstance(ipos, list): ipos = ipos[0] # three dimensional point if p._ndim == 3: # find k, if ipos or jpos on boundary, use first entry if isinstance(jpos, list): jj = jpos[0] else: jj = jpos if isinstance(ipos, list): ii = ipos[0] else: ii = ipos kpos = ModflowGridIndices.find_position_in_array( self.mfgrid.botm[:, ii, jj], p.z ) # if z-position on boundary, use first k if isinstance(kpos, list): kpos = kpos[0] if kpos is not None: # point on boundary, either jpos or ipos has len > 1 if isinstance(ipos, list) or isinstance(jpos, list): # convert to list if needed for loop if not isinstance(ipos, list): ipos = [ipos] if not isinstance(jpos, list): jpos = [jpos] for ii in ipos: for jj in jpos: nodelist.append((kpos, ii, jj)) ixshapes.append(p) # point not on boundary else: nodelist.append((kpos, ipos, jpos)) ixshapes.append(p) else: # point on boundary, either jpos or ipos has len > 1 if isinstance(ipos, list) or isinstance(jpos, list): # convert to list if needed for loop if not isinstance(ipos, list): ipos = [ipos] if not isinstance(jpos, list): jpos = [jpos] for ii in ipos: for jj in jpos: nodelist.append((ii, jj)) ixshapes.append(p) else: nodelist.append((ipos, jpos)) ixshapes.append(p) # remove duplicates if not return_all_intersections: tempnodes = [] tempshapes = [] for node, ixs in zip(nodelist, ixshapes): if node not in tempnodes: tempnodes.append(node) tempshapes.append(ixs) else: tempshapes[-1] = shapely_geo.MultiPoint( [tempshapes[-1], ixs] ) ixshapes = tempshapes nodelist = tempnodes rec = np.recarray( len(nodelist), names=["cellids", "ixshapes"], formats=["O", "O"] ) rec.cellids = nodelist with ignore_shapely_warnings_for_object_array(): rec.ixshapes = ixshapes return rec def _intersect_linestring_structured( self, shp, keepzerolengths=False, return_all_intersections=False ): """method for intersecting linestrings with structured grids. Parameters ---------- shp : shapely.geometry.Linestring or MultiLineString linestring to intersect with grid keepzerolengths : bool, optional if True keep intersection results with length=0, in other words, grid cells the linestring does not cross but does touch, by default False return_all_intersections : bool, optional if True, return multiple intersection results for linestrings on grid cell boundaries (e.g. returns 2 intersection results if a linestring lies on the boundary between two grid cells). The default is False, which will return a single intersection result for boundary cases. Returns ------- numpy.recarray a record array containing information about the intersection """ shapely_geo = import_optional_dependency("shapely.geometry") affinity_loc = import_optional_dependency("shapely.affinity") # get local extent of grid if ( self.mfgrid.angrot != 0.0 or self.mfgrid.xoffset != 0.0 or self.mfgrid.yoffset != 0.0 ): xmin = np.min(self.mfgrid.xyedges[0]) xmax = np.max(self.mfgrid.xyedges[0]) ymin = np.min(self.mfgrid.xyedges[1]) ymax = np.max(self.mfgrid.xyedges[1]) else: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = self.mfgrid.extent pl =, ymin, xmax, ymax) # rotate and translate linestring to local coords if self.mfgrid.xoffset != 0.0 or self.mfgrid.yoffset != 0.0: shp = affinity_loc.translate( shp, xoff=-self.mfgrid.xoffset, yoff=-self.mfgrid.yoffset ) if self.mfgrid.angrot != 0.0: shp = affinity_loc.rotate( shp, -self.mfgrid.angrot, origin=(0.0, 0.0) ) # clip line to mfgrid bbox lineclip = shp.intersection(pl) if lineclip.length == 0.0: # linestring does not intersect modelgrid return np.recarray( 0, names=["cellids", "vertices", "lengths", "ixshapes"], formats=["O", "O", "f8", "O"], ) if lineclip.geom_type == "MultiLineString": # there are multiple lines nodelist, lengths, vertices = [], [], [] ixshapes = [] for ls in lineclip.geoms: n, l, v, ixs = self._get_nodes_intersecting_linestring( ls, return_all_intersections=return_all_intersections ) nodelist += n lengths += l # if necessary, transform