Source code for mapgwm.headobs

Code for preprocessing head observation data.
import collections
import os
from pathlib import Path
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from shapely.geometry import Point, MultiPolygon
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from gisutils import shp2df, df2shp, project, get_values_at_points
from mfsetup.obs import make_obsname
from mfsetup.units import convert_length_units
from mapgwm.lookups import aq_codes_dict, gwlevels_col_renames
from mapgwm.utils import makedirs, assign_geographic_obsgroups, cull_data_to_active_area

[docs]def get_header_length(sitefile, col0='SITE_BADGE'): """Detect the number of rows to skip when reading a tabular file with '#' head comments. """ with open(sitefile) as src: for i, line in enumerate(src): if '#' not in str(line) and col0 in str(line): return i
[docs]def read_metadata(metadata_files, column_renames=None, aquifer_names=None, metadata_kwargs={}): """Read groundwater level metadata output from the `visGWDB program <>`_. Parameters ---------- metadata_files : str Text file with groundwater level metadata. Expected to have the following columns, or their renames. See the :ref:`Head Observation Input` for more details. (NAME: rename): .. literalinclude:: ../../../mapgwm/lookups/gwlevels_column_renames.yml :language: yaml :start-after: # metadata column aquifer_names : dict, optional Option to explicitly specify regional aquifer names associated with local aquifer codes. Example:: aquifer_names={'124SPT': 'middle clairborne'} by default None, in which case the names listed in the :ref:`Regional Aquifer Code Names` lookup are used. column_renames : dict, optional Option to rename columns in the data or metadata that are different than those listed above. For example, if the data file has a 'SITE_NO' column instead of 'SITE_BADGE':: column_renames={'SITE_NO': 'site_no'} by default None, in which case the renames listed above will be used. Note that the renames must be the same as those listed above for :func:`mapgwm.headobs.preprocess_headobs` to work. metadata_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments to :func:`pandas.read_csv` for reading ``metadata_files``, by default None Returns ------- metadata : DataFrame Head observation metadata, e.g. for input to func:`mapgwm.headobs.preprocess_headobs` Key columns: ================= ========================================================================== site_no (index) site identifier aqfr_cd Local aquifer code nat_aqfr_cd National aquifer code screen_botm Well screen bottom, as a depth below land surface, in feet screen_top Well screen top, as a depth below land surface, in feet well_depth Well depth, in feet well_el Altitude of land surface, in feet local_aquifer Local aquifer name corresponding to aqfr_cd, see :ref:`Aquifer Code Names` regional_aquifer Lumped regional aquifer, see :ref:`Regional Aquifer Code Names` ================= ========================================================================== """ # update the default column renames # with any supplied via column_renames parameter col_renames = gwlevels_col_renames.copy() if isinstance(column_renames, collections.Mapping): col_renames.update(column_renames) # read in the metadata dflist = [] if isinstance(metadata_files, str) or isinstance(metadata_files, Path): # allows list of paths or single path metadata_files = [metadata_files] # default columns to read, unless 'usecols' is specified in the metadata kwargs metadata_usecols = [ 'SITE_BADGE', 'WELL_DEPTH_VA', 'OPEN_TOP_VA', 'OPEN_BOTTOM_VA', 'AQFR_CD', 'NAT_AQFR_CD', 'ALT_VA' ] if 'usecols' in metadata_kwargs: metadata_usecols = metadata_kwargs.pop('usecols') for f in metadata_files: metadata_skiprows = get_header_length(f) df = pd.read_csv(f, usecols=metadata_usecols, sep='\t', skiprows=metadata_skiprows) df.rename(columns=col_renames, inplace=True) df.set_index('site_no', inplace=True) df.columns = df.columns.str.lower() dflist.append(df) metadata = pd.concat(dflist, sort=True) # create aquifer column in metadata regional_aquifer_codes = aq_codes_dict['regional_aquifer'].copy() if isinstance(aquifer_names, collections.Mapping): regional_aquifer_codes.update(aquifer_names) metadata['local_aquifer'] = [aq_codes_dict['aquifer_code_names'].get(cd, 'unspecified') for cd in metadata.aqfr_cd] metadata['regional_aquifer'] = [regional_aquifer_codes.get(cd, 'unspecified') for cd in metadata.aqfr_cd] unspec_rows, _ = np.where(metadata[['local_aquifer', 'regional_aquifer']] == 'unspecified') if any(unspec_rows): codes_without_names = set(metadata['aqfr_cd'].iloc[unspec_rows]) warnings.warn(('No aquifer names found for aquifer codes:\n{}\n' 'Please add them to mapgwm/lookups/aquifer_codes.yml, ' 'or specify them with the aquifer_names argument'.format(codes_without_names))) return metadata
