Source code for mfexport.budget_output

import io
import os
from pathlib import Path
import time
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from flopy.discretization import StructuredGrid
from flopy.utils.sfroutputfile import SfrFile
import flopy.utils.binaryfile as bf
from flopy.mf6.utils.binarygrid_util import MfGrdFile
from mfexport.grid import get_kij_from_node3d

[docs] def aggregate_sfr_flow_ja_face(df): """SFR streamflow in/out components are saved in MODFLOW 6 as FLOW-JA-FACE, where all inflows (positive values) and outflows (negative values) are listed for each stream reach (node). This method aggregates those results and returns a dataframe with one row per reach, with Qin, Qout, Qnet and Qmean_cfd and Qmean_cfs columns. Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame Dataframe produced by read_mf6_binary_stress_output. Must have columns: node : reach number (rno) kstpkper : (timestep, stress period) tuples time : total time in model units q : FLOW-JA-FACE values (+ in, - out) Returns ------- agg : DataFrame DataFrame with flow values aggregated by node, with columns: kstpkper : (timestep, stress period) tuples time : total time in model units rno : reach number (1-based) Qin : total inflows from other reaches Qout : total outflows to other reaches Qnet : net gain/loss in flow Qmean : average of inflows and outflows """ print('aggregating FLOW-JA-FACE results...') ta = time.time() # Note: the loop/dictionary approach below # is ~20 times faster than a groupby approach # specifying the aggregation operations by column Qin = {} Qout = {} timedict = {} node = df.node.tolist() kstpkper = df.kstpkper.tolist() times = df.time.tolist() q = df.q.tolist() tal = time.time() for i in range(len(node)): k = (kstpkper[i], node[i]) qi = q[i] qin = Qin.get(k, 0) qout = Qout.get(k, 0) if qi > 0: qin += qi elif qi < 0: qout += qi Qin[k] = qin Qout[k] = qout timedict[k] = times[i] print("loop took {:.2f}s".format(time.time() - tal)) tal = time.time() # casting dicts to list first and then constructing dataframe # is about 30x faster than pd.DataFrame.from_dict keys = list(Qin.keys()) Qinl = [Qin[k] for k in keys] Qoutl = [Qout[k] for k in keys] timel = [timedict[k] for k in keys] agg = pd.DataFrame({'Qin': Qinl, 'Qout': Qoutl, 'time': timel}, index=keys) agg['kstpkper'] = [i[0] for i in agg.index.values] agg['rno'] = [i[1] for i in agg.index.values] agg.index = range(len(agg)) agg = agg[['time', 'kstpkper', 'rno', 'Qin', 'Qout']] agg['Qnet'] = agg[['Qin', 'Qout']].sum(axis=1) agg['Qmean'] = agg[['Qin', 'Qout']].abs().sum(axis=1) / 2 print("DataFrame construction took {:.2f}s".format(time.time() - tal)) print("finished in {:.2f}s\n".format(time.time() - ta)) return agg.sort_values(by=['time', 'rno'])
[docs] def aggregate_mf6_stress_budget(mf6_stress_budget_output, text=None, kstpkper=None): """Read MODFLOW 6 budget output for a stress package into a DataFrame of one node/stress period per row, with fluxes listed by column. Parameters ---------- mf6_stress_budget_output : file path Binary output file text : str or list of strings Text identifying flow term(s) (e.g. 'FLOW-JA-FACE', 'GWF', etc.). If None, all available variables are returned. (default None) Returns ------- df : DataFrame DataFrame with flow values aggregated by node and stress period. Columns derived from FLOW-JA-FACE results are: kstpkper : (timestep, stress period) tuples time : total time in model units node : SFR reach number (zero-based) Qin : total inflows from other reaches Qout : total outflows to other reaches Qnet : net gain/loss in flow Qmean : average of inflows and outflows Any additional fluxes are listed in columns of the same name. """ print('Getting data from {}...'