Demo of USGS-MAP-gwmodels

This page demonstrates some of the core features of USGS-MAP-gwmodel obs, applied to the Mississippi Delta inset model area. Specifically:

  • setup of model layering and property zones by combining voxel-based hydrogeologic facies derived from an airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey (Burton and others, 2020) with traditional raster surfaces denoting hydrogeologic contacts (Hart and others, 2008)

  • culling of NetCDF-based infiltration data (Westenbroek and others, 2020) to the model area, and aggregation to monthly values

  • preprocessing of streamflow timeseries for use as specified inflows to the SFR package, or streamflow observations

  • preprocessing of head observations

  • preprocessing of water use data, including:

    • estimates of agricultural water use (Wilson, 2020)

    • non-agricultulral water use data from the USGS

Cited References

from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
from mfsetup.grid import MFsetupGrid

Define some global inputs

test_data_path = Path('../mapgwm/tests/data')
output_folder = Path('output')
output_folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True)  # make the output folder if it doesn't exist

# ms delta geographic extent
delta_extent = test_data_path / 'extents/ms_delta.shp'

# simulation start date

# model grid for the MS Delta inset model
delr = np.ones(ncol) * dxy
delc = np.ones(nrow) * dxy
delta_inset_model_grid = MFsetupGrid(delc, delr, top=None, botm=None,
                                     lenuni=2, epsg=5070,
                                     xoff=434955, yoff=1040285, angrot=0.0)

# shapefile with polygons to group observations by geographic area
geographic_groups = [test_data_path / 'extents/CompositeHydrographArea.shp',
                     test_data_path / 'extents/MAP_generalized_regions.shp'

Set up the model layering and property zones

from AEM-based voxel data and raster surfaces of hydrogeologic contacts

# mean dem values for each 1 km gridcell, elevation units of feet
dem_means_raster = test_data_path / 'rasters/dem_mean_elevs_1000.tif'

# AEM electrical resistivity-based facies classes from tempest and resolve surveys
# (All facies classes version)
facies_classes_netcdf = test_data_path / 'netcdf/'

# Original MERAS framework (1 mi resolution), elevation units of feet
framework_rasters = [
    test_data_path / 'rasters/vkbg_surf.tif',  # Vicksburg-Jackson Group (top)
    test_data_path / 'rasters/ucaq_surf.tif',  # Upper Claiborne aquifer (top)
    test_data_path / 'rasters/mccu_surf.tif',  # Middle Claiborne confining unit (t
    test_data_path / 'rasters/mcaq_surf.tif',  # Middle Claiborne aquifer (top)
    test_data_path / 'rasters/lccu_surf.tif',  # Lower Claiborne confining unit (to
    test_data_path / 'rasters/lcaq_surf.tif',  # Lower Claiborne aquifer (top)
    test_data_path / 'rasters/mwaq_surf.tif',  # Middle Wilcox aquifer (top)
    test_data_path / 'rasters/lwaq_surf.tif',  # Lower Wilcox aquifer (top)
    test_data_path / 'rasters/mdwy_surf.tif',  # Midway confining unit (top)
framework_unit_names = [
    'Undifferentiated sediments\nabove the Vicksburg',
    'Vicksburg-Jackson Group',
    'Upper Claiborne aquifer',
    'Middle Claiborne confining unit',
    'Middle Claiborne aquifer',
    'Lower Claiborne confining unit',
    'Lower Claiborne aquifer',
    'Middle Wilcox aquifer',
    'Lower Wilcox aquifer'

from mapgwm.framework import setup_model_layers, plot_slice

layers, zone_array = setup_model_layers(dem_means_raster,
                                        facies_class_variable='fac_a',  # variable in facies_classes_netcdf with facies zones
                                        model_length_units='meters', output_folder=output_folder,
reading data from ../mapgwm/tests/data/rasters/dem_mean_elevs_1000.tif...
finished in 0.06s
reading data from ../mapgwm/tests/data/rasters/vkbg_surf.tif...
finished in 0.03s
reading data from ../mapgwm/tests/data/rasters/ucaq_surf.tif...
finished in 0.03s
reading data from ../mapgwm/tests/data/rasters/mccu_surf.tif...
finished in 0.03s
reading data from ../mapgwm/tests/data/rasters/mcaq_surf.tif...
finished in 0.03s
reading data from ../mapgwm/tests/data/rasters/lccu_surf.tif...
finished in 0.03s
reading data from ../mapgwm/tests/data/rasters/lcaq_surf.tif...
finished in 0.03s
reading data from ../mapgwm/tests/data/rasters/mwaq_surf.tif...
finished in 0.03s
reading data from ../mapgwm/tests/data/rasters/lwaq_surf.tif...
finished in 0.02s
reading data from ../mapgwm/tests/data/rasters/mdwy_surf.tif...
finished in 0.03s
computing cell thicknesses...
finished in 6.46s

