Source code for mfexport.zbud
"""Functions for working with zone budget.
import os
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from flopy.mf6.utils.binarygrid_util import MfGrdFile
def write_zonebudget6_input(zones, budgetfile,
# make sure zones is the right shape
bgf = MfGrdFile(binary_grid_file)
nlay, nrow, ncol = bgf.modelgrid.nlay, bgf.modelgrid.nrow, bgf.modelgrid.ncol
layered = False
if len(zones.shape) == 3:
layered = True
assert zones.shape == (nlay, nrow, ncol)
elif len(zones.shape) == 2:
assert zones.shape == (nrow, ncol)
# if zones is 2d and multiple layers
# broadcast zones to all layers
if nlay > 1:
layered = True
zones = np.broadcast_to(zones, (nlay, nrow, ncol))
assert len(zones) == nlay * nrow * ncol
assert zones.shape[-2:] == (nrow, ncol)
budgetfile = Path(budgetfile)
if outname is None:
outpath = budgetfile.parent
outname = budgetfile.stem
outpath = Path(outname).parent
outname = Path(outname).stem
output_namefile = outpath / (outname + '.zbud.nam')
output_zonefile = outpath / (outname + '.zbud.zon')
output_zone_array_format = outpath
# relative path to budget file from zone budget input
#budgetfile = budgetfile.relative_to(outpath.absolute())
# use os.path.relpath because pathlib relative_to()
# only works with strings and therefore doesn't handle two paths that branch
budgetfile = os.path.relpath(budgetfile, outpath.absolute())
# relative path to grb file
if binary_grid_file is not None:
binary_grid_file = os.path.relpath(binary_grid_file, outpath.absolute())
# write the name file
with open(output_namefile, 'w') as dest:
dest.write('begin zonebudget\n')
dest.write(f' bud {budgetfile}\n')
dest.write(f' zon {}\n')
dest.write(f' grb {binary_grid_file}\n')
dest.write('end zonebudget\n')
print(f'wrote {output_namefile}')
# write the zone arrays
zone_arrays_path = outpath / zone_arrays_subfolder
zone_array_format = 'budget-zones_{:03d}.dat'
open_close_text = ''
if not layered:
array_fname = zone_arrays_path / zone_array_format.format(0)
np.savetxt(array_fname, zones, fmt='%d')
array_fname = array_fname.relative_to(outpath)
print(f'wrote {array_fname}')
open_close_text += f' open/close {array_fname}\n'
for k, layer_zones in enumerate(zones):
array_fname = zone_arrays_path / zone_array_format.format(k)
np.savetxt(array_fname, layer_zones, fmt='%d')
array_fname = array_fname.relative_to(outpath)
open_close_text += f' open/close {array_fname}\n'
print(f'wrote {array_fname}')
# write the zone file
with open(output_zonefile, 'w') as dest:
dest.write('begin dimensions\n')
dest.write(f' ncells {zones.size}\n')
dest.write('end dimensions\n')
dest.write('begin griddata\n')
izone_text = 'izone'
if layered:
izone_text += ' layered'
dest.write(f' {izone_text}\n')
dest.write('end griddata\n')
print(f'wrote {output_zonefile}')