.format(mf6_stress_budget_output)) ta = time.time() if isinstance(text, str): text = [text] elif text is None: text = get_stress_budget_textlist(mf6_stress_budget_output) print('for variables: ' + ' '.join(text)) dfs = {} agg = {} for k in text: dfs[k] = read_mf6_stress_budget_output(mf6_stress_budget_output, text=k, kstpkper=kstpkper) # aggregate FLOW-JA-FACE values to one Qin, Qout value per reach if k == 'FLOW-JA-FACE': agg[k] = aggregate_sfr_flow_ja_face(dfs['FLOW-JA-FACE']) index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(zip(agg[k].kstpkper, agg[k].rno)), names=['kstpkper', 'node']) agg[k].index = index else: # get fluxes by reach # dfs[k] has one row for each connection # reduce to sum of flow terms for each node (i.e. each SFR reach) agg[k] = dfs[k].groupby(['kstpkper', 'node']).sum() # merge variables into single dataframe t = 'FLOW-JA-FACE' if 'FLOW-JA-FACE' in text else text[0] text.remove(t) df = agg[t] for t in text: agg[t][t] = agg[t].q # create column with flux name df = df.join(agg[t][t], how='outer') # join on multiindex of kstpkper, node # with outer join, ensure that all kstpkper and rno # columns fully populated df['kstpkper'] = df.index.get_level_values(0) df['node'] = df.index.get_level_values(1) df.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) df.sort_values(by=['time', 'node'], inplace=True) assert not np.any(df.kstpkper.isna().values) #assert not np.any(df.rno.isna().values) # nan rnos can be unconnected reaches rno_col = {'rno', 'ifno'}.intersection(df.columns) if rno_col: rno_col = rno_col.pop() #assert np.array_equal(df.node.values, df.rno.values) assert np.array_equal(df.dropna(axis=0, subset=['rno'])['node'].values, df.dropna(axis=0, subset=['rno'])[rno_col].values) df.drop(rno_col, axis=1, inplace=True) # convert to zero-based # (rnos in flopy package input are zero-based) if df['node'].min() == 1: df['node'] -= 1 df.index = range(len(df)) print("finished in {:.2f}s\n".format(time.time() - ta)) return df
[docs] def get_flowja_face(cell_budget_file, binary_grid_file, kstpkper=(0, 0), idx=0, precision='double'): """Get FLOW-JA-FACE (cell by cell flows) from MODFLOW 6 budget output and binary grid file. TODO: need test for extracted flowja fluxes """ if isinstance(cell_budget_file, str): cbb = bf.CellBudgetFile(cell_budget_file) if binary_grid_file is None: binary_grid_file = cell_budget_file[::-4] + '.dis.grb' if not os.path.exists(binary_grid_file): binary_grid_file = None else: cbb = cell_budget_file if binary_grid_file is None: print("Couldn't get FLOW-JA-FACE, need binary grid file for connection information.") return bgf = MfGrdFile(binary_grid_file) # IA array maps cell number to connection number # (one-based index number of first connection at each cell)? # taking the forward difference then yields nconnections per cell ia = bgf._datadict['IA'] - 1 # Connections in the JA array correspond directly with the # FLOW-JA-FACE record that is written to the budget file. ja = bgf._datadict['JA'] - 1 # cell connections flowja = cbb.get_data(text='FLOW-JA-FACE')[0][0, 0, :] df = get_intercell_connections(ia, ja, flowja) cols = ['n', 'm', 'q'] # get the k, i, j locations for plotting the connections if isinstance(bgf.modelgrid, StructuredGrid): nlay, nrow, ncol = bgf.modelgrid.nlay, bgf.modelgrid.nrow, bgf.modelgrid.ncol k, i, j = get_kij_from_node3d(df['n'].values, nrow, ncol) df['kn'], df['in'], df['jn'] = k, i, j k, i, j = get_kij_from_node3d(df['m'].values, nrow, ncol) df['km'], df['im'], df['jm'] = k, i, j df.reset_index() cols += ['kn', 'in', 'jn', 'km', 'im', 'jm'] return df[cols].copy()
[docs] def get_intercell_connections(ia, ja, flowja): print('Making DataFrame of intercell connections...') ta = time.time() all_n = [] m = [] q = [] for n in range(len(ia)-1): for ipos in range(ia[n] + 1, ia[n+1]): all_n.append(n) m.append(ja[ipos]) # m is the cell that n connects to q.append(flowja[ipos]) # flow across the connection df = pd.DataFrame({'n': all_n, 'm': m, 'q': q}) et = time.time() - ta print("finished in {:.2f}s\n".format(et)) return df
[docs] def get_bc_flux(cbbobj, txt, kstpkper=None, idx=None): """Read a flow component from MODFLOW binary cell budget output; Parameters ---------- cbbobj : open file handle (instance of flopy.utils.binaryfile.CellBudgetFile txt : cell budget record to read (e.g. 'STREAM LEAKAGE') kstpkper : tuple (timestep, stress period) to read idx : index of list returned by cbbobj (usually 0) Returns ------- arr : ndarray """ nrow, ncol, nlay = cbbobj.nrow, cbbobj.ncol, cbbobj.nlay results_list = cbbobj.get_data(text=txt, kstpkper=kstpkper, idx=idx) # this logic needs some cleanup #if len(results) > 0: # results = results[0] if len(results_list) == 0: print('no data found at {} for {}'.format(kstpkper, txt)) return all_results = [] for i, results in enumerate(results_list): if isinstance(results, list) and txt == 'RECHARGE': results = results[1] if len(results) == 0: print(f'no data found at {kstpkper} for {txt}, layer {i}') continue #if results.shape == (nlay, nrow, ncol): # return results #if results.shape == (1, nrow, ncol): # results = results[0] #elif results.shape == (nrow, ncol): # return results if np.ndim(results) == 1 and \ len({'node', 'q'}.difference(set(results.dtype.names))) == 0: arr = np.zeros(nlay * nrow * ncol, dtype=float) arr[results.node - 1] = results.q arr = np.reshape(arr, (nlay, nrow, ncol)) results = arr.sum(axis=0) all_results.append(np.squeeze(results)) return np.squeeze(all_results)