computing cell thicknesses...
finished in 14.16s

wrote output/botm_array/model_top.tif
wrote output/botm_array/botm0.tif
wrote output/botm_array/botm1.tif
wrote output/botm_array/botm2.tif
wrote output/botm_array/botm3.tif
wrote output/botm_array/botm4.tif
wrote output/botm_array/botm5.tif
wrote output/botm_array/botm6.tif
wrote output/botm_array/botm7.tif
wrote output/botm_array/botm8.tif
wrote output/botm_array/botm9.tif
wrote output/botm_array/botm10.tif
wrote output/botm_array/botm11.tif
wrote output/botm_array/botm12.tif
wrote output/botm_array/botm13.tif
wrote output/botm_array/botm14.tif
wrote output/botm_array/botm15.tif
wrote output/botm_array/botm16.tif
wrote output/botm_array/botm17.tif
wrote output/botm_array/botm18.tif
wrote output/botm_array/botm19.tif
wrote output/botm_array/botm20.tif
wrote output/botm_array/botm21.tif
wrote output/botm_array/botm22.tif
wrote output/botm_array/botm23.tif
wrote output/botm_array/botm24.tif
wrote output/botm_array/botm25.tif
wrote output/botm_array/botm26.tif
wrote output/botm_array/botm27.tif
wrote output/botm_array/botm28.tif
wrote output/botm_array/botm29.tif
wrote output/botm_array/botm30.tif
wrote output/zones/rasters/res_fac0.tif
wrote output/zones/rasters/res_fac1.tif
wrote output/zones/rasters/res_fac2.tif
wrote output/zones/rasters/res_fac3.tif
wrote output/zones/rasters/res_fac4.tif
wrote output/zones/rasters/res_fac5.tif
wrote output/zones/rasters/res_fac6.tif
wrote output/zones/rasters/res_fac7.tif
wrote output/zones/rasters/res_fac8.tif
wrote output/zones/rasters/res_fac9.tif
wrote output/zones/rasters/res_fac10.tif
wrote output/zones/rasters/res_fac11.tif
wrote output/zones/rasters/res_fac12.tif
wrote output/zones/rasters/res_fac13.tif
wrote output/zones/rasters/res_fac14.tif
wrote output/zones/rasters/res_fac15.tif
wrote output/zones/rasters/res_fac16.tif
wrote output/zones/rasters/res_fac17.tif
wrote output/zones/rasters/res_fac18.tif
wrote output/zones/rasters/res_fac19.tif
wrote output/zones/rasters/res_fac20.tif
wrote output/zones/rasters/res_fac21.tif
wrote output/zones/rasters/res_fac22.tif
wrote output/zones/rasters/res_fac23.tif

Plot a cross section slice

framework_unit_labels = dict(zip(range(13, 32), framework_unit_names))
plot_slice(layers, property_data=zone_array,
           row=100, column=slice(None),
           voxel_start_layer=0, voxel_zones=np.arange(1, 21), cmap='copper',
           voxel_cmap='viridis', unit_labels=framework_unit_labels)
<AxesSubplot:title={'center':'Row 100'}, xlabel='Column in model', ylabel='Elevation, in meters'>

Preprocess recharge

Chop the SWB source data down to the model area and aggregate daily values to monthly means

from mapgwm.swb import get_monthly_means

data_file = test_data_path / 'swb/'

# output
outputfile = output_folder / ''

# get the monthly means
get_monthly_means(data_file, outfile=outputfile,
                  filter=delta_inset_model_grid.bounds, check_results=True)
using dask...
opening ../mapgwm/tests/data/swb/
culling to bounding box: (434955.0, 1040285.0, 569955.0, 1342785.0)
Aggregating to monthly values...
wrote output/
took 0.18s

checking compressed file
finished in 0.24s

with xr.open_dataset(outputfile) as ds:
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(11, 8.5))
    ds['net_infiltration'].sel(time='2018-08').plot(ax=ax, vmax=ds['net_infiltration'].quantile(0.95))

