flopy.mf6.data.mfdata module
- class MFData(sim_data, model_or_sim, structure, enable=True, path=None, dimensions=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
Base class for all data. This class contains internal objects and methods that most end users will not need to access directly.
- Parameters:
sim_data (MFSimulationData) – container class for all data for a MF6 simulation
structure (MFDataStructure) – defines the structure of the data
enable (bool) – whether this data is currently being used
path (tuple) – tuple describing path to the data generally in the format (<model>, <package>, <block>, <data>)
dimensions (DataDimensions) – object used to retrieve dimension information about data
*args (exists to support different child class parameter sets) – with extra init parameters
**kwargs (exists to support different child class parameter sets) – with extra init parameters
- layer_shape() : tuple
returns the shape of the layered dimensions
- property array
- property data_type
- property dtype
- load(first_line, file_handle, block_header, pre_data_comments=None, external_file_info=None)[source]
- property model
- property name
- property path
- property plottable
- class MFMultiDimVar(sim_data, model_or_sim, structure, enable=True, path=None, dimensions=None)[source]
- property data_type
- property plottable
- class MFTransient(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Parent class for transient data. This class contains internal objects and methods that most end users will not need to access directly.
- Parameters:
*args – Parameters present to support multiple child class interfaces
**kwargs – Parameters present to support multiple child class interfaces
- add_transient_key(transient_key)[source]
verifies the validity of the transient key about to be added
- get_data_prep(transient_key)[source]
called prior to the child class getting data. ensures that the data retrieved will come from the dataset of a specific transient_key
- _set_data_prep(transient_key)[source]
called prior to the child class setting data. ensures that the data set will go to the dataset of a specific transient_key
- _get_file_entry_prep(transient_key)[source]
called prior to the child class getting the file entry. ensures that the file entry only reflects the data from a specific transient_key
- _load_prep(first_line, file_handle, block_header, pre_data_comments)[source]
called prior to the child class loading data from a file. figures out what transient_key to store the data under
- _append_list_as_record_prep(record, transient_key)[source]
called prior to the child class appending a list to a record. ensures that the list gets appended to the record associated with the key transient_key
- _update_record_prep(transient_key)[source]
called prior to the child class updating a record. ensures that the record being updated is the one associated with the key transient_key
- get_active_key_list() : list
returns a list of the active transient keys
- _verify_sp(sp_num) : bool
returns true of the stress period sp_num is within the expected range of stress periods for this model