flopy.mf6.utils.postprocessing module
- get_residuals(flowja, grb_file=None, ia=None, ja=None, shape=None, verbose=False)[source]
Get the residual from the MODFLOW 6 flowja flows. The residual is stored in the diagonal position of the flowja vector.
- Parameters:
flowja (ndarray) – flowja array for a structured MODFLOW 6 model
grbfile (str) – MODFLOW 6 binary grid file path
ia (list or ndarray) – CRS row pointers. Only required if grb_file is not provided.
ja (list or ndarray) – CRS column pointers. Only required if grb_file is not provided.
shape (tuple) – shape of returned residual. A flat array is returned if shape is None and grbfile is None.
verbose (bool) – Write information to standard output
- Returns:
residual – Residual for each cell
- Return type:
- get_structured_faceflows(flowja, grb_file=None, ia=None, ja=None, verbose=False)[source]
Get the face flows for the flow right face, flow front face, and flow lower face from the MODFLOW 6 flowja flows. This method can be useful for building face flow arrays for MT3DMS, MT3D-USGS, and RT3D. This method only works for a structured MODFLOW 6 model.
- Parameters:
flowja (ndarray) – flowja array for a structured MODFLOW 6 model
grbfile (str) – MODFLOW 6 binary grid file path
ia (list or ndarray) – CRS row pointers. Only required if grb_file is not provided.
ja (list or ndarray) – CRS column pointers. Only required if grb_file is not provided.
verbose (bool) – Write information to standard output
- Returns:
frf (ndarray) – right face flows
fff (ndarray) – front face flows
flf (ndarray) – lower face flows