Release History

Version 0.3.0 (2024-01-12)

  • add support for zone budget output to listfile module; fix issue that occured when there is only one stress period

  • add suport for regular Flopy StructuredGrids

  • read_sfr_output: add support for using an ‘sfrlines’ shapefile produced by SFRmaker in lieu Modflow 6 package data

  • fixes to cell budget output processing to support multiple instances of a package in MODFLOW 6

  • various other fixes to support pandas 2.0 and flopy 3.5

Version 0.2.0 (2022-08-01)

  • added option to listfile.plot_budget_summary to plot annual budget sums from MODFLOW Listing file

  • updated MFexportGrid object to use the object for coordinate reference system management; added dataframe and grid cell polygon properties

  • added online documentation

  • added plotting MODFLOW listing file budgets

  • added support for SFR input export (MF6 only)

  • added option to heads export to export depth to water and overpressurization depth

  • bug fixes: * skip MODFLOW 6 perioddata (transientlist datatype) for now; flopy array access can be too slow for large datasets * various other bug fixes

Initial Release Version 0.1.0 (2019-11-17)

  • PDF and gis (raster and shapefile) export for MODFLOW-NWT and MODFLOW-6 style models at model, package and variable levels

  • model summary tables via the mfexport.summarize() method

  • export of cell budget, head and drawdown information to gis file formats (PDF not implemented yet), for MODFLOW-NWT or MODFLOW-6 style models

  • export of SFR package results for MODFLOW-NWT or MODFLOW-6 style models to gis file formats and PDFs

  • only uniform structured grids are supported at this time