coordinates back to real # world coordinates if ( self.mfgrid.angrot != 0.0 or self.mfgrid.xoffset != 0.0 or self.mfgrid.yoffset != 0.0 ): v_realworld = [] for pt in v: pt = np.array(pt) rx, ry = transform( pt[:, 0], pt[:, 1], self.mfgrid.xoffset, self.mfgrid.yoffset, self.mfgrid.angrot_radians, inverse=False, ) v_realworld.append(list(zip(rx, ry))) ixs_realworld = [] for ix in ixs: ix_realworld = affinity_loc.rotate( ix, self.mfgrid.angrot, origin=(0.0, 0.0) ) ix_realworld = affinity_loc.translate( ix_realworld, self.mfgrid.xoffset, self.mfgrid.yoffset, ) ixs_realworld.append(ix_realworld) else: v_realworld = v ixs_realworld = ixs vertices += v_realworld ixshapes += ixs_realworld else: # linestring is fully within grid ( nodelist, lengths, vertices, ixshapes, ) = self._get_nodes_intersecting_linestring( lineclip, return_all_intersections=return_all_intersections ) # if necessary, transform coordinates back to real # world coordinates if ( self.mfgrid.angrot != 0.0 or self.mfgrid.xoffset != 0.0 or self.mfgrid.yoffset != 0.0 ): v_realworld = [] for pt in vertices: pt = np.array(pt) rx, ry = transform( pt[:, 0], pt[:, 1], self.mfgrid.xoffset, self.mfgrid.yoffset, self.mfgrid.angrot_radians, inverse=False, ) v_realworld.append(list(zip(rx, ry))) vertices = v_realworld ix_shapes_realworld = [] for ixs in ixshapes: ixs = affinity_loc.rotate( ixs, self.mfgrid.angrot, origin=(0.0, 0.0) ) ixs = affinity_loc.translate( ixs, self.mfgrid.xoffset, self.mfgrid.yoffset ) ix_shapes_realworld.append(ixs) ixshapes = ix_shapes_realworld # bundle linestrings in same cell tempnodes = [] templengths = [] tempverts = [] tempshapes = [] unique_nodes = list(set(nodelist)) parsed_nodes = [] if len(unique_nodes) < len(nodelist): for inode in nodelist: # maintain order of nodes by keeping track of parsed nodes if inode in parsed_nodes: continue templengths.append( sum([l for l, i in zip(lengths, nodelist) if i == inode]) ) tempverts.append( [v for v, i in zip(vertices, nodelist) if i == inode] ) tempshapes.append( [ix for ix, i in zip(ixshapes, nodelist) if i == inode] ) parsed_nodes.append(inode) nodelist = parsed_nodes lengths = templengths vertices = tempverts ixshapes = tempshapes # eliminate any nodes that have a zero length if not keepzerolengths: tempnodes = [] templengths = [] tempverts = [] tempshapes = [] for i, _ in enumerate(nodelist): if lengths[i] > 0: tempnodes.append(nodelist[i]) templengths.append(lengths[i]) tempverts.append(vertices[i]) ishp = ixshapes[i] if isinstance(ishp, list): if len(ishp) > 1: ishp = shapely_geo.MultiLineString(ishp) else: ishp = ishp[0] tempshapes.append(ishp) nodelist = tempnodes lengths = templengths vertices = tempverts ixshapes = tempshapes rec = np.recarray( len(nodelist), names=["cellids", "vertices", "lengths", "ixshapes"], formats=["O", "O", "f8", "O"], ) rec.vertices = vertices rec.lengths = lengths rec.cellids = nodelist with ignore_shapely_warnings_for_object_array(): rec.ixshapes = ixshapes return rec def _get_nodes_intersecting_linestring( self, linestring, return_all_intersections=False ): """helper function, intersect the linestring with the a structured grid and return a list of node indices and the length of the line in that node. Parameters ---------- linestring: shapely.geometry.LineString or MultiLineString shape to intersect with the grid Returns ------- nodelist, lengths, vertices: lists lists containing node ids, lengths of intersects and the start and end points of the intersects """ shapely_geo = import_optional_dependency("shapely.geometry") nodelist = [] lengths = [] vertices = [] ixshapes = [] # start at the beginning of the line x, y = linestring.xy # linestring already in local coords but # because intersect_point does transform again # we transform back to real world here if necessary if ( self.mfgrid.angrot != 0.0 or self.mfgrid.xoffset != 0.0 or self.mfgrid.yoffset != 0.0 ): x0, y0 = transform( [x[0]], [y[0]], self.mfgrid.xoffset, self.mfgrid.yoffset, self.mfgrid.angrot_radians, inverse=False, ) else: x0 = [x[0]] y0 = [y[0]] (i, j) = self.intersect(shapely_geo.Point(x0[0], y0[0])).cellids[0] Xe, Ye = self.mfgrid.xyedges xmin = Xe[j] xmax = Xe[j + 1] ymax = Ye[i] ymin = Ye[i + 1] pl =, ymin, xmax, ymax) intersect = linestring.intersection(pl) # if linestring starts in cell, exits, and re-enters # a MultiLineString is returned. ixshapes.append(intersect) length = intersect.length lengths.append(length) if hasattr(intersect, "geoms"): x, y = [], [] for igeom in intersect.geoms: x.append(igeom.xy[0]) y.append(igeom.xy[1]) x = np.concatenate(x) y = np.concatenate(y) else: x = intersect.xy[0] y = intersect.xy[1] verts = [(ixy[0], ixy[1]) for ixy in zip(x, y)] vertices.append(verts) nodelist.append((i, j)) n = 0 while True: (i, j) = nodelist[n] ( node, length, verts, ixshape, ) = self._check_adjacent_cells_intersecting_line( linestring, (i, j), nodelist ) for inode, ilength, ivert, ix in zip(node, length, verts, ixshape): if inode is not None: if not return_all_intersections: if ivert not in vertices: nodelist.append(inode) lengths.append(ilength) vertices.append(ivert) ixshapes.append(ix) else: nodelist.append(inode) lengths.append(ilength) vertices.append(ivert) ixshapes.append(ix) if n == len(nodelist) - 1: break n += 1 return nodelist, lengths, vertices, ixshapes def _check_adjacent_cells_intersecting_line( self, linestring, i_j, nodelist ): """helper method that follows a line through a structured grid. Parameters ---------- linestring : shapely.geometry.LineString shape to intersect with the grid i_j : tuple tuple containing (nrow, ncol) nodelist : list of tuples list of node ids that have already been added as intersections Returns ------- node, length, verts: lists lists containing nodes, lengths and vertices of intersections with adjacent cells relative to the current cell (i, j) """ shapely_geo = import_optional_dependency("shapely.geometry") i, j = i_j Xe, Ye = self.mfgrid.xyedges node = [] length = [] verts = [] ixshape = [] # check to left if j > 0: ii = i jj = j - 1 if (ii, jj) not in nodelist: xmin = Xe[jj] xmax = Xe[jj + 1] ymax = Ye[ii] ymin = Ye[ii + 1] pl =, ymin, xmax, ymax) if linestring.intersects(pl): intersect = linestring.intersection(pl) ixshape.append(intersect) length.append(intersect.length) if hasattr(intersect, "geoms"): x, y = [], [] for igeom in intersect.geoms: x.append(igeom.xy[0]) y.append(igeom.xy[1]) x = np.concatenate(x) y = np.concatenate(y) else: x = intersect.xy[0] y = intersect.xy[1] verts.append([(ixy[0], ixy[1]) for ixy in zip(x, y)]) node.append((ii, jj)) # check to right if j < self.mfgrid.ncol - 1: ii = i jj = j + 1 if (ii, jj) not in nodelist: xmin = Xe[jj] xmax = Xe[jj + 1] ymax = Ye[ii] ymin = Ye[ii + 1] pl =, ymin, xmax, ymax) if linestring.intersects(pl): intersect = linestring.intersection(pl) ixshape.append(intersect) length.append(intersect.length) if hasattr(intersect, "geoms"): x, y = [], [] for igeom in intersect.geoms: x.append(igeom.xy[0]) y.append(igeom.xy[1]) x = np.concatenate(x) y = np.concatenate(y) else: x = intersect.xy[0] y = intersect.xy[1] verts.append([(ixy[0], ixy[1]) for ixy in zip(x, y)]) node.append((ii, jj)) # check to back if i > 0: ii = i - 1 jj = j if (ii, jj) not in nodelist: xmin = Xe[jj] xmax = Xe[jj + 1] ymax = Ye[ii] ymin = Ye[ii + 1] pl =, ymin, xmax, ymax) if linestring.intersects(pl): intersect = linestring.intersection(pl) ixshape.append(intersect) length.append(intersect.length) if hasattr(intersect, "geoms"): x, y = [], [] for igeom in intersect.geoms: x.append(igeom.xy[0]) y.append(igeom.xy[1]) x = np.concatenate(x) y = np.concatenate(y) else: x = intersect.xy[0] y = intersect.xy[1] verts.append([(ixy[0], ixy[1]) for ixy in zip(x, y)]) node.append((ii, jj)) # check to front if i < self.mfgrid.nrow - 1: ii = i + 1 jj = j if (ii, jj) not in nodelist: xmin = Xe[jj] xmax = Xe[jj + 1] ymax = Ye[ii] ymin = Ye[ii + 1] pl =, ymin, xmax, ymax) if linestring.intersects(pl): intersect = linestring.intersection(pl) ixshape.append(intersect) length.append(intersect.length) if hasattr(intersect, "geoms"): x, y = [], [] for igeom in intersect.geoms: x.append(igeom.xy[0]) y.append(igeom.xy[1]) x = np.concatenate(x) y = np.concatenate(y) else: x = intersect.xy[0] y = intersect.xy[1] verts.append([(ixy[0], ixy[1]) for ixy in zip(x, y)]) node.append((ii, jj)) # special case for linestrings intersecting in vertex and continuing # towards bottom right, check diagonally to front-right, if no other # neighbours found if np.sum(length) == 0: if (i < self.mfgrid.nrow - 1) and (j < self.mfgrid.ncol - 1): ii = i + 1 jj = j + 1 if (ii, jj) not in nodelist: xmin = Xe[jj] xmax = Xe[jj + 1] ymax = Ye[ii] ymin = Ye[ii + 1] pl =, ymin, xmax, ymax) if linestring.intersects(pl): intersect = linestring.intersection(pl) ixshape.append(intersect) length.append(intersect.length) if hasattr(intersect, "geoms"): x, y = [], [] for igeom in intersect.geoms: x.append(igeom.xy[0]) y.append(igeom.xy[1]) x = np.concatenate(x) y = np.concatenate(y) else: x = intersect.xy[0] y = intersect.xy[1] verts.append([(ixy[0], ixy[1]) for ixy in zip(x, y)]) node.append((ii, jj)) return node, length, verts, ixshape def _intersect_rectangle_structured(self, rectangle): """intersect a rectangle with a structured grid to retrieve node ids of intersecting grid cells. Note: only works in local coordinates (i.e. non-rotated grid with origin at (0, 0)) Parameters ---------- rectangle : list of tuples list of lower-left coordinate and upper-right coordinate: [(xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax)] Returns ------- nodelist: list of tuples list of tuples containing node ids with which the rectangle intersects """ shapely_geo = import_optional_dependency("shapely.geometry") nodelist = [] # return if rectangle does not contain any cells if ( self.mfgrid.angrot != 0.0 or self.mfgrid.xoffset != 0.0 or self.mfgrid.yoffset != 0.0 ): minx = np.min(self.mfgrid.xyedges[0]) maxx = np.max(self.mfgrid.xyedges[0]) miny = np.min(self.mfgrid.xyedges[1]) maxy = np.max(self.mfgrid.xyedges[1]) local_extent = [minx, maxx, miny, maxy] else: local_extent = self.mfgrid.extent xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = local_extent bgrid =, ymin, xmax, ymax) (rxmin, rymin), (rxmax, rymax) = rectangle b =, rymin, rxmax, rymax) if not b.intersects(bgrid): # return with nodelist as an empty list return [] Xe, Ye = self.mfgrid.xyedges jmin = ModflowGridIndices.find_position_in_array(Xe, xmin) if jmin is None: if xmin <= Xe[0]: jmin = 0 elif xmin >= Xe[-1]: jmin = self.mfgrid.ncol - 1 jmax = ModflowGridIndices.find_position_in_array(Xe, xmax) if jmax is None: if xmax <= Xe[0]: jmax = 0 elif xmax >= Xe[-1]: jmax = self.mfgrid.ncol - 1 imin = ModflowGridIndices.find_position_in_array(Ye, ymax) if imin is None: if ymax >= Ye[0]: imin = 0 elif ymax <= Ye[-1]: imin = self.mfgrid.nrow - 1 imax = ModflowGridIndices.find_position_in_array(Ye, ymin) if imax is None: if ymin >= Ye[0]: imax = 0 elif ymin <= Ye[-1]: imax = self.mfgrid.nrow - 1 for i in range(imin, imax + 1): for j in range(jmin, jmax + 1): nodelist.append((i, j)) return nodelist def _intersect_polygon_structured( self, shp, contains_centroid=False, min_area_fraction=None ): """intersect polygon with a structured grid. Uses bounding box of the Polygon to limit search space. Notes ----- If performance is slow, try setting the method to 'vertex' in the GridIntersect object. For polygons this is often faster. Parameters ---------- shp : shapely.geometry.Polygon polygon to intersect with the grid contains_centroid : bool, optional if True, only store intersection result if cell centroid is contained within intersection shape min_area_fraction : float, optional float defining minimum intersection area threshold, if intersection area is smaller