flopy.discretization.unstructuredgrid module
- class UnstructuredGrid(vertices=None, iverts=None, xcenters=None, ycenters=None, top=None, botm=None, idomain=None, lenuni=None, ncpl=None, crs=None, epsg=None, proj4=None, prj=None, prjfile=None, xoff=0.0, yoff=0.0, angrot=0.0, iac=None, ja=None)[source]
Class for an unstructured model grid
- Parameters:
vertices (list) – list of vertices that make up the grid. Each vertex consists of three entries [iv, xv, yv] which are the vertex number, which should be zero-based, and the x and y vertex coordinates.
iverts (list) – list of vertex numbers that comprise each cell. This list must be of size nodes, if the grid_varies_by_nodes argument is true, or it must be of size ncpl[0] if the same 2d spatial grid is used for each layer.
xcenters (list or ndarray) – list of x center coordinates for all cells in the grid if the grid varies by layer or for all cells in a layer if the same grid is used for all layers
ycenters (list or ndarray) – list of y center coordinates for all cells in the grid if the grid varies by layer or for all cells in a layer if the same grid is used for all layers
top (list or ndarray) – top elevations for all cells in the grid.
botm (list or ndarray) – bottom elevations for all cells in the grid.
idomain (int or ndarray) – ibound/idomain value for each cell
lenuni (int or ndarray) – model length units
ncpl (ndarray) – one dimensional array of size nlay with the number of cells in each layer. This can also be passed in as a tuple or list as long as it can be set using ncpl = np.array(ncpl, dtype=int). The sum of ncpl must be equal to the number of cells in the grid. ncpl is optional and if it is not passed in, then it is is set using ncpl = np.array([len(iverts)], dtype=int), which means that all cells in the grid are contained in a single plottable layer. If the model grid defined in verts and iverts applies for all model layers, then the length of iverts can be equal to ncpl[0] and there is no need to repeat all of the vertex information for cells in layers
crs (pyproj.CRS, optional if prjfile is specified) – Coordinate reference system (CRS) for the model grid (must be projected; geographic CRS are not supported). The value can be anything accepted by
, such as an authority string (eg “EPSG:26916”) or a WKT string.prjfile (str or pathlike, optional if crs is specified) – ESRI-style projection file with well-known text defining the CRS for the model grid (must be projected; geographic CRS are not supported). beneath the top layer.
xoff (float) – x coordinate of the origin point (lower left corner of model grid) in the spatial reference coordinate system
yoff (float) – y coordinate of the origin point (lower left corner of model grid) in the spatial reference coordinate system
angrot (float) – rotation angle of model grid, as it is rotated around the origin point
iac (list or ndarray) – optional number of connections per node array
ja (list or ndarray) – optional jagged connection array
Properties –
---------- –
vertices – returns list of vertices that make up the grid
cell2d – returns list of cells and their vertices
This class handles spatial representation of unstructured grids. It is based on the concept of being able to support multiple model layers that may have a different number of cells in each layer. The array ncpl is of size nlay and and its sum must equal nodes. If the length of iverts is equal to ncpl[0] and the number of cells per layer is the same for each layer, then it is assumed that the grid does not vary by layer. In this case, the xcenters and ycenters arrays must also be of size ncpl[0]. This makes it possible to efficiently store spatial grid information for multiple layers.
If the spatial grid is different for each model layer, then the grid_varies_by_layer flag will automatically be set to false, and iverts must be of size nodes. The arrays for xcenters and ycenters must also be of size nodes.
