Source code for flopy.utils.observationfile

import io

import numpy as np

from ..utils import import_optional_dependency
from ..utils.flopy_io import get_ts_sp
from ..utils.utils_def import FlopyBinaryData

[docs]class ObsFiles(FlopyBinaryData): def __init__(self): super().__init__() return
[docs] def get_times(self): """ Get a list of unique times in the file Returns ---------- out : list of floats List contains unique simulation times (totim) in binary file. """ return["totim"].reshape(self.get_ntimes()).tolist()
[docs] def get_ntimes(self): """ Get the number of times in the file Returns ---------- out : int The number of simulation times (totim) in binary file. """ return["totim"].shape[0]
[docs] def get_nobs(self): """ Get the number of observations in the file Returns ---------- out : tuple of int A tupe with the number of records and number of flow items in the file. The number of flow items is non-zero only if swrtype='flow'. """ return self.nobs
[docs] def get_obsnames(self): """ Get a list of observation names in the file Returns ---------- out : list of strings List of observation names in the binary file. totim is not included in the list of observation names. """ return list([1:])
[docs] def get_data(self, idx=None, obsname=None, totim=None): """ Get data from the observation file. Parameters ---------- idx : int The zero-based record number. The first record is record 0. If idx is None and totim are None, data for all simulation times are returned. (default is None) obsname : string The name of the observation to return. If obsname is None, all observation data are returned. (default is None) totim : float The simulation time to return. If idx is None and totim are None, data for all simulation times are returned. (default is None) Returns ---------- data : numpy record array Array has size (ntimes, nitems). totim is always returned. nitems is 2 if idx or obsname is not None or nobs+1. See Also -------- Notes ----- If both idx and obsname are None, will return all of the observation data. Examples -------- >>> hyd = HydmodObs("my_model.hyd") >>> ts = hyd.get_data() """ i0 = 0 i1 =[0] if totim is not None: idx = np.where(["totim"] == totim)[0][0] i0 = idx i1 = idx + 1 elif idx is not None: if idx < i1: i0 = idx i1 = i0 + 1 r = None if obsname is None: obsname = self.get_obsnames() else: if obsname is not None: if obsname not in obsname = None else: if not isinstance(obsname, list): obsname = [obsname] if obsname is not None: obsname.insert(0, "totim") r = get_selection(, obsname)[i0:i1] return r
[docs] def get_dataframe( self, start_datetime="1-1-1970", idx=None, obsname=None, totim=None, timeunit="D", ): """ Get pandas dataframe with the incremental and cumulative water budget items in the hydmod file. Parameters ---------- start_datetime : str If start_datetime is passed as None, the rows are indexed on totim. Otherwise, a DatetimeIndex is set. (default is 1-1-1970). idx : int The zero-based record number. The first record is record 0. If idx is None and totim are None, a dataframe with all simulation times is returned. (default is None) obsname : string The name of the observation to return. If obsname is None, all observation data are returned. (default is None) totim : float The simulation time to return. If idx is None and totim are None, a dataframe with all simulation times is returned. (default is None) timeunit : string time unit of the simulation time. Valid values are 'S'econds, 'M'inutes, 'H'ours, 'D'ays, 'Y'ears. (default is 'D'). Returns ------- out : pandas dataframe Pandas dataframe of selected data. See Also -------- Notes ----- If both idx and obsname are None, will return all of the observation data as a dataframe. Examples -------- >>> hyd = HydmodObs("my_model.hyd") >>> df = hyd.get_dataframes() """ from ..utils.utils_def import totim_to_datetime pd = import_optional_dependency( "pandas", error_message="ObsFiles.get_dataframe() requires pandas.", ) i0 = 0 i1 =[0] if totim is not None: idx = np.where(["totim"] == totim)[0][0] i0 = idx i1 = idx + 1 elif idx is not None: if idx < i1: i0 = idx i1 = i0 + 1 if obsname is None: obsname = self.get_obsnames() else: if obsname is not None: if obsname not in obsname = None else: if not isinstance(obsname, list): obsname = [obsname] if obsname is None: return None obsname.insert(0, "totim") dti = self.get_times()[i0:i1] if start_datetime is not None: dti = totim_to_datetime( dti, start=pd.to_datetime(start_datetime), timeunit=timeunit ) df = pd.DataFrame([i0:i1], index=dti, columns=obsname) return df