[docs]def get_data(data_file, metadata_files, aquifer_names=None, column_renames=None, data_kwargs={}, metadata_kwargs={}): """Read groundwater level data output from the `visGWDB program <>`_. Parameters ---------- data_file : str Text file with groundwater level time series. Expected to have the following columns, or their renames. See the :ref:`Head Observation Input` for more details. (NAME: rename): .. literalinclude:: ../../../mapgwm/lookups/gwlevels_column_renames.yml :language: yaml :start-after: # data columns :end-before: # metadata column metadata_files : str Text file with groundwater level metadata. Expected to have the following columns, or their renames. See the :ref:`Head Observation Input` for more details. (NAME: rename): .. literalinclude:: ../../../mapgwm/lookups/gwlevels_column_renames.yml :language: yaml :start-after: # metadata column aquifer_names : dict, optional Option to explicitly specify regional aquifer names associated with local aquifer codes. Example:: aquifer_names={'124SPT': 'middle clairborne'} by default None, in which case the names listed in the :ref:`Regional Aquifer Code Names` lookup are used. column_renames : dict, optional Option to rename columns in the data or metadata that are different than those listed above. For example, if the data file has a 'SITE_NO' column instead of 'SITE_BADGE':: column_renames={'SITE_NO': 'site_no'} by default None, in which case the renames listed above will be used. Note that the renames must be the same as those listed above for :func:`mapgwm.headobs.preprocess_headobs` to work. data_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments to :func:`pandas.read_csv` for reading ``data_file``, by default None metadata_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments to :func:`pandas.read_csv` for reading ``metadata_files``, by default None Returns ------- data : DataFrame Head observation timeseries, e.g. for input to func:`mapgwm.headobs.preprocess_headobs` Key columns: ========= ================================================================ site_no site identifier lat lattitude lon longitude datetime measurement dates in pandas datetime format head average head for the period represented by the datetime last_head last head measurement for the period represented by the datetime head_std standard deviation of measured heads within the datetime period n number of measured heads within the period represented ========= ================================================================ metadata : DataFrame Head observation metadata, e.g. for input to func:`mapgwm.headobs.preprocess_headobs` Key columns: ================= ========================================================================== site_no (index) site identifier aqfr_cd Local aquifer code nat_aqfr_cd National aquifer code screen_botm Well screen bottom, as a depth below land surface, in feet screen_top Well screen top, as a depth below land surface, in feet well_depth Well depth, in feet well_el Altitude of land surface, in feet local_aquifer Local aquifer name corresponding to aqfr_cd, see :ref:`Aquifer Code Names` regional_aquifer Lumped regional aquifer, see :ref:`Regional Aquifer Code Names` ================= ========================================================================== """ # update the default column renames # with any supplied via column_renames parameter col_renames = gwlevels_col_renames.copy() if isinstance(column_renames, collections.Mapping): col_renames.update(column_renames) data_skiprows = get_header_length(data_file) data = pd.read_csv(data_file, sep='\t', skiprows=data_skiprows, **data_kwargs) data.rename(columns=col_renames, inplace=True) data.columns = data.columns.str.lower() if 'datetime' not in data.columns: datetimes = ['{}-{:02d}'.format(year, month) for year, month in zip(data.year, data.month)] data['datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(datetimes) else: data['datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(data['datetime']) # read in the metadata metadata = read_metadata(metadata_files, column_renames=col_renames, aquifer_names=aquifer_names, metadata_kwargs=metadata_kwargs) return data, metadata