Preprocess streamflow data for specified inflows to the SFR package

from mapgwm.swflows import preprocess_flows

streamflow_data_file = test_data_path / 'swflows/13Feb2020_rf_output_with_site_numbers.csv'
streamflow_data = pd.read_csv(streamflow_data_file)

# only include flows that are inflows (exclude observations)
include_line_ids = set(streamflow_data.loc[ == 'meras-inflows', 'comid'])

outfile = output_folder / 'processed_inflows.csv'
site_no comid datetime name group X Y predicted_bf predicted_total_flow category
0 07277700 15251676 2007-02-01 HICKAHALA CREEK NR SENATOBIA, MS meras-observations -89.7839 34.6394 82.1099 107.1910 estimated
1 07277700 15251676 2007-03-01 HICKAHALA CREEK NR SENATOBIA, MS meras-observations -89.7839 34.6394 75.3402 85.2905 estimated
2 07277700 15251676 2007-04-01 HICKAHALA CREEK NR SENATOBIA, MS meras-observations -89.7839 34.6394 46.6768 80.6870 estimated
3 07277700 15251676 2007-05-01 HICKAHALA CREEK NR SENATOBIA, MS meras-observations -89.7839 34.6394 41.8452 49.2666 estimated
4 07277700 15251676 2007-06-01 HICKAHALA CREEK NR SENATOBIA, MS meras-observations -89.7839 34.6394 37.1356 47.5411 estimated
data, metadata = preprocess_flows(streamflow_data, flow_data_columns=['predicted_total_flow', 'predicted_bf'],
writing output/processed_inflows_info.shp... Done
writing output/processed_inflows_info.csv
writing output/processed_inflows.csv
site_no line_id datetime predicted_total_flow predicted_bf category
2007-02-01 none 19274790 2007-02-01 5.175779e+06 4.458664e+06 measured
2007-03-01 none 19274790 2007-03-01 2.497954e+06 1.873441e+06 measured
2007-04-01 none 19274790 2007-04-01 3.820059e+06 2.017639e+06 measured
2007-05-01 none 19274790 2007-05-01 2.154971e+06 1.052037e+06 measured
2007-06-01 none 19274790 2007-06-01 1.437397e+06 5.956531e+05 measured
start_dt site_no end_dt n x y line_id name geometry obsprefix group
none 2007-02-01 none 2018-12-01 143 438600.380812 1.105540e+06 19274790 Tensas River POINT (438600.3808115814 1105539.758365622) none fluxes

Preprocess streamflow data for SFR package observations

  • Unlike the inflows, which are referenced by NHDPlus COMID, these all have site numbers

  • Additionally, we want to fill gaps in measured flow data with statistical estimates

  • The data DataFrame outputs have the time series;

  • The metadata DataFrame outputs have site information that can be input to ``modflow-setup`` to set up the observation input for MODFLOW-6.

# only include flows that are inflows (exclude observations)
include_sites = set(streamflow_data.loc[ == 'meras-observations', 'site_no'])

outfile = output_folder / 'processed_flow_obs.csv'

# rename these columns, if present
column_renames = {'predicted_total_flow': 'qtotal_m3d',
                  'predicted_bf': 'qbase_m3d',
                  'qbase_cfs': 'qbase_m3d',
                  'q_cfs': 'qtotal_m3d',
                  'station_nm': 'name'}

preprocess the statistical estimates

est_data, est_metadata = preprocess_flows(streamflow_data, flow_data_columns=['predicted_total_flow', 'predicted_bf'],

reading ../mapgwm/tests/data/extents/ms_delta.shp...
--> building dataframe... (may take a while for large shapefiles)
Culling 7 sites outside of the model area defined by ['../mapgwm/tests/data/extents/ms_delta.shp'].

reading ../mapgwm/tests/data/extents/MAP_generalized_regions.shp...
--> building dataframe... (may take a while for large shapefiles)

