flopy.mf6.modflow.mfutltas module

class ModflowUtltas(parent_package, loading_package=False, time_series_namerecord=None, interpolation_methodrecord=None, sfacrecord=None, tas_array=None, filename=None, pname=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: MFPackage

ModflowUtltas defines a tas package within a utl model.

  • parent_package (MFPackage) – Parent_package that this package is a part of. Package is automatically added to parent_package when it is initialized.

  • loading_package (bool) – Do not set this parameter. It is intended for debugging and internal processing purposes only.

  • time_series_namerecord ([time_series_name]) –

    • time_series_name (string) Name by which a package references a particular time-array series. The name must be unique among all time- array series used in a package.

  • interpolation_methodrecord ([interpolation_method]) –

    • interpolation_method (string) Interpolation method, which is either STEPWISE or LINEAR.

  • sfacrecord ([sfacval]) –

    • sfacval (double) Scale factor, which will multiply all array values in time series. SFAC is an optional attribute; if omitted, SFAC = 1.0.

  • tas_array ([double]) –

    • tas_array (double) An array of numeric, floating-point values, or a constant value, readable by the U2DREL array-reading utility.

  • filename (String) – File name for this package.

  • pname (String) – Package name for this package.

  • parent_file (MFPackage) – Parent package file that references this package. Only needed for utility packages (mfutl*). For example, mfutllaktab package must have a mfgwflak package parent_file.

dfn = [['header', 'multi-package'], ['block attributes', 'name time_series_namerecord', 'type record name time_series_name', 'shape', 'reader urword', 'tagged false', 'optional false'], ['block attributes', 'name name', 'type keyword', 'shape', 'reader urword', 'optional false'], ['block attributes', 'name time_series_name', 'type string', 'shape any1d', 'tagged false', 'reader urword', 'optional false'], ['block attributes', 'name interpolation_methodrecord', 'type record method interpolation_method', 'shape', 'reader urword', 'tagged false', 'optional true'], ['block attributes', 'name method', 'type keyword', 'shape', 'reader urword', 'optional false'], ['block attributes', 'name interpolation_method', 'type string', 'valid stepwise linear linearend', 'shape', 'tagged false', 'reader urword', 'optional false'], ['block attributes', 'name sfacrecord', 'type record sfac sfacval', 'shape', 'reader urword', 'tagged true', 'optional true'], ['block attributes', 'name sfac', 'type keyword', 'shape', 'reader urword', 'optional false'], ['block attributes', 'name sfacval', 'type double precision', 'shape time_series_name', 'tagged false', 'reader urword', 'optional false'], ['block time', 'name time_from_model_start', 'type double precision', 'block_variable True', 'in_record true', 'shape', 'tagged false', 'valid', 'reader urword', 'optional false'], ['block time', 'name tas_array', 'type double precision', 'tagged false', 'just_data true', 'shape (unknown)', 'reader readarray', 'optional false', 'repeating true']]
dfn_file_name = 'utl-tas.dfn'
interpolation_methodrecord = <flopy.mf6.data.mfdatautil.ListTemplateGenerator object>
package_abbr = 'utltas'
sfacrecord = <flopy.mf6.data.mfdatautil.ListTemplateGenerator object>
tas_array = <flopy.mf6.data.mfdatautil.ArrayTemplateGenerator object>
time_series_namerecord = <flopy.mf6.data.mfdatautil.ListTemplateGenerator object>
class UtltasPackages(model_or_sim, parent, pkg_type, filerecord, package=None, package_class=None)[source]

Bases: MFChildPackages

UtltasPackages is a container class for the ModflowUtltas class.


Initializes a new ModflowUtltas package removing any sibling child packages attached to the same parent package. See ModflowUtltas init documentation for definition of parameters.


Adds a new ModflowUtltas package to the container. See ModflowUtltas init documentation for definition of parameters.

append_package(time_series_namerecord=None, interpolation_methodrecord=None, sfacrecord=None, tas_array=None, filename=None, pname=None)[source]
initialize(time_series_namerecord=None, interpolation_methodrecord=None, sfacrecord=None, tas_array=None, filename=None, pname=None)[source]
package_abbr = 'utltaspackages'