flopy.mf6.modflow.mfutlats module
- class ModflowUtlats(parent_package, loading_package=False, maxats=1, perioddata=None, filename=None, pname=None, **kwargs)[source]
ModflowUtlats defines a ats package within a utl model.
- Parameters:
parent_package (MFPackage) – Parent_package that this package is a part of. Package is automatically added to parent_package when it is initialized.
loading_package (bool) – Do not set this parameter. It is intended for debugging and internal processing purposes only.
maxats (integer) –
maxats (integer) is the number of records in the subsequent perioddata block that will be used for adaptive time stepping.
perioddata ([iperats, dt0, dtmin, dtmax, dtadj, dtfailadj]) –
iperats (integer) is the period number to designate for adaptive time stepping. The remaining ATS values on this line will apply to period iperats. iperats must be greater than zero. A warning is printed if iperats is greater than nper. This argument is an index variable, which means that it should be treated as zero-based when working with FloPy and Python. Flopy will automatically subtract one when loading index variables and add one when writing index variables.
dt0 (double) is the initial time step length for period iperats. If dt0 is zero, then the final step from the previous stress period will be used as the initial time step. The program will terminate with an error message if dt0 is negative.
dtmin (double) is the minimum time step length for this period. This value must be greater than zero and less than dtmax. dtmin must be a small value in order to ensure that simulation times end at the end of stress periods and the end of the simulation. A small value, such as 1.e-5, is recommended.
dtmax (double) is the maximum time step length for this period. This value must be greater than dtmin.
dtadj (double) is the time step multiplier factor for this period. If the number of outer solver iterations are less than the product of the maximum number of outer iterations (OUTER_MAXIMUM) and ATS_OUTER_MAXIMUM_FRACTION (an optional variable in the IMS input file with a default value of 1/3), then the time step length is multipled by dtadj. If the number of outer solver iterations are greater than the product of the maximum number of outer iterations and ATS_OUTER_MAXIMUM_FRACTION, then the time step length is divided by dtadj. dtadj must be zero, one, or greater than one. If dtadj is zero or one, then it has no effect on the simulation. A value between 2.0 and 5.0 can be used as an initial estimate.
dtfailadj (double) is the divisor of the time step length when a time step fails to converge. If there is solver failure, then the time step will be tried again with a shorter time step length calculated as the previous time step length divided by dtfailadj. dtfailadj must be zero, one, or greater than one. If dtfailadj is zero or one, then time steps will not be retried with shorter lengths. In this case, the program will terminate with an error, or it will continue of the CONTINUE option is set in the simulation name file. Initial tests with this variable should be set to 5.0 or larger to determine if convergence can be achieved.
filename (String) – File name for this package.
pname (String) – Package name for this package.
parent_file (MFPackage) – Parent package file that references this package. Only needed for utility packages (mfutl*). For example, mfutllaktab package must have a mfgwflak package parent_file.
- dfn = [['header'], ['block dimensions', 'name maxats', 'type integer', 'reader urword', 'optional false', 'default_value 1'], ['block perioddata', 'name perioddata', 'type recarray iperats dt0 dtmin dtmax dtadj dtfailadj', 'reader urword', 'optional false'], ['block perioddata', 'name iperats', 'type integer', 'in_record true', 'tagged false', 'reader urword', 'optional false', 'numeric_index true'], ['block perioddata', 'name dt0', 'type double precision', 'in_record true', 'tagged false', 'reader urword', 'optional false'], ['block perioddata', 'name dtmin', 'type double precision', 'in_record true', 'tagged false', 'reader urword', 'optional false'], ['block perioddata', 'name dtmax', 'type double precision', 'in_record true', 'tagged false', 'reader urword', 'optional false'], ['block perioddata', 'name dtadj', 'type double precision', 'in_record true', 'tagged false', 'reader urword', 'optional false'], ['block perioddata', 'name dtfailadj', 'type double precision', 'in_record true', 'tagged false', 'reader urword', 'optional false']]
- dfn_file_name = 'utl-ats.dfn'
- package_abbr = 'utlats'
- perioddata = <flopy.mf6.data.mfdatautil.ListTemplateGenerator object>
- class UtlatsPackages(model_or_sim, parent, pkg_type, filerecord, package=None, package_class=None)[source]
UtlatsPackages is a container class for the ModflowUtlats class.
- initialize()[source]
Initializes a new ModflowUtlats package removing any sibling child packages attached to the same parent package. See ModflowUtlats init documentation for definition of parameters.
- append_package()[source]
Adds a new ModflowUtlats package to the container. See ModflowUtlats init documentation for definition of parameters.
- package_abbr = 'utlatspackages'