reading ../mapgwm/tests/data/extents/CompositeHydrographArea.shp...
--> building dataframe... (may take a while for large shapefiles)
site_no line_id datetime qtotal_m3d qbase_m3d category
2007-02-01 07288847 17929890 2007-02-01 659171.062935 564867.808532 estimated
2007-03-01 07288847 17929890 2007-03-01 316339.771464 278767.710811 estimated
2007-04-01 07288847 17929890 2007-04-01 328301.079306 179244.687481 estimated
2007-05-01 07288847 17929890 2007-05-01 632789.638827 216849.532247 estimated
2007-06-01 07288847 17929890 2007-06-01 250184.368712 130957.604569 estimated
start_dt site_no end_dt n x y line_id name geometry obsprefix group geo_group
07288000 2007-02-01 07288000 2018-12-01 143 496047.363537 1.262247e+06 17951955 Big Sunflower River POINT (496047.3635373298 1262247.29440906) 07288000 fluxes delta
07288280 2007-02-01 07288280 2018-12-01 143 489208.729363 1.239410e+06 17958105 BIG SUNFLOWER RIVER NR MERIGOLD, MS POINT (489208.7293628419 1239410.03140523) 07288280 fluxes delta
07288555 2007-02-01 07288555 2018-12-01 143 509254.529536 1.233598e+06 17958153 QUIVER RIVER SOUTHEAST RULEVILLE, MS POINT (509254.5295362755 1233597.934250077) 07288555 fluxes delta
07288650 2007-02-01 07288650 2018-12-01 143 472484.774612 1.196944e+06 17963095 BOGUE PHALIA NR LELAND, MS POINT (472484.7746117859 1196943.873882911) 07288650 fluxes delta
07288700 2007-02-01 07288700 2018-12-01 143 492594.661169 1.195806e+06 17970237 Big Sunflower River POINT (492594.6611692713 1195806.16802324) 07288700 fluxes delta

preprocess the measured values

nwis_streamflow_data = test_data_path / 'swflows/nwis_dvs.csv'
nwis_streamflow_metadata = test_data_path / 'swflows/nwis_dv_sites.csv'

meas_data, meas_metadata = preprocess_flows(nwis_streamflow_data, nwis_streamflow_metadata,
                                            flow_data_columns=['q_cfs', 'qbase_cfs'],

reading ../mapgwm/tests/data/extents/ms_delta.shp...
--> building dataframe... (may take a while for large shapefiles)
Culling 40 sites outside of the model area defined by ['../mapgwm/tests/data/extents/ms_delta.shp'].

reading ../mapgwm/tests/data/extents/MAP_generalized_regions.shp...
--> building dataframe... (may take a while for large shapefiles)

reading ../mapgwm/tests/data/extents/CompositeHydrographArea.shp...
--> building dataframe... (may take a while for large shapefiles)
site_no datetime qtotal_m3d qbase_m3d category
2008-01-20 07280400 2008-01-20 93459.185840 93459.185840 measured
2008-01-21 07280400 2008-01-21 90278.637631 90278.637631 measured
2008-01-22 07280400 2008-01-22 153155.629151 92176.690939 measured
2008-01-23 07280400 2008-01-23 214809.332899 94114.868086 measured
2008-01-24 07280400 2008-01-24 144347.957187 96093.658387 measured
site_no name site_tp_cd y x coord_meth_cd coord_acy_cd coord_datum_cd dec_coord_datum_cd district_cd ... sv_begin_date sv_end_date sv_count_nu geometry start_dt end_dt n obsprefix group geo_group
07280400 07280400 TILLATOBA CREEK AT CHARLESTON, MS ST 1.231964e+06 543849.348583 G 5 NAD83 NAD83 28 ... 1976-08-18 2015-09-08 132.0 POINT (543849.3485826917 1231964.199194193) 2008-01-20 2009-09-22 612.0 07280400 fluxes delta
07288000 07288000 BIG SUNFLOWER RIVER AT CLARKSDALE, MS ST 1.251190e+06 495901.606421 M F NAD27 NAD83 28 ... 1995-05-18 2020-08-11 29.0 POINT (495901.606420672 1251190.481277433) 2017-10-02 2020-09-20 884.0 07288000 fluxes delta
07288280 07288280 BIG SUNFLOWER RIVER NR MERIGOLD, MS ST 1.209990e+06 489521.298812 G 5 NAD83 NAD83 28 ... 1992-10-06 2020-06-30 266.0 POINT (489521.2988124544 1209990.152655879) 2008-01-08 2020-09-18 4633.0 07288280 fluxes delta
07288650 07288650 BOGUE PHALIA NR LELAND, MS ST 1.160478e+06 475848.051335 G 5 NAD83 NAD83 28 ... 1953-11-10 2020-06-30 233.0 POINT (475848.0513348849 1160478.108369947) 2008-01-08 2020-09-22 4592.0 07288650 fluxes delta
07288700 07288700 BIG SUNFLOWER RIVER NR ANGUILLA, MS ST 1.113472e+06 484902.570251 M M NAD27 NAD83 28 ... 1980-07-23 2011-02-15 35.0 POINT (484902.5702511699 1113472.33857191) NaN NaN NaN 07288700 fluxes delta

