flopy.export.utils module
- array2d_export(f: str | PathLike, u2d, fmt=None, verbose=False, **kwargs)[source]
export helper for Util2d instances
- Parameters:
f (str or PathLike) – filename or existing export instance type (NetCdf only for now)
u2d (Util2d instance) –
fmt (str) – output format flag. ‘vtk’ will export to vtk
verbose (bool) – whether to print verbose output
**kwargs (keyword arguments) –
min_valid : minimum valid value max_valid : maximum valid value modelgrid : flopy.discretization.Grid
model grid instance which will supercede the flopy.model.modelgrid
if fmt is set to ‘vtk’, parameters of vtk.export_array
- array3d_export(f: str | PathLike, u3d, fmt=None, **kwargs)[source]
export helper for Transient2d instances
- Parameters:
f (str or PathLike) – filename or existing export instance type (NetCdf only for now)
u3d (Util3d instance) –
fmt (str) – output format flag. ‘vtk’ will export to vtk
**kwargs (keyword arguments) –
min_valid : minimum valid value max_valid : maximum valid value modelgrid : flopy.discretization.Grid
model grid instance which will supercede the flopy.model.modelgrid
if fmt is set to ‘vtk’, parameters of vtk.export_array
- contour_array(modelgrid, ax, a, **kwargs)[source]
Create a QuadMesh plot of the specified array using pcolormesh
- Parameters:
modelgrid (flopy.discretization.Grid object) – modelgrid object
ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes) – ax to add the contours
a (np.ndarray) – array to contour
- Returns:
- Return type:
- ensemble_helper(inputs_filename: str | PathLike, outputs_filename: str | PathLike, models, add_reals=True, **kwargs)[source]
Helper to export an ensemble of model instances. Assumes all models have same dis and reference information, only difference is properties and boundary conditions. Assumes model.nam.split(‘_’)[-1] is the realization suffix to use in the netcdf variable names
- export_array(modelgrid, filename: str | PathLike, a, nodata=-9999, fieldname='value', verbose=False, **kwargs)[source]
Write a numpy array to Arc Ascii grid or shapefile with the model reference.
- Parameters:
modelgrid (flopy.discretization.StructuredGrid object) – model grid
filename (str or PathLike) – Path of output file. Export format is determined by file extention. ‘.asc’ Arc Ascii grid ‘.tif’ GeoTIFF (requries rasterio package) ‘.shp’ Shapefile
a (2D numpy.ndarray) – Array to export
nodata (scalar) – Value to assign to np.nan entries (default -9999)
fieldname (str) – Attribute field name for array values (shapefile export only). (default ‘values’)
verbose (bool, optional, default False) – whether to show verbose output
kwargs – keyword arguments to np.savetxt (ascii) rasterio.open (GeoTIFF) or flopy.export.shapefile_utils.write_grid_shapefile
Rotated grids will be either be unrotated prior to export, using scipy.ndimage.rotate (Arc Ascii format) or rotation will be included in their transform property (GeoTiff format). In either case the pixels will be displayed in the (unrotated) projected geographic coordinate system, so the pixels will no longer align exactly with the model grid (as displayed from a shapefile, for example). A key difference between Arc Ascii and GeoTiff (besides disk usage) is that the unrotated Arc Ascii will have a different grid size, whereas the GeoTiff will have the same number of rows and pixels as the original.
- export_array_contours(modelgrid, filename: str | PathLike, a, fieldname='level', interval=None, levels=None, maxlevels=1000, **kwargs)[source]
Contour an array using matplotlib; write shapefile of contours.
- Parameters:
modelgrid (flopy.discretization.Grid object) – model grid object
filename (str or PathLike) – Path of output file with ‘.shp’ extention.
a (2D numpy array) – Array to contour
fieldname (str) – gis field name
interval (float) – interval to calculate levels from
levels (list) – list of contour levels
maxlevels (int) – maximum number of contour levels
**kwargs (keyword arguments to flopy.export.shapefile_utils.recarray2shp) –
- export_contourf(filename, contours, fieldname='level', verbose=False, **kwargs)[source]
Write matplotlib filled contours to shapefile.
- Parameters:
filename (str or PathLike) – name of output shapefile (e.g. myshp.shp)
contours (matplotlib.contour.QuadContourSet or list of them) – (object returned by matplotlib.pyplot.contourf)
fieldname (str) – Name of shapefile attribute field to contain the contour level. The fieldname column in the attribute table will contain the lower end of the range represented by the polygon. Default is ‘level’.
verbose (bool, optional, default False) – whether to show verbose output
**kwargs (keyword arguments to flopy.export.shapefile_utils.recarray2shp) –
- Return type:
>>> import flopy >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from flopy.export.utils import export_contourf >>> a = np.random.random((10, 10)) >>> cs = plt.contourf(a) >>> export_contourf('myfilledcontours.shp', cs)
- export_contours(filename: str | PathLike, contours, fieldname='level', **kwargs)[source]
Convert matplotlib contour plot object to shapefile.