[docs]def preprocess_headobs(data, metadata, head_data_columns=['head', 'last_head', 'head_std'], dem=None, dem_units='meters', start_date='1998-04-01', active_area=None, active_area_id_column=None, active_area_feature_id=None, source_crs=4269, dest_crs=5070, data_length_units='meters', model_length_units='meters', geographic_groups=None, geographic_groups_col=None, max_obsname_len=None, outfile='../source_data/observations/head_obs/preprocessed_head_obs.csv'): """Preprocess head observation data, for example, groundwater level data output from the `visGWDB program <>`_. * Data are reprojected from a `source_crs` (Coordinate reference system; assumed to be in geographic coordinates) to the CRS of the model (`dest_crs`) * Data are culled to a `start_date` and optionally, a polygon or set of polygons defining the model area * length units are converted to those of the groundwater model. Open intervals for the wells are converted from depths to elevations * missing open intervals are filled based on well bottom depths (if availabile) and the median open interval length for the dataset. * Wells are categorized based on the quality of the open interval information (see the documentation for :func:`mapgwm.headobs.fill_well_open_intervals`). * Prefixes for observation names (with an optional length limit) that identify the location are generated * Preliminary observation groups can also be assigned, based on geographic areas defined by polygons (`aoi` parameter) Parameters ---------- data : DataFrame Head observation data, e.g. as output from :func:`mapgwm.headobs.get_data`. Columns: ========= ================================================================ site_no site identifier lat lattitude lon longitude datetime measurement dates in pandas datetime format head average head for the period represented by the datetime last_head last head measurement for the period represented by the datetime head_std standard deviation of measured heads within the datetime period ========= ================================================================ Notes: * lat and lon columns can alternatively be in the metadata table * `last_head` and `head_std` only need to be included if they are in `head_data_columns` metadata : DataFrame Head observation data, e.g. as output from :func:`mapgwm.headobs.get_data`. Must have the following columns: ================= ========================================================================== site_no (index) site identifier aqfr_cd Local aquifer code screen_botm Well screen bottom, as a depth below land surface, in feet screen_top Well screen top, as a depth below land surface, in feet well_depth Well depth, in feet well_el Altitude of land surface, in feet ================= ========================================================================== head_data_columns : list of strings Columns in data with head values or their statistics. By default, 'head', 'last_head', 'head_std', which allows both the average and last head values for the stress period to be considered, as well as the variability of water levels contributing to an average value. dem : str, optional DEM raster of the land surface. Used for estimating missing wellhead elevations. Any reprojection to dest_crs is handled automatically, assuming the DEM raster has CRS information embedded (arc-ascii grids do not!) By default, None. dem_units : str, {'feet', 'meters', ..