5 rows × 47 columns

Combine the measured and estimated observations into one dataset

  • Resample both datasets to a continuous monthly frequency (labeled with the start date of each month)

  • Prioritize measured data when available; fill gaps with statistical estimates

  • Once the model has been run, the observation output from the model can be fed to ``modflow-obs`` along with the combined_obs timeseries (below), to set up ``PEST`` observations, or create observation output to be read by ``PEST``.

from mapgwm.swflows import combine_measured_estimated_values

combined_obs = combine_measured_estimated_values(meas_data, est_data,
                                                 resample_freq='MS', how='mean')
site_no line_id datetime category est_qtotal_m3d est_qbase_m3d meas_qtotal_m3d meas_qbase_m3d obsval
0 07280400 NaN 2008-01-01 measured NaN NaN 2.219044e+05 99816.041527 99816.041527
1 07280400 NaN 2008-02-01 measured NaN NaN 3.343203e+05 130662.640359 130662.640359
2 07280400 NaN 2008-03-01 measured NaN NaN 5.228016e+05 112159.341365 112159.341365
3 07280400 NaN 2008-04-01 measured NaN NaN 1.080310e+06 197271.496485 197271.496485
4 07280400 NaN 2008-05-01 measured NaN NaN 6.351547e+05 165388.483203 165388.483203

plot data for a site of interest

site_no = '07288280'
site_data = combined_obs.loc[combined_obs.site_no == site_no].copy()
site_data.index = site_data.datetime

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(11, 8.5))
ax = site_data[['meas_qtotal_m3d','meas_qbase_m3d']].plot(ax=ax)
ax = site_data[['est_qtotal_m3d','est_qbase_m3d']].plot(alpha=0.3, ax=ax, color=['C0', 'C1'])
site_data.obsval.plot(ax=ax, c='k')
ax.set_title(meas_metadata.loc[site_no, 'name'])
ax.set_ylabel('Flow, in m$^3$/day')
Text(0, 0.5, 'Flow, in m$^3$/day')

Preprocess head observations

Preprocess head observation data, from the visGWDB program * reproject to the model CRS * cull data to a start_date and optionally, a polygon or set of polygons defining the model area * length units are converted to those of the groundwater model. Open intervals for the wells are converted from depths to elevations * missing open intervals are filled based on well bottom depths (if availabile) and the median open interval length for the dataset. * Wells are categorized based on the quality of the open interval information (see the documentation for :func:mapgwm.headobs.fill_well_open_intervals). * Prefixes for observation names (with an optional length limit) that identify the location are generated * Similar to with flux observations, assign preliminary observation groups based on geographic areas defined by the * The data DataFrame outputs have the time series; * The metadata DataFrame outputs have site information that can be input to ``modflow-setup`` to set up the observation input for MODFLOW-6. * Once the model has been run, the observation output from the model can be fed to ``modflow-obs`` along with the data timeseries (below), to set up ``PEST`` observations, or create observation output to be read by ``PEST``.

from mapgwm.headobs import preprocess_headobs, get_data

data_file = test_data_path / 'headobs/GW_monthly_stats1990-01-01_2019-12-31.txt'
metadata_file = test_data_path / 'headobs/GW_monthly_meta1990-01-01_2019-12-31.txt'

# output
outputfile = output_folder / 'preprocessed_monthly_headobs.csv'
# read the data
data_orig, metadata_orig = get_data(data_file, metadata_file)

# do the preprocessing
data, metadata = preprocess_headobs(data_orig, metadata_orig,
                                    head_data_columns=['head', 'last_head'],
                                    source_crs=4269, dest_crs=5070,
starting with 10 unique wells
culling 13 wells with only data prior to start date of 1998-04-01 00:00:00

reading ../mapgwm/tests/data/extents/ms_delta.shp...
--> building dataframe... (may take a while for large shapefiles)
Culling 2 sites outside of the model area defined by ['../mapgwm/tests/data/extents/ms_delta.shp'].
50% of wells (n=4) have incomplete open interval information. Filling screen bottoms with well bottoms where available, and estimating screen tops from median open interval length.
12% of wells (n=1) still missing open interval information; assigned to category 4.