[docs] def get_stress_budget_textlist(mf6_stress_budget_output): """Get list of available variable names in a binary budget output file. """ cbobj = bf.CellBudgetFile(mf6_stress_budget_output, precision='double' ) textlist = [t.strip().decode() for t in cbobj.textlist] return textlist
[docs] def read_mf6_dependent_variable_output(mf6_dependent_variable_output, text='head', kstpkper=None, hdry=-1e30): """Reads dependent variable output; for example, heads from the groundwater flow solution or output from STAGE FILEOUT in the options block of the .sfr6 file). Returns a DataFrame of output values. Parameters ---------- mf6_dependent_variable_output : file path Binary output file text : str Text identifying variable (e.g. 'head', 'stage', etc.) kstpkper : list of tuples List of zero-based (timestep, stress period) tuples. If None, all available data are returned. (default None) hdry : float Value indicating dry cells. Returns ------- df : DataFrame Table with results. Columns: node : Zero-based ID: model cell number for heads, reach number for SFR, etc. <text> : results for variable <text> kstpkper : (timestep, stress period) time : total time in model units """ print('reading {} from\n{}...'.format(text, mf6_dependent_variable_output)) ta = time.time() hdsobj = bf.HeadFile(mf6_dependent_variable_output, text=text) # need to specify text otherwise file may not open times = hdsobj.get_times() if kstpkper is None: kstpkper = hdsobj.get_kstpkper() else: if not isinstance(kstpkper, list): kstpkper = [kstpkper] records = [] for ksp in kstpkper: results = hdsobj.get_data(kstpkper=ksp) results = np.squeeze(results).ravel().tolist() records.append(results) nnodes = len(np.squeeze(records[0]).ravel()) # create dataframe with one result in each row # sorted by timestep, then node values = [] kstpkper_values = [] time_values = [] for i, rec in enumerate(records): values += records[i] kstpkper_values += [kstpkper[i]] * nnodes time_values += [times[i]] * nnodes df = pd.DataFrame({'node': list(range(nnodes)) * len(records), text: values, 'kstpkper': kstpkper_values, 'time': time_values}) df.loc[df[text] == hdry, text] = np.nan print("finished in {:.2f}s\n".format(time.time() - ta)) return df[['time', 'kstpkper', 'node', text]]
[docs] def read_mf6_stress_budget_output(mf6_stress_budget_output, text='FLOW-JA-FACE', kstpkper=None): """Reads budget output from any package that follows the imeth=6 structure (e.g. LAK, MAW, SFR, and UZF package(s); for example, output from BUDGET FILEOUT in the options block of the .sfr6 file). Parameters ---------- mf6_stress_budget_output : file path Binary output file text : str Text identifying flow term (e.g. 'FLOW-JA-FACE') Returns ------- df : DataFrame Table with flow results. Columns: node : node number (e.g. stream reach; 1-based) node2 : connecting node (e.g. up or downstream reach; 1-based) q : flow values FLOW-AREA : area of JA-FACE? kstpkper : (timestep, stress period) time : total time in model units """ print('reading {} from\n{}...'.format(text, mf6_stress_budget_output)) ta = time.time() cbobj = bf.CellBudgetFile(mf6_stress_budget_output, precision='double' ) times = cbobj.get_times() dfs = [] if kstpkper is None: kstpkper = cbobj.get_kstpkper() # returns a list of recarrays (length: nnodes); # one for each timestep, stress period records = cbobj.get_data(text=text) else: # otherwise, just get the results # for specified timestep, stress periods if not isinstance(kstpkper, list): kstpkper = [kstpkper] records = [] for ksp in kstpkper: records += cbobj.get_data(text=text, kstpkper=ksp) for i, rec in enumerate(records): df = pd.DataFrame(rec) df['kstpkper'] = [kstpkper[i]] * len(df) df['time'] = [times[i]] * len(df) dfs.append(df.copy()) df = pd.concat(dfs) print("finished in {:.2f}s\n".format(time.time() - ta)) return df.sort_values(by=['time', 'node'])