} Units of DEM elevations, by default, 'meters' start_date : str (YYYY-mm-dd) Simulation start date (cull observations before this date) active_area : str Shapefile with polygon to cull observations to. Automatically reprojected to dest_crs if the shapefile includes a .prj file. by default, None. active_area_id_column : str, optional Column in active_area with feature ids. By default, None, in which case all features are used. active_area_feature_id : str, optional ID of feature to use for active area By default, None, in which case all features are used. source_crs : obj Coordinate reference system of the head observation locations. A Python int, dict, str, or :class:`` instance passed to :meth:`` Can be any of: - PROJ string - Dictionary of PROJ parameters - PROJ keyword arguments for parameters - JSON string with PROJ parameters - CRS WKT string - An authority string [i.e. 'epsg:4326'] - An EPSG integer code [i.e. 4326] - A tuple of ("auth_name": "auth_code") [i.e ('epsg', '4326')] - An object with a `to_wkt` method. - A :class:`` class By default, epsg:4269 dest_crs : obj Coordinate reference system of the model. Same input types as ``source_crs``. By default, epsg:5070 data_length_units : str; 'meters', 'feet', etc. Length units of head observations. model_length_units : str; 'meters', 'feet', etc. Length units of model. geographic_groups : file, dict or list-like Option to group observations by area(s) of interest. Can be a shapefile, list of shapefiles, or dictionary of shapely polygons. A 'group' column will be created in the metadata, and observation sites within each polygon will be assigned the group name associated with that polygon. For example:: geographic_groups='../source_data/extents/CompositeHydrographArea.shp' geographic_groups=['../source_data/extents/CompositeHydrographArea.shp'] geographic_groups={'cha': <shapely Polygon>} Where 'cha' is an observation group name for observations located within the the area defined by CompositeHydrographArea.shp. For shapefiles, group names are provided in a `geographic_groups_col`. geographic_groups_col : str Field name in the `geographic_groups` shapefile(s) containing the observation group names associated with each polygon. max_obsname_len : int or None Maximum length for observation name prefix. Default of 13 allows for a PEST obsnme of 20 characters or less with <prefix>_yyyydd or <prefix>_<per>d<per> (e.g. <prefix>_2d1 for a difference between stress periods 2 and 1) If None, observation names will not be truncated. PEST++ does not have a limit on observation name length. outfile : str Where output file will be written. Metadata are written to a file with the same name, with an additional "_info" suffix prior to the file extension. Returns ------- df : DataFrame Preprocessed time series well_info : DataFrame Preprocessed metadata References ---------- `The PEST++ Manual <>` """ df = data.copy() # multiplier to convert input length units to model units unit_conversion = convert_length_units(data_length_units, model_length_units) # outputs out_plot = None if outfile is not None: outpath, filename = os.path.split(outfile) makedirs(outpath) outname, ext = os.path.splitext(outfile) out_info_csvfile = outname + '_info.csv' out_data_csvfile = outfile out_plot = os.path.join(outpath, 'open_interval_lengths.pdf') out_shapefile = outname + '_info.shp' # set the starting and ending dates here stdate = pd.Timestamp(start_date) # convert to datetime; drop the timestamps df['datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(df.datetime).dt.normalize() # trim to the time range n_measurements = len(data) n_sites = len(set(data.site_no)) print(f'starting with {n_measurements:,d} measurements at {n_sites:,d} unique wells') no_data_in_period = df.datetime < stdate if np.any(no_data_in_period): in_period = df.datetime >= stdate n_sites_before = len(set(df.loc[no_data_in_period, 'site_no']).difference(set(df.loc[in_period, 'site_no']))) print((f'culling {in_period.sum():,d} measurements from {n_sites_before:,d} ' f'sites that are prior to start date of {start_date}')) df = df.loc[in_period] # collapse dataset to mean values at each site groups = df.groupby('site_no') well_info = groups.mean().copy() well_info = well_info.join(metadata, rsuffix='_meta') well_info['start_dt'] = groups.datetime.min() well_info['end_dt'] = groups.datetime.max() well_info.drop(labels=['year', 'month'], axis=1, inplace=True) well_info['site_no'] = well_info.index well_info['n'] = groups.datetime.count() # project x, y to model crs x_pr, y_pr = project((well_info.lon.values,, source_crs, dest_crs) well_info.drop(['lon', 