reading ../mapgwm/tests/data/extents/MAP_generalized_regions.shp...
--> building dataframe... (may take a while for large shapefiles)

reading ../mapgwm/tests/data/extents/CompositeHydrographArea.shp...
--> building dataframe... (may take a while for large shapefiles)
writing output/preprocessed_monthly_headobs_info.shp... Done
writing output/preprocessed_monthly_headobs_info.csv
writing output/preprocessed_monthly_headobs.csv
site_no datetime head last_head head_std n obsprefix
4 USGS:332915091025901 2003-07-01 37.185600 37.185600 NaN 1 USGS:332915091025901
5 USGS:333411090482201 2008-03-01 28.096464 28.096464 NaN 1 USGS:333411090482201
6 USGS:333411090482201 2010-03-01 27.736800 27.736800 NaN 1 USGS:333411090482201
7 USGS:333411090482201 2015-03-01 26.560272 26.560272 NaN 1 USGS:333411090482201
8 USGS:333411090482201 2019-03-01 26.484072 26.484072 NaN 1 USGS:333411090482201
head head_std last_head n aqfr_cd nat_aqfr_cd screen_botm screen_top well_depth well_el ... x y geometry well_botm category orig_scbot orig_sctop obsprefix group geo_group
USGS:323340091085201 19.50720 NaN 19.50720 1 112MRVA N100MSRVVL -88.177600 -75.985600 115.0 26.822400 ... 452922.427646 1.065894e+06 POINT (452922.4276462687 1065893.772968342) -88.177600 2 NaN NaN USGS:323340091085201 heads boeuf
USGS:325121091093801 29.87040 NaN 29.87040 1 112MRVA N100MSRVVL -58.605600 -46.413600 90.0 31.394400 ... 450055.327781 1.098664e+06 POINT (450055.3277808698 1098664.367787851) -58.605600 2 NaN NaN USGS:325121091093801 heads boeuf
USGS:332915091025901 37.18560 NaN 37.18560 1 112MRVA N100MSRVVL 6.705600 15.240000 108.0 39.624000 ... 456688.018145 1.169617e+06 POINT (456688.0181453624 1169616.855672613) -68.376000 3 6.7056 15.24 USGS:332915091025901 heads delta
USGS:333411090482201 27.60726 NaN 27.60726 40 112MRVA N100MSRVVL -81.262968 -69.070968 120.0 38.737032 ... 478637.876037 1.179983e+06 POINT (478637.8760365412 1179983.321431023) -81.262968 2 NaN NaN USGS:333411090482201 heads delta
USGS:333633090230701 23.77440 NaN 23.77440 1 112MRVA N100MSRVVL 3.048000 15.240000 115.0 38.100000 ... 517102.401121 1.186603e+06 POINT (517102.4011205511 1186603.416371753) -76.900000 3 3.0480 15.24 USGS:333633090230701 heads delta_cha

5 rows × 25 columns

Preprocess ag. water use from the IWUM

  • read agricultural water use estimates from the Irrigation Water Use Model (IWUM; Wilson, 2020)

  • cull data to the model area

  • convert rates from cumulative volumes per time period to cubic meters per day

  • assign open intervals based on raster surfaces of the estimated production zone for agricultural groundwater use

from mapgwm.iwum import preprocess_iwum_pumping

iwum_output = test_data_path / 'iwum/'
production_zone_top_raster = test_data_path / 'iwum/est_prod_zone_top.tif'
production_zone_botm_raster = test_data_path / 'iwum/est_prod_zone_botm.tif'

outfile = output_folder / 'iwum_m3.csv'
ag_wu = preprocess_iwum_pumping(iwum_output,
reading data from ../mapgwm/tests/data/iwum/est_prod_zone_top.tif...
finished in 0.40s
reading data from ../mapgwm/tests/data/iwum/est_prod_zone_botm.tif...
finished in 0.40s
Reset screen top and bottom to mean elevation at 9 locations where screen top was < screen bottom

reading ../mapgwm/tests/data/extents/ms_delta.shp...
--> building dataframe... (may take a while for large shapefiles)
Culling 14086 sites outside of the model area defined by ['../mapgwm/tests/data/extents/ms_delta.shp'].
wrote output/iwum_m3.csv
site_no x y screen_top screen_botm start_datetime end_datetime q
179 iwum_179 477955.0 1041285.0 14.093952 6.803136 2017-06-01 2017-06-30 -2043.222778
314 iwum_314 476955.0 1042285.0 13.795248 6.400800 2017-06-01 2017-06-30 -2093.868652
315 iwum_315 477955.0 1042285.0 13.722096 6.352032 2017-06-01 2017-06-30 -1526.927734
443 iwum_443 469955.0 1043285.0 11.457432 3.328416 2017-06-01 2017-06-30 -1283.890991
444 iwum_444 470955.0 1043285.0 11.884152 3.947160 2017-06-01 2017-06-30 -1245.565308