[docs] def read_sfr_output(mf2005_sfr_outputfile=None, mf2005_SfrFile_instance=None, mf6_sfr_stage_file=None, mf6_sfr_budget_file=None, mf6_package_data=None, model=None, grid_type='structured'): """Read MF-2005 or MF-6 style SFR output; return as DataFrame. """ model_version = None packagedata = None if model is not None: model_version = model.version if model_version == 'mf6': packagedata = pd.DataFrame( elif mf6_package_data is not None: model_version = 'mf6' if isinstance(mf6_package_data, str) or isinstance(mf6_package_data, Path): skiprows = 0 names = None with open(mf6_package_data) as src: for line in src: if line.strip().startswith('#'): names = line.strip().split() skiprows += 1 else: ncol = len(line.strip().split()) break if names is None: if grid_type == 'structured': names = ['rno', 'k', 'i', 'j', 'rlen', 'rwid', 'rgrd', 'rtp', 'rbth', 'rhk', 'man', 'ncon', 'ustrf', 'ndv'] else: names = ['rno', 'cellid', 'rlen', 'rwid', 'rgrd', 'rtp', 'rbth', 'rhk', 'man', 'ncon', 'ustrf', 'ndv'] for i, _ in enumerate(range(len(names), ncol)): names.append(f'aux_col{i+1}') else: names[0] = names[0].strip('#') # read the packagedata as a string to handle "none" values with open(mf6_package_data) as src: raw_pd = raw_pd = raw_pd.lower().replace('none', '0 0 0') packagedata = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(raw_pd), names=names, skiprows=skiprows, delim_whitespace=True) for col in ['rno', 'ifno', 'k', 'i', 'j']: if col in packagedata: packagedata[col] -= 1 if 'cellid' in packagedata.columns: if not isinstance(packagedata['cellid'][0], int): packagedata['cellid'] = [(c[0]-1, c[1] -1, c[2] -1) for c in packagedata['cellid']] else: packagedata['cellid'] -=1 else: # make the dataframe on the .array attribute for flopy objects # or mf6_package_data is assumed to be array-like packagedata = pd.DataFrame(getattr(mf6_package_data, 'array', mf6_package_data)) if model_version == 'mf6': # get the budget output df = aggregate_mf6_stress_budget(mf6_sfr_budget_file) # get the stage data if mf6_sfr_stage_file is not None: stg = read_mf6_dependent_variable_output(mf6_sfr_stage_file, text='stage') df.sort_values(by=['kstpkper', 'node'], inplace=True) stg.sort_values(by=['kstpkper', 'node'], inplace=True) df.set_index(['kstpkper', 'node'], inplace=True) stg.set_index(['kstpkper', 'node'], inplace=True) na_reaches = np.isnan(df.time.values) #df.loc[~na_reaches].to_csv('df.csv') #stg.loc[~na_reaches].to_csv('stg.csv') #assert np.allclose(df.time.values, stg.time.values) assert np.allclose(df.loc[~na_reaches].time.values, stg.loc[~na_reaches].time.values) assert np.array_equal(df.index, stg.index) df['stage'] = stg['stage'] df.reset_index(inplace=True) else: df['stage'] = np.nan # get the row, column location of SFR cells; # compute stream depths if packagedata is not None: rd = packagedata rno_col = {'rno', 'ifno'}.intersection(rd.columns).pop() # convert reach number to zero-based if rd[rno_col].min() == 1: rd[rno_col] -= 1 assert rd[rno_col].min() == 0 assert df.node.min() == 0 strtop_col = {'rtp', 'strtop'}.intersection(rd.columns).pop() rno_strtop = dict(zip(rd[rno_col], rd[strtop_col])) df['strtop'] = pd.to_numeric([rno_strtop[rno] for rno in df.node.values], errors='coerce') # fill nan stages with their streambed tops isna = df['stage'].isna() df.loc[isna, 'stage'] = df.loc[isna, 'strtop'] df['depth'] = df['stage'] - df['strtop'] if 'cellid' not in rd.columns: rd['cellid'] = list(zip(rd['k'], rd['i'], rd['j'])) rno_cellid = dict(zip(rd[rno_col], rd.cellid)) for i, dim in enumerate(['k', 'i', 'j']): df[dim] = pd.to_numeric([rno_cellid[rno][i] for rno in df.node.values], errors='coerce') df.dropna(subset=['k', 'i', 'j'], axis=0, inplace=True) # can't convert to integers if nans are present for dim in ['k', 'i', 'j']: df[dim] = df[dim].astype(int) assert 'int' in df[dim] else: # SFR output if mf2005_sfr_outputfile is not None: sfrobj = SfrFile(mf2005_sfr_outputfile) elif mf2005_SfrFile_instance is not None: sfrobj = mf2005_SfrFile_instance else: print('Need path to SFR tabular budget output or FloPy SfrFile instance.') df = sfrobj.df.copy() df.sort_values(by=['segment', 'reach'], inplace=True) return df