import os
import inspect
from pathlib import Path
import pprint
import yaml
import json
import numpy as np
def load(filename):
"""Load a configuration file."""
if str(filename).endswith('.yml') or str(filename).endswith('.yaml'):
return load_yaml(filename)
elif str(filename).endswith('.json'):
return load_json(filename)
def load_json(jsonfile):
"""Convenience function to load a json file; replacing
some escaped characters."""
with open(jsonfile) as f:
return json.load(f)
def load_yaml(yml_file):
"""Load yaml file into a dictionary."""
with open(yml_file) as src:
cfg = yaml.load(src, Loader=yaml.Loader)
return cfg
def make_output_folders(output_path='postproc'):
output_path = Path(output_path)
pdfs_dir = output_path / 'pdfs'
rasters_dir = output_path / 'rasters'
shps_dir = output_path / 'shps'
for path in [pdfs_dir, shps_dir, rasters_dir]:
if not path.is_dir():
print('creating {}...'.format(path))
return pdfs_dir, rasters_dir, shps_dir
def print_item(k, v):
print('{}: '.format(k), end='')
if isinstance(v, dict):
#print(json.dumps(v, indent=4))
elif isinstance(v, list):
def get_water_table(heads, nodata,
valid_min=-1e-4, valid_max=3e4):
Get a 2D array representing
the water table elevation for each
stress period in heads array.
heads : 3 or 4-D np.ndarray
Heads array.
nodata : real
HDRY value indicating dry cells.
valid_min : float (optional)
The lowest value regarded as valid, regardless of nodata value.
By default, -1e4
valid_max : float (optional)
The highest value regarded as valid, regardless of nodata value.
By default, 3e4
wt : 2 or 3-D np.ndarray of water table elevations
for each stress period.
heads = np.array(heads, ndmin=4)
mask = (heads == nodata) | (heads < valid_min) | (heads > valid_max)
k = (~mask).argmax(axis=1)
per, i, j = np.indices(k.shape)
wt = heads[per.ravel(), k.ravel(), i.ravel(), j.ravel()].reshape(k.shape)
wt = np.squeeze(wt)
mask = (wt == nodata) | (wt < valid_min) | (wt > valid_max)
wt =, mask)
return wt
def get_flopy_package_fname(package):
if getattr(package, 'filename', None) is not None:
return getattr(package, 'filename')
elif getattr(package, 'file_name') is not None:
file_name = getattr(package, 'file_name', None)
return file_name[0]
elif getattr(package, 'fn_path', None) is not None:
fn_path = getattr(package, 'fn_path', None)
return Path(fn_path).name
raise AttributeError(f"Can't get filename for package:\n{package}")