def _read_data(self): if is not None: return while True: try: r = self.read_record(count=1) if is None: = r.copy() elif r.size == 0: break else: = np.hstack((, r)) except: break return def _build_dtype(self): """ Build the recordarray and iposarray, which maps the header information to the position in the formatted file. """ raise Exception( "Abstract method _build_dtype called in BinaryFiles. " "This method needs to be overridden." ) def _build_index(self): """ Build the recordarray and iposarray, which maps the header information to the position in the formatted file. """ raise Exception( "Abstract method _build_index called in BinaryFiles. " "This method needs to be overridden." )
[docs]class Mf6Obs(ObsFiles): """ Mf6Obs Class - used to read ascii and binary MODFLOW6 observation output Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the hydmod output file verbose : boolean If true, print additional information to to the screen during the extraction. (default is False) isBinary : str, bool default is "auto", code will attempt to automatically check if file is binary. User can change this to True or False if the auto check fails to work Returns ------- None """ def __init__(self, filename, verbose=False, isBinary="auto"): """ Class constructor. """ super().__init__() # initialize class information self.verbose = verbose # check if this is a binary file if isBinary == "auto": with open(filename) as foo: if isinstance(foo, io.TextIOBase): isBinary = False elif isinstance(foo, (io.RawIOBase, io.BufferedIOBase)): isBinary = True else: err = "Could not determine if file is binary or ascii" raise ValueError(err) if isBinary: # --open binary head file self.file = open(filename, "rb") # read control line cline = self.read_text(nchar=100) precision = "single" if "double" in cline[5:11].lower(): precision = "double" self.set_float(precision) lenobsname = int(cline[11:]) # get number of observations self.nobs = self.read_integer() # # continue reading the file # self.v = np.empty(self.nobs, dtype=float) # self.v.fill(1.0E+32) # read obsnames obsnames = [] for idx in range(0, self.nobs): cid = self.read_text(lenobsname) obsnames.append(cid) self.obsnames = np.array(obsnames) # build dtype self.dtype = _build_dtype(self.obsnames, self.floattype) # build index self._build_index() = None self._read_data() else: # read ascii data csv = CsvFile(filename) self.obsnames = csv.obsnames self.nobs = csv.nobs = def _build_index(self): return
[docs]class HydmodObs(ObsFiles): """ HydmodObs Class - used to read binary MODFLOW HYDMOD package output Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the hydmod output file verbose : boolean If true, print additional information to to the screen during the extraction. (default is False) hydlbl_len : int Length of hydmod labels. (default is 20) Returns ------- None """ def __init__(self, filename, verbose=False, hydlbl_len=20): """ Class constructor. """ super().__init__() # initialize class information self.verbose = verbose # --open binary head file self.file = open(filename, "rb") # NHYDTOT,ITMUNI self.nobs = self.read_integer() precision = "single" if self.nobs < 0: self.nobs = abs(self.nobs) precision = "double" self.set_float(precision) # continue reading the file self.itmuni = self.read_integer() self.v = np.empty(self.nobs, dtype=float) self.v.fill(1.0e32) ctime = self.read_text(nchar=4) self.hydlbl_len = int(hydlbl_len) # read HYDLBL hydlbl = [] for idx in range(0, self.nobs): cid = self.read_text(self.hydlbl_len) hydlbl.append(cid) self.hydlbl = np.array(hydlbl) # build dtype self.dtype = _build_dtype(self.hydlbl, self.floattype) # build index self._build_index() = None self._read_data() def _build_index(self): return
[docs]class SwrObs(ObsFiles): """ Read binary SWR observations output from MODFLOW SWR Process observation files Parameters ---------- filename : string Name of the cell budget file precision : string 'single' or 'double'. Default is 'double'. verbose : bool Write information to the screen. Default is False. Attributes ---------- Methods ------- See Also -------- Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> import flopy >>> so = flopy.utils.SwrObs('mymodel.swr.obs') """ def __init__(self, filename, precision="double", verbose=False): """ Class constructor. """ super().__init__() self.set_float(precision=precision) # initialize class information self.verbose = verbose # open binary head file self.file = open(filename, "rb") # NOBS self.nobs = self.read_integer() # read obsnames obsnames = [] for idx in range(0, self.nobs): cid = self.read_text() if isinstance(cid, bytes): cid = cid.decode() obsnames.append(cid.strip()) self.obs = obsnames # read header information self._build_dtype() # build index self._build_index() # read data = None self._read_data() def _build_dtype(self): vdata = [("totim", self.floattype)] for name in self.obs: vdata.append((str(name), self.floattype)) self.dtype = np.dtype(vdata) return def _build_index(self): return