- Parameters:
filename (str or PathLike) – path of output shapefile
contours (matplotlib.contour.QuadContourSet or list of them) – (object returned by matplotlib.pyplot.contour)
fieldname (str) – gis attribute table field name
**kwargs (key-word arguments to flopy.export.shapefile_utils.recarray2shp) –
- Returns:
- Return type:
dataframe of shapefile contents
- generic_array_export(f: str | PathLike, array, var_name='generic_array', dimensions=('time', 'layer', 'y', 'x'), precision_str='f4', units='unitless', **kwargs)[source]
Method to export a generic array to NetCdf
- Parameters:
f (str or PathLike) – filename or existing export instance type (NetCdf only for now)
array (np.ndarray) –
var_name (str) – variable name
dimensions (tuple) – netcdf dimensions
precision_str (str) – binary precision string, default “f4”
units (string) – units of array data
**kwargs (keyword arguments) –
- modelflopy.modflow.mbase
flopy model object
- mflist_export(f: str | PathLike | NetCdf, mfl, **kwargs)[source]
export helper for MfList instances
- Parameters:
f (str or PathLike or NetCdf) – file path or existing export instance type (NetCdf only for now)
mfl (MfList instance) –
**kwargs (keyword arguments) –
- modelgridflopy.discretization.Grid
model grid instance which will supercede the flopy.model.modelgrid
- crspyproj.CRS, optional if prjfile is specified
Coordinate reference system (CRS) for the model grid (must be projected; geographic CRS are not supported). The value can be anything accepted by
, such as an authority string (eg “EPSG:26916”) or a WKT string.- prjfilestr or pathlike, optional if crs is specified
ESRI-style projection file with well-known text defining the CRS for the model grid (must be projected; geographic CRS are not supported).
- model_export(f: str | PathLike | NetCdf | dict, ml, fmt=None, **kwargs)[source]
Method to export a model to a shapefile or netcdf file
- Parameters:
f (str or PathLike or NetCdf or dict) – file path (“.nc” for netcdf or “.shp” for shapefile) or NetCDF object or dictionary
ml (flopy.modflow.mbase.ModelInterface object) – flopy model object
fmt (str) – output format flag. ‘vtk’ will export to vtk
**kwargs (keyword arguments) –
- modelgrid: flopy.discretization.Grid
user supplied modelgrid object which will supercede the built in modelgrid object
- crspyproj.CRS, optional if prjfile is specified
Coordinate reference system (CRS) for the model grid (must be projected; geographic CRS are not supported). The value can be anything accepted by
, such as an authority string (eg “EPSG:26916”) or a WKT string.- prjfilestr or pathlike, optional if crs is specified
ESRI-style projection file with well-known text defining the CRS for the model grid (must be projected; geographic CRS are not supported). if fmt is set to ‘vtk’, parameters of vtk.export_model
- output_helper(f: str | PathLike | NetCdf | dict, ml, oudic, verbose=False, **kwargs)[source]
Export model outputs using the model spatial reference info.
- Parameters:
f (str or PathLike or NetCdf or dict) – filepath to write output to (must have .shp or .nc extension), NetCDF object, or dictionary
ml (flopy.mbase.ModelInterface derived type) –
oudic (dict) – output_filename,flopy datafile/cellbudgetfile instance
verbose (bool) – whether to show verbose output
**kwargs (keyword arguments) –
- modelgridflopy.discretizaiton.Grid
user supplied model grid instance that will be used for export in lieu of the models model grid instance
- mflayint
zero based model layer which can be used in shapefile exporting
- kperint
zero based stress period which can be used for shapefile exporting
- Return type:
casts down double precision to single precision for netCDF files
- package_export(f: str | PathLike | NetCdf | dict, pak, fmt=None, verbose=False, **kwargs)[source]
Method to export a package to shapefile or netcdf
- Parameters:
f (str or PathLike or NetCdf or dict) – output file path (extension .shp for shapefile or .nc for netcdf) or NetCDF object or dictionary
pak (flopy.pakbase.Package object) – package to export
fmt (str) – output format flag. ‘vtk’ will export to vtk
kwargs (**) –
- modelgrid: flopy.discretization.Grid
user supplied modelgrid object which will supercede the built in modelgrid object
- crspyproj.CRS, optional if prjfile is specified
Coordinate reference system (CRS) for the model grid (must be projected; geographic CRS are not supported). The value can be anything accepted by
, such as an authority string (eg “EPSG:26916”) or a WKT string.- prjfilestr or pathlike, optional if crs is specified
ESRI-style projection file with well-known text defining the CRS for the model grid (must be projected; geographic CRS are not supported).
if fmt is set to ‘vtk’, parameters of vtk.export_package
- Returns:
- Return type:
NetCdf object or None
- transient2d_export(f: str | PathLike, t2d, fmt=None, **kwargs)[source]
export helper for Transient2d instances
- Parameters:
f (str or PathLike) – filename or existing export instance type (NetCdf only for now)
t2d (Transient2d instance) –
fmt (str) – output format flag. ‘vtk’ will export to vtk
**kwargs (keyword arguments) –
min_valid : minimum valid value max_valid : maximum valid value modelgrid : flopy.discretization.Grid
model grid instance which will supercede the flopy.model.modelgrid
if fmt is set to ‘vtk’, parameters of vtk.export_transient