Plot average pumping at each location

site_means = ag_wu.groupby('site_no').mean()
ax = site_means.plot(kind='scatter', x='x', y='y', c='q', s=1,
                     cmap='viridis_r', vmin=site_means.q.quantile(0.1))

Preprocess non-ag. water use

Including data from * the USGS Site-Specific Water Use Database (SWUDS) * USGS data on water use for thermo-electric power generation

SWUDs data

  • SWUDs data are assumed to come in an Excel spreadsheet, that may have incomplete information on well screen intervals

  • similar to other preprocessing methods, the data are reprojected and optionally culled to an area of interest

  • if input data do not have information on the well screen intervals, screen tops and bottoms are sampled from raster surfaces bounding estimated production zones; well depth is used to discriminate between zones

  • data are resampled to continous monthly values between a specified start and end date- typically bracketing the time range that the pumping should be simulated in the model

from mapgwm.swuds import preprocess_swuds

swuds_input = test_data_path / 'swuds/withdrawals_test_dataset.xlsx'
worksheet = 'LMG-withdrawals-2000-2018'
outfile = output_folder / 'preprocessed_swuds_data.csv'

dem = test_data_path / 'rasters/dem_mean_elevs.tif'

# raster defining the tops and bottoms of non-agricultural public supply production intervals
# from Knierem
production_zones = {'mrva': (test_data_path / 'swuds/rasters/pz_MRVA_top.tif',
                             test_data_path / 'swuds/rasters/pz_MRVA_bot.tif',
                    'mcaq': (test_data_path / 'swuds/rasters/pz_MCAQP_top.tif',
                             test_data_path / 'swuds/rasters/pz_MCAQP_bot.tif',
                    'lcaq': (test_data_path / 'swuds/rasters/pz_LCAQP_top.tif',
                             test_data_path / 'swuds/rasters/pz_LCAQP_bot.tif')
swuds_results = preprocess_swuds(swuds_input, worksheet,
                                 dem=dem, dem_units='feet',
                                 active_area=test_data_path / 'extents/ms_delta.shp',

reading ../mapgwm/tests/data/extents/ms_delta.shp...
--> building dataframe... (may take a while for large shapefiles)
Culling 831 sites outside of the model area defined by ['../mapgwm/tests/data/extents/ms_delta.shp'].
reading data from ../mapgwm/tests/data/rasters/dem_mean_elevs.tif...
finished in 0.26s
reading data from ../mapgwm/tests/data/swuds/rasters/pz_MRVA_top.tif...
finished in 0.01s
reading data from ../mapgwm/tests/data/swuds/rasters/pz_MRVA_bot.tif...
finished in 0.01s
reading data from ../mapgwm/tests/data/swuds/rasters/pz_MCAQP_top.tif...
finished in 0.01s
reading data from ../mapgwm/tests/data/swuds/rasters/pz_MCAQP_bot.tif...
finished in 0.01s
reading data from ../mapgwm/tests/data/swuds/rasters/pz_LCAQP_top.tif...
finished in 0.01s
reading data from ../mapgwm/tests/data/swuds/rasters/pz_LCAQP_bot.tif...
finished in 0.01s
processed SWUDS data written to output/preprocessed_swuds_data.csv and in dataframe attribute
writing output/preprocessed_swuds_data.shp... Done

A mapgwm.swuds.Swuds object is returned, which has a dataframe attribute:

site_no q q_monthly month well_elev depth screen_bot screen_top x y start_datetime geometry
2010-01-01 322431090530201 20895.471597 5.52 JAN_VAL 85.0 37.1856 47.8144 67.8144 478430.626345 1.050261e+06 2010-01-01 POINT (478430.6263445358 1050260.766381889)
2010-02-01 322431090530201 20895.471597 5.52 FEB_VAL 85.0 37.1856 47.8144 67.8144 478430.626345 1.050261e+06 2010-02-01 POINT (478430.6263445358 1050260.766381889)
2010-03-01 322431090530201 20895.471597 5.52 MAR_VAL 85.0 37.1856 47.8144 67.8144 478430.626345 1.050261e+06 2010-03-01 POINT (478430.6263445358 1050260.766381889)
2010-04-01 322431090530201 20895.471597 5.52 APR_VAL 85.0 37.1856 47.8144 67.8144 478430.626345 1.050261e+06 2010-04-01 POINT (478430.6263445358 1050260.766381889)
2010-05-01 322431090530201 20895.471597 5.52 MAY_VAL 85.0 37.1856 47.8144 67.8144 478430.626345 1.050261e+06 2010-05-01 POINT (478430.6263445358 1050260.766381889)

