flopy.mt3d.mtcts module
- class Mt3dCts[source]
MT3D-USGS Contaminant Treatment System package class
- Parameters:
model (model object) – The model object (of type
) to which this package will be added.mxcts (int) – The maximum number of contaminant transport systems implemented in a simulation.
ictsout (int) – The unit number on which well-by-well output information is written. The default file extension assigned to the output file is TSO
mxext (int) – The maximum number of extraction wells specified as part of a contaminant treatment system
mxinj (int) – The maximum number of injection wells specified as part of a contaminant treatment system
mxwel (int) – The maximum number of wells in the flow model. MXWEL is recommended to be set equal to MXWEL as specified in the WEL file
iforce (int) –
A flag to force concentration in treatment systems to satisfy specified concentration/mass values based on the treatment option selected without considering whether treatment is necessary or not. This flag is ignored if ‘no treatment’ option is selected.
- 0 Concentration for all injection wells is set to satisfy
treatment levels only if blended concentration exceeds the desired concentration/mass level for a treatment system. If the blended concentration in a treatment system is less than the specified concentration/mass level, then injection wells inject water with blended concentrations.
- 1 Concentration for all injection wells is forced to satisfy
specified concentration/mass values.
ncts (int) – The number of contaminant treatment systems. If NCTS >= 0, NCTS is the number of contaminant treatment systems. If NCTS = -1, treatment system information from the previous stress period is reused for the current stress period.
icts (int) – The contaminant treatment system index number.
next (int) – The number of extraction wells for the treatment system number ICTS.
ninj (int) – The number of injection wells for the treatment system number ICTS.
itrtinj (int) –
Is the level of treatment provided for the treatment system number ICTS. Each treatment system blends concentration collected from all extraction wells contributing to the treatment system and assigns a treated concentration to all injection wells associated with that treatment system based on the treatment option selected
0 no treatment is provided 1 same level of treatment is provided to all injection wells. 2 different level of treatment can be provided to each
individual injection well.
qincts (float) – The external flow entering a treatment system. External flow may be flow entering a treatment system that is not a part of the model domain but plays an important role in influencing the blended concentration of a treatment system
cincts (float) – The concentration with which the external flow enters a treatment system
ioptinj (int) –
Is a treatment option. Negative values indicate removal of concentration/mass and positive values indicate addition of concentration/mass.
- 1 Percentage concentration/mass addition/removal is performed.
Percentages must be specified as fractions. Example, for 50% concentration/mass removal is desired, -0.5 must be specified.
- 2 Concentration is added/removed from the blended concentration.
Specified concentration CMCHGINJ is added to the blended concentration. If the specified concentration removal, CMCHGINJ, is greater than the blended concentration, the treated concentration is set to zero.
- 3 Mass is added/removed from the blended concentration.
Specified mass CMCHGINJ is added to the blended concentration. If the specified mass removal, CMCHGINJ, is greater than the blended total mass, the treated concentration is set to zero.
- 4 Specified concentration is set equal to the entered value
CMCHGINJ. A positive value is expected for CMCHGINJ with this option.
cmchginj (float) – Is the addition, removal, or specified concentration/mass values set for the treatment system. Concentration/mass is added, removed, or used as specified concentrations depending on the treatment option IOPTINJ. Note that concentration/mass values as specified by CMCHGINJ are enforced if the option IFORCE is set to 1. If IFORCE is set to 0, then CMCHGINJ is enforced only when the blended concentration exceeds the specified concentration CNTE.
cnte (float) – The concentration that is not to be exceeded for a treatment system. Treatment is applied to blended concentration only if it exceeds CNTE, when IFORCE is set to 0.
kinj (int) – Layer index for a CTS injection well
iinj (int) – Row index for a CTS injection well
jinj (int) – Column index for a CTS injection well
iwinj (int) – The well index number. This number corresponds to the well number as it appears in the WEL file of the flow model.
qoutcts (float) – the flow rate of outflow from a treatment system to an external sink. This flow rate must be specified to maintain an overall treatment system mass balance. QOUTCTS must be set equal to total inflow into a treatment system minus total outflow to all injection wells for a treatment system
Parameters are not supported in FloPy.
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- static get_default_CTS_dtype(ncomp=1, iforce=0)[source]
Construct a dtype for the recarray containing the list of cts systems
- classmethod load(f, model, nlay=None, nrow=None, ncol=None, nper=None, ncomp=None, ext_unit_dict=None)[source]
Load an existing package.
- Parameters:
f (filename or file handle) – File to load.
model (model object) – The model object (of type
) to which this package will be added.ext_unit_dict (dictionary, optional) – If the arrays in the file are specified using EXTERNAL, or older style array control records, then f should be a file handle. In this case ext_unit_dict is required, which can be constructed using the function
- Returns:
cts – Mt3dCts object
- Return type:
Mt3dCts object