'lat'], axis=1, inplace=True) well_info['x'], well_info['y'] = x_pr, y_pr well_info['geometry'] = [Point(x, y) for x, y in zip(x_pr, y_pr)] # cull data to that within the model area if active_area is not None: df, md = cull_data_to_active_area(df, active_area, active_area_id_column, active_area_feature_id, data_crs=dest_crs, metadata=well_info) # convert length units; convert screen tops and botms to depths missing_elevations = well_info.well_el.isna() if dem is not None and np.any(missing_elevations): well_location_elevations = get_values_at_points(dem, well_info['x'], well_info['y'], points_crs=dest_crs) well_location_elevations *= convert_length_units(dem_units, model_length_units) well_info.loc[missing_elevations, 'well_el'] = well_location_elevations[missing_elevations] length_columns = ['well_el'] + head_data_columns + ['screen_top', 'screen_botm'] for col in length_columns: if col in well_info.columns: well_info[col] *= unit_conversion well_info['well_botm'] = well_info['well_el'] - well_info['well_depth'] well_info['screen_top'] = well_info['well_el'] - well_info['screen_top'] well_info['screen_botm'] = well_info['well_el'] - well_info['screen_botm'] # just the data, site numbers, times and aquifer head_data_columns = head_data_columns + ['head_std'] transient_cols = ['site_no', 'datetime'] + head_data_columns + ['n'] transient_cols = [c for c in transient_cols if c in df.columns] df = df[transient_cols].copy() for c in head_data_columns: if c in df.columns: df[c] *= unit_conversion # #### trim down to only well_info with both estimated water levels and standard deviation # monthly measured levels may not have standard deviation # (as opposed to monthly statistical estimates) criteria = pd.notnull(well_info['head']) #if 'head_std' in df.columns: # criteria = criteria & pd.notnull(well_info['head_std']) well_info = well_info[criteria] # verify that all well_info have a wellhead elevation assert not np.any(np.isnan(well_info.well_el)) # categorize wells based on quality of open interval information # estimate missing open intervals where possible well_info = fill_well_open_intervals(well_info, out_plot=out_plot) # drop well_info with negative reported open interval #well_info = well_info.loc[open_interval_length > 0] # cull data to well_info in well info table has_metadata = df.site_no.isin(well_info.index) if np.any(~has_metadata): warnings.warn('culling {} wells not found in metadata table!' .format(np.sum(~has_metadata))) df = df.loc[has_metadata].copy() # make unique n-character prefixes (site identifiers) for each observation location # 13 character length allows for prefix_yyyymmm in 20 character observation names # (BeoPEST limit) unique_obsnames = set() obsnames = [] for sn in well_info.index.tolist(): if max_obsname_len is not None: name = make_obsname(sn, unique_names=unique_obsnames, maxlen=max_obsname_len) assert name not in unique_obsnames else: name = sn unique_obsnames.add(name) obsnames.append(name) well_info['obsprefix'] = obsnames obsprefix = dict(zip(well_info.index, well_info.obsprefix)) df['obsprefix'] = [obsprefix[sn] for sn in df.site_no] # add area of interest information well_info['group'] = 'heads' well_info = assign_geographic_obsgroups(well_info, geographic_groups, geographic_groups_col, metadata_crs=dest_crs) # save out the results if outfile is not None: df2shp(well_info.drop(['x', 'y'], axis=1), out_shapefile, index=False, crs=dest_crs) print('writing {}'.format(out_info_csvfile)) well_info.drop('geometry', axis=1).to_csv(out_info_csvfile, index=False, float_format='%.2f') print('writing {}'.format(out_data_csvfile)) df.to_csv(out_data_csvfile, index=False, float_format='%.2f') return df, well_info