than min_frac_area * cell_area, do not store intersection result Returns ------- numpy.recarray a record array containing information about the intersection """ shapely_geo = import_optional_dependency("shapely.geometry") affinity_loc = import_optional_dependency("shapely.affinity") # initialize the result lists nodelist = [] areas = [] vertices = [] ixshapes = [] # transform polygon to local grid coordinates if self.mfgrid.xoffset != 0.0 or self.mfgrid.yoffset != 0.0: shp = affinity_loc.translate( shp, xoff=-self.mfgrid.xoffset, yoff=-self.mfgrid.yoffset ) if self.mfgrid.angrot != 0.0: shp = affinity_loc.rotate( shp, -self.mfgrid.angrot, origin=(0.0, 0.0) ) # use the bounds of the polygon to restrict the cell search minx, miny, maxx, maxy = shp.bounds rectangle = ((minx, miny), (maxx, maxy)) nodes = self._intersect_rectangle_structured(rectangle) for i, j in nodes: if ( self.mfgrid.angrot != 0.0 or self.mfgrid.xoffset != 0.0 or self.mfgrid.yoffset != 0.0 ): cell_coords = [ (self.mfgrid.xyedges[0][j], self.mfgrid.xyedges[1][i]), (self.mfgrid.xyedges[0][j + 1], self.mfgrid.xyedges[1][i]), ( self.mfgrid.xyedges[0][j + 1], self.mfgrid.xyedges[1][i + 1], ), (self.mfgrid.xyedges[0][j], self.mfgrid.xyedges[1][i + 1]), ] else: cell_coords = self.mfgrid.get_cell_vertices(i, j) cell_polygon = shapely_geo.Polygon(cell_coords) if shp.intersects(cell_polygon): intersect = shp.intersection(cell_polygon) collection = parse_shapely_ix_result( [], intersect, shptyps=["Polygon", "MultiPolygon"] ) if len(collection) == 0: continue if len(collection) > 1: intersect = shapely_geo.MultiPolygon(collection) else: intersect = collection[0] # only store results if area > 0.0 if intersect.area == 0.0: continue # option: only store result if cell centroid is contained # within intersection result if contains_centroid: if not intersect.intersects(cell_polygon.centroid): continue # option: min_area_fraction, only store if intersected area # is larger than fraction * cell_area if min_area_fraction: if intersect.area < ( min_area_fraction * cell_polygon.area ): continue nodelist.append((i, j)) areas.append(intersect.area) # if necessary, transform coordinates back to real # world coordinates if ( self.mfgrid.angrot != 0.0 or self.mfgrid.xoffset != 0.0 or self.mfgrid.yoffset != 0.0 ): v_realworld = [] if intersect.geom_type.startswith("Multi"): for ipoly in intersect.geoms: v_realworld += ( self._transform_geo_interface_polygon(ipoly) ) else: v_realworld += self._transform_geo_interface_polygon( intersect ) intersect_realworld = affinity_loc.rotate( intersect, self.mfgrid.angrot, origin=(0.0, 0.0) ) intersect_realworld = affinity_loc.translate( intersect_realworld, self.mfgrid.xoffset, self.mfgrid.yoffset, ) else: v_realworld = intersect.__geo_interface__["coordinates"] intersect_realworld = intersect ixshapes.append(intersect_realworld) vertices.append(v_realworld) rec = np.recarray( len(nodelist), names=["cellids", "vertices", "areas", "ixshapes"], formats=["O", "O", "f8", "O"], ) rec.vertices = vertices rec.areas = areas rec.cellids = nodelist with ignore_shapely_warnings_for_object_array(): rec.ixshapes = ixshapes return rec def _transform_geo_interface_polygon(self, polygon): """Internal method, helper function to transform geometry __geo_interface__. Used for translating intersection result coordinates back into real-world coordinates. Parameters ---------- polygon : shapely.geometry.Polygon polygon to transform coordinates for Returns ------- geom_list : list list containing transformed coordinates in same structure as the original __geo_interface__. """ if polygon.geom_type.startswith("Multi"): raise TypeError("Does not support Multi geometries!") geom_list = [] for coords in polygon.