flopy.mf6.modflow.mfgwtoc module

class ModflowGwtoc(model, loading_package=False, budget_filerecord=None, budgetcsv_filerecord=None, concentration_filerecord=None, concentrationprintrecord=None, saverecord=None, printrecord=None, filename=None, pname=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: MFPackage

ModflowGwtoc defines a oc package within a gwt6 model.

  • model (MFModel) – Model that this package is a part of. Package is automatically added to model when it is initialized.

  • loading_package (bool) – Do not set this parameter. It is intended for debugging and internal processing purposes only.

  • budget_filerecord ([budgetfile]) –

    • budgetfile (string) name of the output file to write budget information.

  • budgetcsv_filerecord ([budgetcsvfile]) –

    • budgetcsvfile (string) name of the comma-separated value (CSV) output file to write budget summary information. A budget summary record will be written to this file for each time step of the simulation.

  • concentration_filerecord ([concentrationfile]) –

    • concentrationfile (string) name of the output file to write conc information.

  • concentrationprintrecord ([columns, width, digits, format]) –

    • columns (integer) number of columns for writing data.

    • width (integer) width for writing each number.

    • digits (integer) number of digits to use for writing a number.

    • format (string) write format can be EXPONENTIAL, FIXED, GENERAL, or SCIENTIFIC.

  • saverecord ([rtype, ocsetting]) –

    • rtype (string) type of information to save or print. Can be BUDGET or CONCENTRATION.

    • ocsetting (keystring) specifies the steps for which the data will be saved.

      • all (keyword) keyword to indicate save for all time steps in period.

      • first (keyword) keyword to indicate save for first step in period. This keyword may be used in conjunction with other keywords to print or save results for multiple time steps.

      • last (keyword) keyword to indicate save for last step in period. This keyword may be used in conjunction with other keywords to print or save results for multiple time steps.

      • frequency (integer) save at the specified time step frequency. This keyword may be used in conjunction with other keywords to print or save results for multiple time steps.

      • steps (integer) save for each step specified in STEPS. This keyword may be used in conjunction with other keywords to print or save results for multiple time steps.

  • printrecord ([rtype, ocsetting]) –

    • rtype (string) type of information to save or print. Can be BUDGET or CONCENTRATION.

    • ocsetting (keystring) specifies the steps for which the data will be saved.

      • all (keyword) keyword to indicate save for all time steps in period.

      • first (keyword) keyword to indicate save for first step in period. This keyword may be used in conjunction with other keywords to print or save results for multiple time steps.

      • last (keyword) keyword to indicate save for last step in period. This keyword may be used in conjunction with other keywords to print or save results for multiple time steps.

      • frequency (integer) save at the specified time step frequency. This keyword may be used in conjunction with other keywords to print or save results for multiple time steps.

      • steps (integer) save for each step specified in STEPS. This keyword may be used in conjunction with other keywords to print or save results for multiple time steps.

  • filename (String) – File name for this package.

  • pname (String) – Package name for this package.

  • parent_file (MFPackage) – Parent package file that references this package. Only needed for utility packages (mfutl*). For example, mfutllaktab package must have a mfgwflak package parent_file.

budget_filerecord = <flopy.mf6.data.mfdatautil.ListTemplateGenerator object>
budgetcsv_filerecord = <flopy.mf6.data.mfdatautil.ListTemplateGenerator object>
concentration_filerecord = <flopy.mf6.data.mfdatautil.ListTemplateGenerator object>
concentrationprintrecord = <flopy.mf6.data.mfdatautil.ListTemplateGenerator object>
dfn = [['header'], ['block options', 'name budget_filerecord', 'type record budget fileout budgetfile', 'shape', 'reader urword', 'tagged true', 'optional true'], ['block options', 'name budget', 'type keyword', 'shape', 'in_record true', 'reader urword', 'tagged true', 'optional false'], ['block options', 'name fileout', 'type keyword', 'shape', 'in_record true', 'reader urword', 'tagged true', 'optional false'], ['block options', 'name budgetfile', 'type string', 'preserve_case true', 'shape', 'in_record true', 'reader urword', 'tagged false', 'optional false'], ['block options', 'name budgetcsv_filerecord', 'type record budgetcsv fileout budgetcsvfile', 'shape', 'reader urword', 'tagged true', 'optional true'], ['block options', 'name budgetcsv', 'type keyword', 'shape', 'in_record true', 'reader urword', 'tagged true', 'optional false'], ['block options', 'name budgetcsvfile', 'type string', 'preserve_case true', 'shape', 'in_record true', 'reader urword', 'tagged false', 'optional false'], ['block options', 'name concentration_filerecord', 'type record concentration fileout concentrationfile', 'shape', 'reader urword', 'tagged true', 'optional true'], ['block options', 'name concentration', 'type keyword', 'shape', 'in_record true', 'reader urword', 'tagged true', 'optional false'], ['block options', 'name concentrationfile', 'type string', 'preserve_case true', 'shape', 'in_record true', 'reader urword', 'tagged false', 'optional false'], ['block options', 'name concentrationprintrecord', 'type record concentration print_format formatrecord', 'shape', 'reader urword', 'optional true'], ['block options', 'name print_format', 'type keyword', 'shape', 'in_record true', 'reader urword', 'tagged true', 'optional false'], ['block options', 'name formatrecord', 'type record columns width digits format', 'shape', 'in_record true', 'reader urword', 'tagged', 'optional false'], ['block options', 'name columns', 'type integer', 'shape', 'in_record true', 'reader urword', 'tagged true', 'optional'], ['block options', 'name width', 'type integer', 'shape', 'in_record true', 'reader urword', 'tagged true', 'optional'], ['block options', 'name digits', 'type integer', 'shape', 'in_record true', 'reader urword', 'tagged true', 'optional'], ['block options', 'name format', 'type string', 'shape', 'in_record true', 'reader urword', 'tagged false', 'optional false'], ['block period', 'name iper', 'type integer', 'block_variable True', 'in_record true', 'tagged false', 'shape', 'valid', 'reader urword', 'optional false'], ['block period', 'name saverecord', 'type record save rtype ocsetting', 'shape', 'reader urword', 'tagged false', 'optional true'], ['block period', 'name save', 'type keyword', 'shape', 'in_record true', 'reader urword', 'tagged true', 'optional false'], ['block period', 'name printrecord', 'type record print rtype ocsetting', 'shape', 'reader urword', 'tagged false', 'optional true'], ['block period', 'name print', 'type keyword', 'shape', 'in_record true', 'reader urword', 'tagged true', 'optional false'], ['block period', 'name rtype', 'type string', 'shape', 'in_record true', 'reader urword', 'tagged false', 'optional false'], ['block period', 'name ocsetting', 'type keystring all first last frequency steps', 'shape', 'tagged false', 'in_record true', 'reader urword'], ['block period', 'name all', 'type keyword', 'shape', 'in_record true', 'reader urword'], ['block period', 'name first', 'type keyword', 'shape', 'in_record true', 'reader urword'], ['block period', 'name last', 'type keyword', 'shape', 'in_record true', 'reader urword'], ['block period', 'name frequency', 'type integer', 'shape', 'tagged true', 'in_record true', 'reader urword'], ['block period', 'name steps', 'type integer', 'shape (<nstp)', 'tagged true', 'in_record true', 'reader urword']]
dfn_file_name = 'gwt-oc.dfn'
package_abbr = 'gwtoc'
printrecord = <flopy.mf6.data.mfdatautil.ListTemplateGenerator object>
saverecord = <flopy.mf6.data.mfdatautil.ListTemplateGenerator object>