Source code for flopy.mf6.utils.postprocessing

import numpy as np

from .binarygrid_util import MfGrdFile

[docs]def get_structured_faceflows( flowja, grb_file=None, ia=None, ja=None, verbose=False ): """ Get the face flows for the flow right face, flow front face, and flow lower face from the MODFLOW 6 flowja flows. This method can be useful for building face flow arrays for MT3DMS, MT3D-USGS, and RT3D. This method only works for a structured MODFLOW 6 model. Parameters ---------- flowja : ndarray flowja array for a structured MODFLOW 6 model grbfile : str MODFLOW 6 binary grid file path ia : list or ndarray CRS row pointers. Only required if grb_file is not provided. ja : list or ndarray CRS column pointers. Only required if grb_file is not provided. verbose: bool Write information to standard output Returns ------- frf : ndarray right face flows fff : ndarray front face flows flf : ndarray lower face flows """ if grb_file is not None: grb = MfGrdFile(grb_file, verbose=verbose) if grb.grid_type != "DIS": raise ValueError( "get_structured_faceflows method " "is only for structured DIS grids" ) ia, ja = grb.ia, grb.ja else: if ia is None or ja is None: raise ValueError( "ia and ja arrays must be specified if the MODFLOW 6" "binary grid file name is not specified." ) # flatten flowja, if necessary if len(flowja.shape) > 0: flowja = flowja.flatten() # evaluate size of flowja relative to ja __check_flowja_size(flowja, ja) # create face flow arrays shape = (grb.nlay, grb.nrow, grb.ncol) frf = np.zeros(shape, dtype=float).flatten() fff = np.zeros(shape, dtype=float).flatten() flf = np.zeros(shape, dtype=float).flatten() # fill flow terms vmult = [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0] flows = [frf, fff, flf] for n in range(grb.nodes): i0, i1 = ia[n] + 1, ia[n + 1] for j in range(i0, i1): jcol = ja[j] if jcol > n: if jcol == n + 1: ipos = 0 elif jcol == n + grb.ncol: ipos = 1 else: ipos = 2 flows[ipos][n] = vmult[ipos] * flowja[j] return frf.reshape(shape), fff.reshape(shape), flf.reshape(shape)
[docs]def get_residuals( flowja, grb_file=None, ia=None, ja=None, shape=None, verbose=False ): """ Get the residual from the MODFLOW 6 flowja flows. The residual is stored in the diagonal position of the flowja vector. Parameters ---------- flowja : ndarray flowja array for a structured MODFLOW 6 model grbfile : str MODFLOW 6 binary grid file path ia : list or ndarray CRS row pointers. Only required if grb_file is not provided. ja : list or ndarray CRS column pointers. Only required if grb_file is not provided. shape : tuple shape of returned residual. A flat array is returned if shape is None and grbfile is None. verbose: bool Write information to standard output Returns ------- residual : ndarray Residual for each cell """ if grb_file is not None: grb = MfGrdFile(grb_file, verbose=verbose) shape = grb.shape ia, ja = grb.ia, grb.ja else: if ia is None or ja is None: raise ValueError( "ia and ja arrays must be specified if the MODFLOW 6 " "binary grid file name is not specified." ) # flatten flowja, if necessary if len(flowja.shape) > 0: flowja = flowja.flatten() # evaluate size of flowja relative to ja __check_flowja_size(flowja, ja) # create residual nodes = grb.nodes residual = np.zeros(nodes, dtype=float) # fill flow terms for n in range(nodes): i0, i1 = ia[n], ia[n + 1] if i0 < i1: residual[n] = flowja[i0] else: residual[n] = np.nan # reshape residual terms if shape is not None: residual = residual.reshape(shape) return residual
# internal def __check_flowja_size(flowja, ja): """ Check the shape of flowja relative to ja. """ if flowja.shape != ja.shape: raise ValueError( f"size of flowja ({flowja.shape}) not equal to {ja.shape}" )