__geo_interface__["coordinates"]: geoms = [] try: # test depth of list/tuple _ = coords[0][0][0] if len(coords) == 2: shell, holes = coords else: raise ValueError("Cannot parse __geo_interface__") except TypeError: shell = coords holes = None except Exception as e: raise e # transform shell coordinates shell_pts = [] for pt in shell: rx, ry = transform( [pt[0]], [pt[1]], self.mfgrid.xoffset, self.mfgrid.yoffset, self.mfgrid.angrot_radians, inverse=False, ) shell_pts.append((rx, ry)) geoms.append(shell_pts) # transform holes coordinates if necessary if holes: holes_pts = [] for pt in holes: rx, ry = transform( [pt[0]], [pt[1]], self.mfgrid.xoffset, self.mfgrid.yoffset, self.mfgrid.angrot_radians, inverse=False, ) # append (shells, holes) to transformed coordinates list geom_list.append(tuple(geoms)) return geom_list
[docs] @staticmethod def plot_polygon(rec, ax=None, **kwargs): """method to plot the polygon intersection results from the resulting numpy.recarray. Note: only works when recarray has 'intersects' column! Parameters ---------- rec : numpy.recarray record array containing intersection results (the resulting shapes) ax : matplotlib.pyplot.axes, optional axes to plot onto, if not provided, creates a new figure **kwargs: passed to the plot function Returns ------- matplotlib.pyplot.axes returns the axes handle """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots() patches = [] if "facecolor" in kwargs: use_facecolor = True fc = kwargs.pop("facecolor") else: use_facecolor = None def add_poly_patch(poly): if not use_facecolor: fc = f"C{i % 10}" ppi = _polygon_patch(poly, facecolor=fc, **kwargs) patches.append(ppi) for i, ishp in enumerate(rec.ixshapes): if hasattr(ishp, "geoms"): for geom in ishp.geoms: add_poly_patch(geom) else: add_poly_patch(ishp) pc = PatchCollection(patches, match_original=True) ax.add_collection(pc) return ax
[docs] @staticmethod def plot_linestring(rec, ax=None, cmap=None, **kwargs): """method to plot the linestring intersection results from the resulting numpy.recarray. Note: only works when recarray has 'intersects' column! Parameters ---------- rec : numpy.recarray record array containing intersection results (the resulting shapes) ax : matplotlib.pyplot.axes, optional axes to plot onto, if not provided, creates a new figure cmap : str matplotlib colormap **kwargs: passed to the plot function Returns ------- matplotlib.pyplot.axes returns the axes handle """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots() specified_color = True if "c" in kwargs: c = kwargs.pop("c") elif "color" in kwargs: c = kwargs.pop("color") else: specified_color = False if cmap is not None: colormap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) colors = colormap(np.linspace(0, 1, rec.shape[0])) for i, ishp in enumerate(rec.ixshapes): if not specified_color: if cmap is None: c = f"C{i % 10}" else: c = colors[i] if ishp.geom_type == "MultiLineString": for part in ishp.geoms: ax.plot(part.xy[0], part.xy[1], ls="-", c=c, **kwargs) else: ax.plot(ishp.xy[0], ishp.xy[1], ls="-", c=c, **kwargs) return ax
[docs] @staticmethod def plot_point(rec, ax=None, **kwargs): """method to plot the point intersection results from the resulting numpy.recarray. Note: only works when recarray has 'intersects' column! Parameters ---------- rec : numpy.recarray record array containing intersection results ax : matplotlib.pyplot.axes, optional axes to plot onto, if not provided, creates a new figure **kwargs: passed to the scatter function Returns ------- matplotlib.pyplot.axes returns the axes handle """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt shapely_geo = import_optional_dependency("shapely.geometry") if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots() x, y = [], [] geo_coll = shapely_geo.GeometryCollection(list(rec.ixshapes)) collection = parse_shapely_ix_result([], geo_coll, ["Point"]) for c in collection: x.append(c.x) y.append(c.y) ax.scatter(x, y, **kwargs) return ax
[docs]class ModflowGridIndices: """Collection of methods that can be used to find cell indices for a structured, but irregularly spaced MODFLOW grid."""