- cross_section_adjust_indicies(k, cbcnt)[source]
Method to get adjusted indicies by layer and confining bed for PlotCrossSection plotting
- cross_section_lay_ncpl_ncb(ncb)[source]
Get PlotCrossSection compatible layers, ncpl, and ncb variables
- cross_section_nodeskip(nlay, xypts)[source]
Get a nodeskip list for PlotCrossSection. This is a correction for UnstructuredGridPlotting
- cross_section_set_contour_arrays(plotarray, xcenters, head, elev, projpts)[source]
Method to set countour array centers for rare instances where matplotlib contouring is prefered over trimesh plotting
- Parameters:
plotarray (np.ndarray) – array of data for contouring
xcenters (np.ndarray) – xcenters array
head (np.ndarray) – head array to adjust cell centers location
elev (np.ndarray) – cell elevation array
projpts (dict) – dictionary of projected cross sectional vertices
- Returns:
tuple ((np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, bool))
plotarray, xcenter array, ycenter array, and a boolean flag
for contouring
- property cross_section_vertices
Method to get vertices for cross-sectional plotting
- Return type:
xvertices, yvertices
- property extent
- classmethod from_argus_export(file_path, nlay=1)[source]
Create a new UnstructuredGrid from an Argus One Trimesh file
- Parameters:
file_path (Path-like) – Path to trimesh file
nlay (int) – Number of layers to create
- Return type:
An UnstructuredGrid
- classmethod from_binary_grid_file(file_path, verbose=False)[source]
Instantiate a UnstructuredGrid model grid from a MODFLOW 6 binary grid (*.grb) file.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Return type:
- classmethod from_gridspec(file_path: str | PathLike)[source]
Create an UnstructuredGrid from a grid specification file.
- Parameters:
file_path (str or PathLike) – Path to the grid specification file
- Return type:
An UnstructuredGrid
- get_cell_vertices(cellid)[source]
- Method to get a set of cell vertices for a single cell
used in the Shapefile export utilities
- Parameters:
cellid – (int) cellid number
Returns ——- list of x,y cell vertices
- get_number_plottable_layers(a)[source]
Calculate and return the number of 2d plottable arrays that can be obtained from the array passed (a)
- Parameters:
a (ndarray) – array to check for plottable layers
- Returns:
nplottable – number of plottable layers
- Return type:
- get_plottable_layer_shape(layer=None)[source]
Determine the shape that is required in order to plot in 2d for this grid.
- property grid_lines
Creates a series of grid line vertices for drawing a model grid line collection. If the grid varies by layer, then return a dictionary with keys equal to layers and values equal to grid lines. Otherwise, just return the grid lines
- Returns:
grid lines or dictionary of lines by layer
- Return type:
- property grid_varies_by_layer
- property iac
- intersect(x, y, z=None, local=False, forgive=False)[source]
Get the CELL2D number of a point with coordinates x and y
When the point is on the edge of two cells, the cell with the lowest CELL2D number is returned.
- Parameters:
x (float) – The x-coordinate of the requested point
y (float) – The y-coordinate of the requested point
z (float, None) – optional, z-coordiante of the requested point
local (bool (optional)) – If True, x and y are in local coordinates (defaults to False)
forgive (bool (optional)) – Forgive x,y arguments that fall outside the model grid and return NaNs instead (defaults to False - will throw exception)
- Returns:
icell2d – The CELL2D number
- Return type:
- property is_complete
- property is_valid
- property iverts
- property ja
- property map_polygons
Property to get Matplotlib polygon objects for the modelgrid
- property ncpl
- static ncpl_from_ihc(ihc, iac)[source]
Use the ihc and iac arrays to calculate the number of cells per layer array (ncpl) assuming that the plottable layer number is stored in the diagonal position of the ihc array.
- Parameters:
ihc (ndarray) – horizontal indicator array. If the plottable layer number is stored in the diagonal position, then this will be used to create the returned ncpl array. plottable layer numbers must increase monotonically and be consecutive with node number
iac (ndarray) – array of size nodes that has the number of connections for a cell, plus one for the cell itself
- Returns:
ncpl – number of cells per plottable layer
- Return type:
- property nlay
- property nnodes
- property nvert
- plot(**kwargs)[source]
Plot the grid lines.
- Parameters:
kwargs (ax, colors. The remaining kwargs are passed into the) – the LineCollection constructor.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- property shape
- property top_botm
- property verts
- property xyzcellcenters
Method to get cell centers and set to grid
- property xyzvertices
Method to get model grid verticies
- Returns:
list of dimension ncpl by nvertices