flopy.discretization.vertexgrid module

class VertexGrid(vertices=None, cell2d=None, top=None, botm=None, idomain=None, lenuni=None, crs=None, epsg=None, proj4=None, prj=None, prjfile=None, xoff=0.0, yoff=0.0, angrot=0.0, nlay=None, ncpl=None, cell1d=None)[source]

Bases: Grid

class for a vertex model grid

  • vertices – list of vertices that make up the grid

  • cell2d – list of cells and their vertices

  • top (list or ndarray) – top elevations for all cells in the grid.

  • botm (list or ndarray) – bottom elevations for all cells in the grid.

  • idomain (int or ndarray) – ibound/idomain value for each cell

  • lenuni (int or ndarray) – model length units

  • crs (pyproj.CRS, optional if prjfile is specified) – Coordinate reference system (CRS) for the model grid (must be projected; geographic CRS are not supported). The value can be anything accepted by pyproj.CRS.from_user_input(), such as an authority string (eg “EPSG:26916”) or a WKT string.

  • prjfile (str or pathlike, optional if crs is specified) – ESRI-style projection file with well-known text defining the CRS for the model grid (must be projected; geographic CRS are not supported).

  • xoff (float) – x coordinate of the origin point (lower left corner of model grid) in the spatial reference coordinate system

  • yoff (float) – y coordinate of the origin point (lower left corner of model grid) in the spatial reference coordinate system

  • angrot (float) – rotation angle of model grid, as it is rotated around the origin point

  • Properties

  • ----------

  • vertices – returns list of vertices that make up the grid

  • cell2d – returns list of cells and their vertices


returns vertices for a single cell at cellid.

property cell1d
property cell2d
property extent
classmethod from_binary_grid_file(file_path, verbose=False)[source]

Instantiate a VertexGrid model grid from a MODFLOW 6 binary grid (*.grb) file.

  • file_path (str) – file path for the MODFLOW 6 binary grid file

  • verbose (bool) – Write information to standard output. Default is False.



Return type:


Method to get a set of cell vertices for a single cell

used in the Shapefile export utilities


cellid – (int) cellid number

Returns ——- list of x,y cell vertices


Calculate and return the number of 2d plottable arrays that can be obtained from the array passed (a)


a (ndarray) – array to check for plottable layers


nplottable – number of plottable layers

Return type:


get_plottable_layer_array(a, layer)[source]
property grid_lines

Creates a series of grid line vertices for drawing a model grid line collection


grid line vertices

Return type:


intersect(x, y, z=None, local=False, forgive=False)[source]

Get the CELL2D number of a point with coordinates x and y

When the point is on the edge of two cells, the cell with the lowest CELL2D number is returned.

  • x (float) – The x-coordinate of the requested point

  • y (float) – The y-coordinate of the requested point

  • z (float, None) – optional, z-coordiante of the requested point will return (lay, icell2d)

  • local (bool (optional)) – If True, x and y are in local coordinates (defaults to False)

  • forgive (bool (optional)) – Forgive x,y arguments that fall outside the model grid and return NaNs instead (defaults to False - will throw exception)


icell2d – The CELL2D number

Return type:


property is_complete
property is_valid
property iverts
property map_polygons

Get a list of matplotlib Polygon patches for plotting

Return type:

list of Polygon objects

property ncpl
property nlay
property nnodes
property nvert

Plot the grid lines.


kwargs (ax, colors. The remaining kwargs are passed into the) – the LineCollection constructor.



Return type:


property shape
property top_botm
property verts
property xyzcellcenters

Method to get cell centers and set to grid

property xyzvertices

Method to get all grid vertices in a layer, arranged per cell


list of size sum(nvertices per cell)