flopy.modflow.mfag module
mfag module which contains the ModflowAg class.
Note that the user can access the ModflowAg class as flopy.modflow.ModflowAg.
Additional information for this MODFLOW package can be found at <https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1364815219305080>`_.
- class ModflowAg(model, options=None, time_series=None, well_list=None, irrdiversion=None, irrwell=None, supwell=None, extension='ag', unitnumber=None, filenames=None, nper=0)[source]
The ModflowAg class is used to build read, write, and edit data from the MODFLOW-NWT AG package.
- Parameters:
model (flopy.modflow.Modflow object) – model object
options (flopy.utils.OptionBlock object) – option block object
time_series (np.recarray) – numpy recarray for the time series block
well_list (np.recarray) – recarray of the well_list block
irrdiversion (dict {per: np.recarray}) – dictionary of the irrdiversion block
irrwell (dict {per: np.recarray}) – dictionary of the irrwell block
supwell (dict {per: np.recarray}) – dictionary of the supwell block
extension (str, optional) – default is .ag
unitnumber (list, optional) – fortran unit number for modflow, default 69
filenames (list, optional) – file name for ModflowAwu package to write input
nper (int) – number of stress periods in the model
load a ModflowAg file
>>> import flopy >>> ml = flopy.modflow.Modflow('agtest') >>> ag = flopy.modflow.ModflowAg.load('test.ag', ml, nper=2)
- static get_default_dtype(maxells=0, block='well')[source]
Function that gets a default dtype for a block
- static get_empty(numrecords, maxells=0, block='well')[source]
Creates an empty record array corresponding to the block data type it is associated with.
- Parameters:
numrecords (int) – number of records to create recarray with
maxells (int, optional) – maximum number of irrigation links
block (str) – str which indicates data set valid options are “well” , “tabfile_well” , “timeseries” , “irrdiversion_modflow” , “irrdiversion_gsflow” , “irrwell_modflow” , “irrwell_gsflow” , “supwell”
- Return type:
- classmethod load(f, model, nper=0, ext_unit_dict=None)[source]
Method to load the AG package from file
- property plottable