[docs]def fill_well_open_intervals(well_info, out_plot='open_interval_lengths.pdf'): """Many or most of the well_info output from `visGWDB <>` may not have complete open interval information. A much greater proportion may have depth information. Use reported well depths and a computed median open interval length to estimate a screen top and bottom where available. Categorize well_info based on the quality of open interval information: 1) top and bottom elevations included 2) only bottom (median open interval length of 40 ft. used for top) 3) bottom and well depth are inconsistent 4) neither top or bottom are known Parameters ---------- well_info : DataFrame Metadata from :func:`~mapgwm.headobs.preprocess_headobs` Columns (all lengths in model units): =========== ==================================== screen_top open interval top elevation screen_botm open interval bottom elevation well_botm well bottom elevation =========== ==================================== Returns ------- well_info : DataFrame Metadata from :func:`~mapgwm.headobs.preprocess_headobs`, with additional screen top and bottom estimates and category column with above categories. """ is_incomplete = well_info['screen_top'].isna() | well_info['screen_botm'].isna() print(('{:.0%} of wells (n={}) have incomplete open interval information. ' 'Filling screen bottoms with well bottoms where available, ' 'and estimating screen tops from median open interval length.' .format(is_incomplete.sum()/len(well_info), is_incomplete.sum()))) # populate a well bottom column from well depth or open bottom field(s) bottom_known = ~np.isnan(well_info['well_botm']) | ~np.isnan(well_info['screen_botm']) well_info['botm'] = well_info['screen_botm'].values # only use well depth where there isn't a screen botm botm_from_well_depth = np.isnan(well_info['botm']) & bottom_known well_info.loc[botm_from_well_depth, 'botm'] = well_info.loc[botm_from_well_depth, 'well_botm'] # label indicating what is known about open interval # 1) top and bottom elevations included # 2) only bottom (use median open interval length of 40 ft. for top) # 3) bottom and well depth are inconsistent # 4) neither top or bottom are known well_info['category'] = 4 cd2 = bottom_known & np.isnan(well_info['screen_top']) cd1 = bottom_known & ~np.isnan(well_info['screen_top']) well_info.loc[cd2, 'category'] = 2 well_info.loc[cd1, 'category'] = 1 # identify well_info where well depth and open interval bottom are different tol = 1 inds = ~np.isnan(well_info['well_botm']) & ~np.isnan(well_info['screen_botm']) isdifferent = np.abs(well_info.loc[inds, 'well_botm'] - well_info.loc[inds, 'screen_botm']) > tol well_info.loc[inds & isdifferent, 'category'] = 3 # group 1 well_info have known tops and bottoms well_info['top'] = well_info['screen_top'].values # assign group 2 tops using median open interval length # these well_info only have well_depth values # make a histogram of open interval length open_interval_length = well_info['screen_top'] - well_info['screen_botm'] if out_plot is not None: ax = open_interval_length.hist(bins=100) ax.set_xlabel('Well open interval length, in feet') ax.set_ylabel('Count') ax.text(.3, .7, 'median: {:.0f}\nmean: {:.0f}\nmax: {:.0f}\nmin: {:.0f}'.format(open_interval_length.median(), open_interval_length.mean(), open_interval_length.max(), open_interval_length.min() ), transform=ax.transAxes) plt.savefig(out_plot) plt.close() median = open_interval_length.median() ind = well_info.category == 2 well_info.loc[ind, 'top'] = well_info.loc[ind, 'well_botm'] + median well_info.loc[ind, 'botm'] = well_info.loc[ind, 'well_botm'] # verify that the assigned top and bottom depths are consistent with # original columns diff = (well_info.botm - well_info.screen_botm).abs() diff2 = (well_info.botm - well_info.well_botm).abs() ind = ~np.isnan(well_info.screen_botm) ind2 = ~np.isnan(well_info.well_depth) assert diff[ind].sum() == 0 # verify that assigned botms are at most tol feet different # from well depth values #assert diff2[ind].max() <= tol # replace the original screen top/botm columns with filled versions # maintain original values for checking well_info['orig_scbot'] = well_info['screen_botm'] well_info['orig_sctop'] = well_info['screen_top'] well_info['screen_botm'] = well_info['botm'] well_info['screen_top'] = well_info['top'] well_info.drop(labels=['botm', 'top'], axis=1, inplace=True) is_incomplete = well_info['screen_top'].isna() | well_info['screen_botm'].isna() print('{:.0%} of wells (n={}) still missing open interval information; ' 'assigned to category 4.'.format(is_incomplete.sum()/len(well_info), is_incomplete.sum())) # any wells still missing information should be in the fourth category assert set(well_info.loc[is_incomplete, 'category']).union({4}) == {4} == {4} return well_info