Source code for mfexport.array_export

import os
from pathlib import Path
import time
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import rasterio
from rasterio import Affine
from shapely.geometry import LineString
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from gisutils import df2shp

[docs] def export_array(filename, a, modelgrid, nodata=-9999, fieldname='value', verbose=False, **kwargs): """ Write a numpy array to Arc Ascii grid or shapefile with the model reference. Parameters ---------- modelgrid : Flopy StructuredGrid instance filename : str Path of output file. Export format is determined by file extention. '.asc' Arc Ascii grid '.tif' GeoTIFF (requries rasterio package) '.shp' Shapefile a : 2D or 3D numpy.ndarray Array to export nodata : scalar Value to assign to np.nan entries (default -9999) fieldname : str Attribute field name for array values (shapefile export only). (default 'values') kwargs: keyword arguments to np.savetxt (ascii) (GeoTIFF) or flopy.export.shapefile_utils.write_grid_shapefile2 Notes ----- Rotated grids will be either be unrotated prior to export, using scipy.ndimage.rotate (Arc Ascii format) or rotation will be included in their transform property (GeoTiff format). In either case the pixels will be displayed in the (unrotated) projected geographic coordinate system, so the pixels will no longer align exactly with the model grid (as displayed from a shapefile, for example). A key difference between Arc Ascii and GeoTiff (besides disk usage) is that the unrotated Arc Ascii will have a different grid size, whereas the GeoTiff will have the same number of rows and pixels as the original. """ a = a.copy() t0 = time.time() filename = Path(filename) if filename.suffix == ".tif": if len(np.unique(modelgrid.delr)) != len(np.unique(modelgrid.delc)) != 1 \ or modelgrid.delr[0] != modelgrid.delc[0]: raise ValueError('GeoTIFF export require a uniform grid.') x0 = modelgrid.xyedges[0][0] y0 = modelgrid.xyedges[1][0] xul, yul = modelgrid.get_coords(x0, y0) trans = Affine(modelgrid.delr[0], 0., xul, 0., -modelgrid.delc[0], yul) * \ Affine.rotation(-modelgrid.angrot) # third dimension is the number of bands if len(a.shape) == 2: a = np.reshape(a, (1, a.shape[0], a.shape[1])) if a.dtype == np.int64: a = a.astype(np.int32) if a.dtype == bool: a = a.astype(np.int32) meta = {'count': a.shape[0], 'width': a.shape[2], 'height': a.shape[1], 'nodata': nodata, 'dtype': a.dtype, 'driver': 'GTiff', 'crs':, 'transform': trans, 'compress': 'lzw' } meta.update(kwargs) # remove file first, # to avoid rasterio._err.CPLE_AppDefinedError: TIFFReadDirectory: errors for file in [filename, filename.with_suffix('.tif.msk'), filename.with_suffix('.aux.xml')]: file.unlink(missing_ok=True) with, 'w', **meta) as dst: dst.write(a) if isinstance(a, dst.write_mask(~a.mask.transpose(1, 2, 0)) print('wrote {}'.format(filename)) elif filename.lower().endswith(".shp"): raise NotImplementedError() if verbose: print("array export took {:.2f}s".format(time.time() - t0))
[docs] def export_array_contours(filename, a, modelgrid, fieldname='level', interval=None, levels=None, maxlevels=1000, crs=None, verbose=False, **kwargs): """ Contour an array using matplotlib; write shapefile of contours. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path of output file with '.shp' extention. a : 2D numpy array Array to contour crs : obj A Python int, dict, str, or :class:`` instance passed to the :meth:`` See Can be any of: - PROJ string - Dictionary of PROJ parameters - PROJ keyword arguments for parameters - JSON string with PROJ parameters - CRS WKT string - An authority string [i.e. 'epsg:4326'] - An EPSG integer code [i.e. 4326] - A tuple of ("auth_name": "auth_code") [i.e ('epsg', '4326')] - An object with a `to_wkt` method. - A :class:`` class **kwargs : keyword arguments to matplotlib.axes.Axes.contour """ t0 = time.time() if crs is None: crs = if interval is not None: kwargs['levels'] = make_levels(a, interval, maxlevels) elif levels is not None: kwargs['levels'] = levels ax = plt.subplots()[-1] contours = ax.contour(modelgrid.xcellcenters, modelgrid.ycellcenters, a, **kwargs) #plt.savefig('junk.pdf') plt.close() if not isinstance(contours, list): contours = [contours] geoms = [] level = [] for ctr in contours: levels = ctr.levels for i, c in enumerate(ctr.collections): paths = c.get_paths() for path in paths: # break the paths up into their components # (so that different instances of a contour level # don't connect across other contour levels) parts = np.split(path.vertices, np.where( == 1)[0], axis=0) parts = [p for p in parts if len(p) > 0] geoms += [LineString(p) if len(p) > 1 else LineString() for p in parts] level += list(np.ones(len(parts)) * levels[i]) #geoms += [LineString(p.vertices) if len(p) > 1 else LineString() for p in paths] #level += list(np.ones(len(paths)) * levels[i]) # convert the dictionary to a recarray if len(level) == 0: print('No contours! Try adjusting the levels or interval.') return gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'level': level, 'geometry': geoms}, crs=crs) gdf.to_file(filename) if verbose: print("array contour export took {:.2f}s".format(time.time() - t0)) return
[docs] def make_levels(array, interval, maxlevels=1000): imin = np.round(np.floor(np.nanmin(array)), 0) imax = np.round(np.ceil(np.nanmax(array)), 0) levels = np.round(np.arange(imin, imax, interval), 6) inrange = (levels >= np.nanmin(array)) & (levels <= np.nanmax(array)) levels = levels[inrange] if len(levels) > maxlevels: msg = '{:.0f} levels at interval of {}; setting contours based on maxlevels ({})'.format( len(levels), interval, maxlevels) print(msg) levels = np.round(np.linspace(imin, imax, maxlevels), 6) return levels
[docs] def squeeze_3d(array): """Squeeze a 3D array to only include the (2D) slices along the 0 axis that are different (for example, periods when a stress changes). Include the first slice (period) by default. Parameters ---------- array : 3D numpy array Original data Returns ------- squeezed : dict Dictionary of the 2D slices (values), keyed by period, that are different. """ unique_pers = list(np.where(np.diff(array, axis=0).sum(axis=(1, 2)) != 0)[0] + 1) # include first period by default, # won't show up if second is the same unique_pers = [0] + unique_pers squeezed = {per: array[per] for per in unique_pers} return squeezed