[docs] @staticmethod def find_position_in_array(arr, x): """If arr has x positions for the left edge of a cell, then return the cell index containing x. Parameters ---------- arr : A one dimensional array (such as Xe) that contains coordinates for the left cell edge. x : float The x position to find in arr. """ jpos = [] if x == arr[-1]: return len(arr) - 2 if x < min(arr[0], arr[-1]): return None if x > max(arr[0], arr[-1]): return None # go through each position for j in range(len(arr) - 1): xl = arr[j] xr = arr[j + 1] frac = (x - xl) / (xr - xl) if 0.0 <= frac <= 1.0: # if min(xl, xr) <= x < max(xl, xr): jpos.append(j) if len(jpos) == 0: return None elif len(jpos) == 1: return jpos[0] else: return jpos
[docs] @staticmethod def kij_from_nodenumber(nodenumber, nlay, nrow, ncol): """Convert the modflow node number to a zero-based layer, row and column format. Return (k0, i0, j0). Parameters ---------- nodenumber: int The cell nodenumber, ranging from 1 to number of nodes. nlay: int The number of layers. nrow: int The number of rows. ncol: int The number of columns. """ if nodenumber > nlay * nrow * ncol: raise Exception("Error in function kij_from_nodenumber...") n = nodenumber - 1 k = int(n / nrow / ncol) i = int((n - k * nrow * ncol) / ncol) j = n - k * nrow * ncol - i * ncol return (k, i, j)
[docs] @staticmethod def nodenumber_from_kij(k, i, j, nrow, ncol): """Calculate the nodenumber using the zero-based layer, row, and column values. The first node has a value of 1. Parameters ---------- k : int The model layer number as a zero-based value. i : int The model row number as a zero-based value. j : int The model column number as a zero-based value. nrow : int The number of model rows. ncol : int The number of model columns. """ return k * nrow * ncol + i * ncol + j + 1
[docs] @staticmethod def nn0_from_kij(k, i, j, nrow, ncol): """Calculate the zero-based nodenumber using the zero-based layer, row, and column values. The first node has a value of 0. Parameters ---------- k : int The model layer number as a zero-based value. i : int The model row number as a zero-based value. j : int The model column number as a zero-based value. nrow : int The number of model rows. ncol : int The number of model columns. """ return k * nrow * ncol + i * ncol + j
[docs] @staticmethod def kij_from_nn0(n, nlay, nrow, ncol): """Convert the node number to a zero-based layer, row and column format. Return (k0, i0, j0). Parameters ---------- nodenumber : int The cell nodenumber, ranging from 0 to number of nodes - 1. nlay : int The number of layers. nrow : int The number of rows. ncol : int The number of columns. """ if n > nlay * nrow * ncol: raise Exception("Error in function kij_from_nodenumber...") k = int(n / nrow / ncol) i = int((n - k * nrow * ncol) / ncol) j = n - k * nrow * ncol - i * ncol return (k, i, j)
def _polygon_patch(polygon, **kwargs): from matplotlib.patches import PathPatch from matplotlib.path import Path patch = PathPatch( Path.make_compound_path( Path(np.asarray(polygon.exterior.coords)[:, :2]), *[ Path(np.asarray(ring.coords)[:, :2]) for ring in polygon.interiors ], ), **kwargs, ) return patch