Source code for mfexport.shapefile_export

import time
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from packaging import version
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
import flopy
from flopy.utils import MfList
from import MFTransientList
    from import MFPandasTransientList
    MFPandasTransientList = False
from gisutils import df2shp
from mfexport.list_export import mftransientlist_to_dataframe

[docs] def export_shapefile(filename, data, modelgrid, kper=None, squeeze=True, epsg=None, proj_str=None, prj=None, verbose=False): t0 = time.time() if isinstance(data, MFTransientList) or isinstance(data, MfList): df = mftransientlist_to_dataframe(data, squeeze=squeeze) elif MFPandasTransientList and isinstance(data, MFPandasTransientList): df = mftransientlist_to_dataframe(data, squeeze=squeeze) elif isinstance(data, np.recarray): df = pd.DataFrame(data) elif isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): df = data else: raise TypeError("data needs to be a pandas DataFrame, MFList, or numpy recarray") if epsg is None: epsg = modelgrid.epsg if proj_str is None: proj_str = modelgrid.proj4 if 'cellid' in df.columns and isinstance(df['cellid'].values[0], tuple): k, i, j = list(zip(*df['cellid'])) i = np.array(i) j = np.array(j) elif 'i' in df.columns and 'j' in df.columns: i, j = df['i'].values, df['j'].values elif 'geometry' not in df.columns: raise ValueError('DataFrame needs cellid, (i, j) or geometry' 'information to be exported to shapefile.') if kper is not None: df = df.loc[df.per == kper] verts = np.array(modelgrid._cell_vert_list(i, j)) elif df is not None: verts = modelgrid._cell_vert_list(i, j) # use cell geometries from the model grid if 'geometry' not in df.columns: polys = np.array([Polygon(v) for v in verts]) df['geometry'] = polys # unfortunately, reaches through inactive cells # lose their cellid (k, i, j) location # so there is no way to plot these # without geometries from another source (such as the sfrlines) # drop such geometries, which are identified by k, i, j == -1 invalid_geoms = np.any(df[['k', 'i', 'j']] < 0, axis=1) df = df.loc[~invalid_geoms].copy() if epsg is None: epsg = modelgrid.epsg if proj_str is None: proj_str = modelgrid.proj4 if prj is None: prj = modelgrid.prj crs = df2shp(df, filename, epsg=epsg, crs=crs, prj=prj) if verbose: print("shapefile export took {:.2f}s".format(time.time() - t0))