flopy.modpath.mp7particlegroup module

mp7particlegroup module. Contains the ParticleGroup, and

ParticleGroupNodeTemplate classes.

class ParticleGroup(particlegroupname='PG1', filename=None, releasedata=0.0, particledata=None)[source]

Bases: _Modpath7ParticleGroup

ParticleGroup class to create MODPATH 7 particle group data for location input style 1. Location input style 1 is the most general type of particle group that requires the user to define the location of all particles and associated data (relative release time, drape, and optionally particle ids). Particledata locations can be specified by layer, row, column (locationstyle=1) or nodes (locationstyle=2) and are created with the ParticleData class.

  • particlegroupname (str) – Name of particle group (default is ‘PG1’)

  • filename (str) – Name of the external file that will contain the particle data. If filename is ‘’ or None the particle information for the particle group will be written to the MODPATH7 simulation file (default is None).

  • releasedata (float, int, list, or tuple) – If releasedata is a float or an int or a list/tuple with a single float or int, releaseoption is set to 1 and release data is the particle release time (default is 0.0).

  • particledata (ParticleData) – ParticleData instance with particle data. If particledata is None, a ParticleData instance will be created with a node-based particle in the center of the first node in the model (default is None).


>>> import flopy
>>> p = [(2, 0, 0), (0, 20, 0)]
>>> p = flopy.modpath.ParticleData(p)
>>> pg = flopy.modpath.ParticleGroup(particledata=p)
write(fp=None, ws='.')[source]

Write MODPATH 7 particle data items 1 through 5

  • fp (fileobject) – Fileobject that is open with write access

  • ws (str) – Workspace for particle data

class ParticleGroupLRCTemplate(particlegroupname='PG1', filename=None, releasedata=(0.0,), particledata=None)[source]

Bases: _ParticleGroupTemplate

Layer, row, column particle template class to create MODPATH 7 particle location input style 2. Particle locations for this template are specified by layer, row, column regions.

  • particlegroupname (str) – Name of particle group

  • filename (str) – Name of the external file that will contain the particle data. If filename is ‘’ or None the particle information for the particle group will be written to the MODPATH7 simulation file.

  • releasedata (float, int, list, or tuple) – If releasedata is a float or an int or a list/tuple with a single float or int, releaseoption is set to 1 and release data is the particle release time.

  • particledata – LRCParticleData object with input style 2 face and/or node particle data. If particledata is None a default LRCParticleData object is created (default is None).

write(fp=None, ws='.')[source]
  • fp (fileobject) – Fileobject that is open with write access

  • ws (str) – Workspace for particle data

class ParticleGroupNodeTemplate(particlegroupname='PG1', filename=None, releasedata=(0.0,), particledata=None)[source]

Bases: _ParticleGroupTemplate

Node particle template class to create MODPATH 7 particle location input style 3. Particle locations for this template are specified by nodes.

  • particlegroupname (str) – Name of particle group

  • filename (str) – Name of the external file that will contain the particle data. If filename is ‘’ or None the particle information for the particle group will be written to the MODPATH7 simulation file.

  • releasedata (float, int, list, or tuple) – If releasedata is a float or an int or a list/tuple with a single float or int, releaseoption is set to 1 and release data is the particle release time.

  • particledata – NodeParticleData object with input style 3 face and/or node particle data. If particledata is None a default NodeParticleData object is created (default is None).

write(fp=None, ws='.')[source]
  • fp (fileobject) – Fileobject that is open with write access

  • ws (str) – Workspace for particle data