flopy.mf6.modflow.mfgwfsto module
- class ModflowGwfsto(model, loading_package=False, save_flows=None, storagecoefficient=None, ss_confined_only=None, perioddata=None, iconvert=0, ss=1e-05, sy=0.15, steady_state=None, transient=None, filename=None, pname=None, **kwargs)[source]
ModflowGwfsto defines a sto package within a gwf6 model.
- Parameters:
model (MFModel) – Model that this package is a part of. Package is automatically added to model when it is initialized.
loading_package (bool) – Do not set this parameter. It is intended for debugging and internal processing purposes only.
save_flows (boolean) –
save_flows (boolean) keyword to indicate that cell-by-cell flow terms will be written to the file specified with “BUDGET SAVE FILE” in Output Control.
storagecoefficient (boolean) –
storagecoefficient (boolean) keyword to indicate that the SS array is read as storage coefficient rather than specific storage.
ss_confined_only (boolean) –
ss_confined_only (boolean) keyword to indicate that compressible storage is only calculated for a convertible cell (ICONVERT>0) when the cell is under confined conditions (head greater than or equal to the top of the cell). This option has no effect on cells that are marked as being always confined (ICONVERT=0). This option is identical to the approach used to calculate storage changes under confined conditions in MODFLOW-2005.
perioddata ({varname:data} or tvs_perioddata data) –
Contains data for the tvs package. Data can be stored in a dictionary containing data for the tvs package with variable names as keys and package data as values. Data just for the perioddata variable is also acceptable. See tvs package documentation for more information.
iconvert ([integer]) –
iconvert (integer) is a flag for each cell that specifies whether or not a cell is convertible for the storage calculation. 0 indicates confined storage is used. >0 indicates confined storage is used when head is above cell top and a mixed formulation of unconfined and confined storage is used when head is below cell top.
ss ([double]) –
ss (double) is specific storage (or the storage coefficient if STORAGECOEFFICIENT is specified as an option). Specific storage values must be greater than or equal to 0. If the CSUB Package is included in the GWF model, specific storage must be zero for every cell.
sy ([double]) –
sy (double) is specific yield. Specific yield values must be greater than or equal to 0. Specific yield does not have to be specified if there are no convertible cells (ICONVERT=0 in every cell).
steady_state (boolean) –
steady-state (boolean) keyword to indicate that stress period IPER is steady-state. Steady-state conditions will apply until the TRANSIENT keyword is specified in a subsequent BEGIN PERIOD block. If the CSUB Package is included in the GWF model, only the first and last stress period can be steady-state.
transient (boolean) –
transient (boolean) keyword to indicate that stress period IPER is transient. Transient conditions will apply until the STEADY-STATE keyword is specified in a subsequent BEGIN PERIOD block.
filename (String) – File name for this package.
pname (String) – Package name for this package.
parent_file (MFPackage) – Parent package file that references this package. Only needed for utility packages (mfutl*). For example, mfutllaktab package must have a mfgwflak package parent_file.
- dfn = [['header'], ['block options', 'name save_flows', 'type keyword', 'reader urword', 'optional true'], ['block options', 'name storagecoefficient', 'type keyword', 'reader urword', 'optional true'], ['block options', 'name ss_confined_only', 'type keyword', 'reader urword', 'optional true'], ['block options', 'name tvs_filerecord', 'type record tvs6 filein tvs_filename', 'shape', 'reader urword', 'tagged true', 'optional true', 'construct_package tvs', 'construct_data tvs_perioddata', 'parameter_name perioddata'], ['block options', 'name tvs6', 'type keyword', 'shape', 'in_record true', 'reader urword', 'tagged true', 'optional false'], ['block options', 'name filein', 'type keyword', 'shape', 'in_record true', 'reader urword', 'tagged true', 'optional false'], ['block options', 'name tvs_filename', 'type string', 'preserve_case true', 'in_record true', 'reader urword', 'optional false', 'tagged false'], ['block griddata', 'name iconvert', 'type integer', 'shape (nodes)', 'valid', 'reader readarray', 'layered true', 'optional false', 'default_value 0'], ['block griddata', 'name ss', 'type double precision', 'shape (nodes)', 'valid', 'reader readarray', 'layered true', 'optional false', 'default_value 1.e-5'], ['block griddata', 'name sy', 'type double precision', 'shape (nodes)', 'valid', 'reader readarray', 'layered true', 'optional false', 'default_value 0.15'], ['block period', 'name iper', 'type integer', 'block_variable True', 'in_record true', 'tagged false', 'shape', 'valid', 'reader urword', 'optional false'], ['block period', 'name steady-state', 'type keyword', 'shape', 'valid', 'reader urword', 'optional true'], ['block period', 'name transient', 'type keyword', 'shape', 'valid', 'reader urword', 'optional true']]
- dfn_file_name = 'gwf-sto.dfn'
- iconvert = <flopy.mf6.data.mfdatautil.ArrayTemplateGenerator object>
- package_abbr = 'gwfsto'
- ss = <flopy.mf6.data.mfdatautil.ArrayTemplateGenerator object>
- sy = <flopy.mf6.data.mfdatautil.ArrayTemplateGenerator object>
- tvs_filerecord = <flopy.mf6.data.mfdatautil.ListTemplateGenerator object>