[docs]class CsvFile: """ Class for reading csv based output files Parameters ---------- csvfile : str csv file name delimiter : str optional delimiter for the csv or formatted text file, defaults to "," deletechars : str optional string containing characters that should be deleted from the column names, defaults to "" replace_space : str optional string containing the character that will be used to replace the space with in any column names, defaults to "" """ def __init__( self, csvfile, delimiter=",", deletechars="", replace_space="" ): with open(csvfile) as self.file: self.delimiter = delimiter self.deletechars = deletechars self.replace_space = replace_space # read header line line = self.file.readline() self._header = line.rstrip().split(delimiter) self.floattype = "f8" self.dtype = _build_dtype(self._header, self.floattype) = self.read_csv( self.file, self.dtype, delimiter, deletechars, replace_space ) @property def obsnames(self): """ Method to get the observation names Returns ------- list """ return [i for i in self._header if i.lower() != "totim"] @property def nobs(self): """ Method to get the number of observations Returns ------- int """ return len(self.obsnames)
[docs] @staticmethod def read_csv(fobj, dtype, delimiter=",", deletechars="", replace_space=""): """ Parameters ---------- fobj : file object open text file object to read dtype : np.dtype delimiter : str optional delimiter for the csv or formatted text file, defaults to "," deletechars : str optional string containing characters that should be deleted from the column names, defaults to "" replace_space : str optional string containing the character that will be used to replace the space with in any column names, defaults to "" Returns ------- np.recarray """ arr = np.genfromtxt( fobj, dtype=dtype, delimiter=delimiter, deletechars=deletechars, replace_space=replace_space, ) if len(arr.shape) == 0: arr = arr.reshape((1,)) return arr.view(np.recarray)
[docs]def get_selection(data, names): """ Parameters ---------- data : numpy recarray recarray of data to make a selection from names : string or list of strings column names to return Returns ------- out : numpy recarray recarray with selection """ if not isinstance(names, list): names = [names] ierr = 0 for name in names: if name not in data.dtype.names: ierr += 1 print(f"Error: {name} is not a valid column name") if ierr > 0: raise Exception(f"Error: {ierr} names did not match") # Valid list of names so make a selection dtype2 = np.dtype({name: data.dtype.fields[name] for name in names}) return np.ndarray(data.shape, dtype2, data, 0, data.strides)
def _build_dtype(obsnames, floattype="f4"): """ Generic method to build observation file dtypes Parameters ---------- obsnames : list observation names (column headers) floattype : str floating point type "f4" or "f8" Returns ------- np.dtype object """ dtype = [] if "time" in obsnames or "TIME" in obsnames: try: idx = obsnames.index("time") except ValueError: idx = obsnames.index("TIME") obsnames[idx] = "totim" elif "totim" not in obsnames: dtype = [("totim", floattype)] for site in obsnames: if not isinstance(site, str): site_name = site.decode().strip() else: site_name = site.strip() if site_name in ("KPER", "KSTP", "NULL"): dtype.append((site_name, int)) else: dtype.append((site_name, floattype)) return np.dtype(dtype)
[docs]def get_reduced_pumping(f, structured=True): """ Method to read reduced pumping from a list file or an external reduced pumping observation file Parameters ---------- f : str file name structured : bool boolean flag to indicate if model is Structured or USG model. Defaults to True (structured grid). Returns ------- np.recarray : recarray of reduced pumping records. """ # Set dtypes for resulting data if structured: dtype = np.dtype( [ ("SP", int), ("TS", int), ("LAY", int), ("ROW", int), ("COL", int), ("APPL.Q", float), ("ACT.Q", float), ("GW-HEAD", float), ("CELL-BOT", float), ] ) key = "WELLS WITH REDUCED PUMPING FOR STRESS PERIOD" else: dtype = np.dtype( [ ("SP", int), ("TS", int), ("WELL.NO", int), ("CLN NODE", int), ("APPL.Q", float), ("ACT.Q", float), ("GW_HEAD", float), ("CELL_BOT", float), ] ) key = "WELLS WITH REDUCED PUMPING FOR STRESS PERIOD" with open(f) as foo: data = [] while True: line = foo.readline() if line == "": break # If l is reduced ppg header row if key in line: # Extract sp and ts ts, sp = get_ts_sp(line) # Skip line of data column titles foo.readline() # Iterate through lines of reduced ppg data while True: line = foo.readline() # Condition to exit loop if len(line.strip().split()) < 6: break # Create list of hold line of data ls = [sp, ts] # Add other data to list ls.extend([float(x) for x in line.split()]) # Add list to overall list of data data.append(tuple(ls)) return np.rec.fromrecords(data, dtype=dtype)