Water use for thermoelectric power generation

  • similar to the SWUDs data, data for water use related to TE power generation are assumed to come in a spreadsheet

  • however, the column names might different between different datasets.

  • therefore, the first step is to read in the data using a function that harmonizes the column names, and then combine the data using DataFrame.append():

from mapgwm.te_wateruse import read_te_water_use_spreadsheet, preprocess_te_wateruse

df2010 = read_te_water_use_spreadsheet(test_data_path / 'swuds/2010_Thermo_Model_Estimates.xlsx',
                                       x_coord_col='Longitude, decimal degrees',
                                       y_coord_col='Latitude, decimal degrees',
                                       q_col='USGS-Estimated Annual Withdrawal (Mgal/d)',
                                       site_no_col='PLANT CODE',
                                       site_name_col='PLANT NAME',
                                       source_name_col='NAME OF WATER SOURCE',
                                       source_code_col='USGS WATER SOURCE CODE',
                                       sheet_name='Report_table_UPDATED', skiprows=2)

df2015 = read_te_water_use_spreadsheet(test_data_path / 'swuds/2015_TE_Model_Estimates_lat.long_COMIDs.xlsx',
                                   sheet_name='2015_ANNUAL_WD_CU', skiprows=0)
df = df2010.append(df2015)

We can then run the data through a similar function to that used for SWUDs:

outfile = output_folder / 'preprocessed_te_data.csv'

estimated_production_zone_top = test_data_path / 'swuds/rasters/pz_MCAQP_top.tif'
estimated_production_zone_botm = test_data_path / 'swuds/rasters/pz_MCAQP_bot.tif'

te_results = preprocess_te_wateruse(df, #dem=dem, dem_units='feet',
                                    active_area=test_data_path /'extents/ms_delta.shp',

reading ../mapgwm/tests/data/extents/ms_delta.shp...
--> building dataframe... (may take a while for large shapefiles)
Culling 405 sites outside of the model area defined by ['../mapgwm/tests/data/extents/ms_delta.shp'].
reading data from ../mapgwm/tests/data/swuds/rasters/pz_MCAQP_top.tif...
finished in 0.17s
reading data from ../mapgwm/tests/data/swuds/rasters/pz_MCAQP_bot.tif...
finished in 0.16s
wrote output/preprocessed_te_data.csv
writing output/preprocessed_te_data.shp... Done
site_no start_datetime x y screen_top screen_botm q geometry source_name site_name
2008-01-01 2059 2008-01-01 497139.150871 1.249816e+06 -147.409514 -162.649514 0.0 POINT (497139.1508711056 1249816.468462982) Wells L L Wilkins
2008-02-01 2059 2008-02-01 497139.150871 1.249816e+06 -147.409514 -162.649514 0.0 POINT (497139.1508711056 1249816.468462982) Wells L L Wilkins
2008-03-01 2059 2008-03-01 497139.150871 1.249816e+06 -147.409514 -162.649514 0.0 POINT (497139.1508711056 1249816.468462982) Wells L L Wilkins
2008-04-01 2059 2008-04-01 497139.150871 1.249816e+06 -147.409514 -162.649514 0.0 POINT (497139.1508711056 1249816.468462982) Wells L L Wilkins
2008-05-01 2059 2008-05-01 497139.150871 1.249816e+06 -147.409514 -162.649514 0.0 POINT (497139.1508711056 1249816.468462982) Wells L L Wilkins

Plot the locations of SWUDs and TE water use

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(11, 8.5))
ax = swuds_results.df.plot.scatter(x='x', y='y', c='q_monthly',
                                   norm=mpl.colors.LogNorm(), ax=ax)
te_results.plot.scatter(x='x', y='y', c='r', ax=ax, label='TE sites')
cax = fig.get_axes()[1]
#and we can modify it, i.e.:
cax.set_ylabel('Pumpage, in m$^3$/day')
Text(0, 0.5, 'Pumpage, in m$^3$/day')